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Everything posted by Badger

  1. Aye, I'll man yer guns, or drink wi' ye, an' if'n ye needs a hole tae hide in, well, I can dig ye one right quick! It'll be a badger-hole, not a 'foxhole', an' thats a serious improvement!
  2. A lot o' very good points throughout this topic... Speakin' as a "graybeard" (I've been doin' a period-accurate, late 10th century hiberno-norse jarl fer upwards of a decade, now) who is also a relative newby ta pirate fun, I will say that I agree that it be imperative to encourage us 'greenies' ta higher efforts, gently point out our mistakes (most o' us BURN tae be correct), an' not attack us fer our faults. Speakin' only fer myself, I know that I am always fascinated to learn o' any way I can improve my period accuracy, an' am always workin' ta' do so. At the same time, I am there to have fun, an' jerks who RIP you are not it. I have numerous friends who I have tried to bring in to the 'renculture' who were daunted an' driven off by this attitude. That being said, I agree completely that there be a huge difference between 'living history' an' 'funfaires', an' would not show up 'dressed', all half-baked as I am, to a historical. It sounds tae me as if all o' ye MOSTLY agree on these things, or slight variences o' them, which is one of many reasons I think I am going ta' love this 'site. Props ta the folk o' the Ojai 'faire, they have th' LOWEST proportion o' jerks an' 'faire-nazi's' I have encountered yet. Not tae disrespect ye other fine folks I hae not yet met!
  3. Badger


    Aye, sure an' ye be right welcome, fellow ship's rat! Squeak!
  4. Good luck. You go, lass!
  5. Badger


    Callenish, you an' me both, man. I was that same size, 5'-11", 210#..., before I was 14! (I am the same size now...plus oh, 90# or so). This got me chosen as the target of opportunity for a number of wanna-be bullies, along with my "outsider" status. I played football thru Jr. high, but was also bookish, and not a 'cliquer'. Quit in highschool over the abuse the team was giving to the "band-f@*s" (their term), and other small folk. I cant stand bullies. Got in a LOT of fights, but the only two in which I threw the first punch were a couple of times they hurt someone smaller in my presence. And I warned 'em, first. Never started one, never used my fists until they actually hit me. Never quit. (Although there were a couple you could'nt say I won...! ) Never had to fight with the same one twice...Man, I wish all y'all outsiders an' I could have gotten together back when. What fun we would have had! I think that cliqueishness, peer pressure, and raging young homones are most of the reasons for bullying. Add in bad parenting, trying to figure out status, and a dollop of sheer meanness in a few, and there we are. Hey, happiness we are now adults, and get ta be pirate kids an' have REAL fun!
  6. Aye, but I (hey, thats 'aye I', sir!) have many good memories o' trampin' an' diggin' around (badger!) Franklin, N.C. area in my youth an'teens. Born (an' granparents lived) in Toccoa, so yer state was my fondest neighbor. Ol' rockhound. Lovely country! Yer practically my 'homye', lad!
  7. Some have called me a "numb-skull" (and most of them ahrr dead!).... do that count?
  8. Ah, ye be right kind tae an old Badger. Unless they ship me off tae fiddlers green unexpected-like, I'll be around ferever where ye can gets yer hands on me at Escondido, Southern Faire, an' Ojai every year. If'n I fail, ye may have me whipstaffed or keelhauled at yer leisure. NOT that I would ever abuse the trust ye are showin' me, in any case. Fergive my greenasgrass bilge-rat iggerance, but how do I "PM" you? I left me address on yer profile comments, Rumba Rue, so I'm out there on th' mainyard, dancin' in the wind. (shuffleshuffleTRIPfake..grin)
  9. Thank'ee, Iron Bess. Now I knows. My loins be girded....comin' at ye all! Out cutlasses an' prepare ta' be boarded..., an' swamped! Mostly just kiddin', I will try not tae be annoyin'! My ambition be tae be a "deck swabber" right quick-like, though!
  10. So, what be the criteria fer decidin' what yer crew status is? I am a newbie on this island, and that no doubt qualifies me as lowlife . An that be right an' proper. (The very fact that I have to ASK this question no doubt confirms my bilge-rattiness indeed!). What leads me tae ask, is that I see in some cases, folks who been h'yar fer YEARS, an' are still squeakin' in ratliness. So, is it number o' posts? Known pirate accomplishments? A vote by committee? Badgers EAT rats, an' I'm lookin' tae know that my time as one will someday end. Otherwise, someone is gettin' keelhauled!
  11. I'm in, too, if'n ye'll have a lowly bilge-rat-errr-FEARSOME BADGER in yer gifty thing!
  12. Aha! There be more Badgers about.... look to yer rum an' yer plunder, we be diggin' in ta stay! I salute ye, brotheren! By the bye, Rumba Rue, sure an' away the Escondido Faire be our next target o' kecker an' muskin'. Hope tae see ye there!
  13. 'Allo, all! We've just dropped anchor amongst ye a few days ago, an' hav'nt said a thing to ye'all. Not antisocial (fer pir->ahem< buccaneers ), just been 'under the weather' fer a few days, an' takin' care o' a sick matey (wife) a'fore that. We ahrr right glad tae have found ye, and we hope tae meet ye around the coast, me bretheren (an' sisteren!). We be based in port o' Los Angeles, an' Southern Faire an' Ojai Pirate Faire are our two most common ports o' call. We be lookin' fer a friendly crew ta' hang with ( ...... so to speak.....), an' will be at th' Escondido faire on halloween. Hope tae see some o' you there! Matthew Frederick 'Badger' ArBuckle and Elizabeth 'two-mink' ArBuckle
  14. Aye, welcome fellow bilge-rat! We rats have got ta stick together (it be th' grease, ya know!). Too bad ye sail outta N.Carolina; it be too far away ta hang out. I be a Georgia weasel, but am stranded in port o' Los Angeles these 24 yars.
  15. Yearr, after goin' crazy lookin' fer big squar buckles, I finally decided on round ones. Thanks fer th' links, me hearties. good readin'!
  16. Thar check be in the mail as of friday noon, oct. 16th., instant. Ye should have no trouble at all a-cashin' it! I did be enjoyen' our (all too brief) conversation. If'n the acquisition of the 'afore-mentioned flint would slow the delivery (as to be missin' Oct. 29th, say), I would be more than happy to take it without. The silver wire, though, would be much appreciated, an' if the two be concurrent an' timely, then by all means both would make the cockles of me old heart glad! yer grateful buyer; Badger
  17. An' as I would be interested in purchasin' yon lovely bussy, an' have ne'er done it this way, how would I be contactin' ye for to work our business?
  18. I be VERRRYYY interested! ;>
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