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Professor Death

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Everything posted by Professor Death

  1. Oh boy. If i'd known piratin' was THIS much fun, I'd have tried this time period long ago. I still say pirate reenacting is the whiteys equivilent of natives in the 18th century, which is why i think i like it so much. And of course.....hell raising in downtown Columbus, boarding ships, firing off cannons, gambling at 02:00 while eating meat pies (food-gasm!), killing raping and pillaging, hanging out at the tavern (did all that really happen?) and of course......more killing. Oh, and don't forget "wench tech" on modern marvels. I'm officially hooked. It was so nice to meet so many new people too, and find out that some of my old acquaintances do this time period also. I never thought I'd see Maj. Rieske and Thomas as Pyrates . I had a blast, the whole weekend was awesome, even the uppity stupid old buggers saturday evening, who normally would inspire ol blackfish to acts of real pillage, were entertaining. Pillage on! Sam
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