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D B Couper

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Everything posted by D B Couper

  1. Don't smell any Apple Pie. I wonder why? Maybe I drank it all up.
  2. Don't know where to put this. For those who may be interested. https://piratebible.com/?fbclid=IwAR22YhfBCrVPJbOSJINKzkxdl6OOUjyRXZ3jJKhRpEUnZOQWKKa0vEoHl2E
  3. Not yet. Still looking. Found two on line. Didn't have my size.
  4. Looking to buy new or used waistcoat. Size 42-44.
  5. The Mrs. and I will be camping.... upwind from Animal!
  6. I think that anybody that knows Animal wouldn't want to keep him. So a "Rental" might be more appropriate.... but then that might be getting into "Gentlemen of the Evening".
  7. What's a Pirate Invasion without an (old) goat ?
  8. I had to resort to reading the graffiti on restroom walls.
  9. RUM. Alcohol displaces water. Drink enough rum and ya won't feel yer lean-to-leak.
  10. Huzzah We'll raise a glass t'gether
  11. You might find this to be helpful. http://www.forttaylorpyrates.com/index.html
  12. In addition to Mission's statement (pun), I might add that the person to contact about registration is Lily Alexander. You can do a search for her on the Pub, under "Shipmates".
  13. Check the weather report. Yer garb better include long johns or Wobble Juice.
  14. I be draggin' tha Missus wit me on Friday. Intend to cross wakes wit yas.
  15. Mama B (Buxom Anna Marie) will be dragging her sorry ass (me) down for another tryst with Wendell.
  16. Named after my Great-Great-Grandson. I spell it C-O-U-P-E-R. He changed it to C-O-O-P-E-R. Everyone said I was a Dirty Bastard. So I shortened it to D. B.
  17. Purloin, Expropriate, Misappropriate, Liberate, Requisition, Usurp, Pillage, Plunder, Defalcate, Commandeer, Ravage, Confiscate, and finally... Pirated.
  18. Don't forget the lube... or is it a B.Y.O. ?
  19. To paraphrase you, If you're gonna give me a pog, please bring me some lubricant!
  20. POGS What... no pogs?
  21. Last year it was wall to wall Pirates. https://picasaweb.google.com/112277086501011510264/FTPIFavorites#5872990226009122674
  22. F.Y.I. Attended Alafia Mountain Men yesterday. Black Bear was not there.
  23. Yes. Public days take place on Friday, January 25 and Saturday, January 26.
  24. The last two years I attended Alafia, Black Bear was doing business as usual. I'll keep an eye out for them at this January's event.
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