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The Gothic Blacksmith

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Everything posted by The Gothic Blacksmith

  1. This is the sort of information I could always use for sheer gruseome entertainment. =D Good for impressing the lads when I go courting.
  2. If money were no impediment..... MY SHIP! MINE, I TELL YOU!
  3. MAHAHAHA! I choked on my rum-and-hot apple cider on account of yer post! An' maybe there will be honest-to-goodness vampires. None of this sparklepire nonsense!
  4. As an ametuer historian who also is a bit of a nerd, albiet a young'un at 21, let me throw in my two pence. Yes, the glaringly obvious hisrorical innacuracies made me cringe. By the second and third movies, the story had decayed from a swashbuckler into a love-trinagle special-effects laden shipwreck with plot holes large enough to sall a galleon through! Davy Jones' locker was not the mind-numbing horror which would scare any pillaging blighter back to their church/synagogue/mosque/temple and begging for absolution. It was SAND. I was half expecting one of Captain Sparrow's alternate personalities to randomly pop up and exclaim: "We can't stop here! This is BAT COUNTRY!" Don't even get me started on the wench, er....I mean...the late Honorable Governor Weatherby Swann's daughter. I'm all for strong female characters, but unless you're Grania O'Malley and you've been on the account since you were sixteen, the idea of this woman suddenly becoming a SUCCESSFUL pirate captain is pushing it. While women are fully capable of acheiving such status, the truth of the matter is that a woman like Elizabeth would not be able to command a crew, let alone an armada and expect the lads to take her seriously. Now, say, if she spent several years at sea building muscle and garnering an actual reputation other than the woman who seems to have the kiss of death, I could believe it. Her pep talk was too late in the game, as was Will's evolution from novice pirate to Captain of the Dutchman. In fact, Will's character was pitifully shoved into the wayside with the whole love tringale/double-crossing/revenge plot. That character had untapped potential. However, I must say that Captain Barbossa was amazing. (Yes, I am in fact female)
  5. All I can say is that they had best not turn it into a 'historical romance' film.....Blackbeard was a brilliant, ruthless fellow who definitly knew full-well the advantages of psychological warfare, not a pretty-boy who tries to look the part of the pouty bad-boy. I will likewise throw a fit if the costume designers don't have proper clothing, i.e women running about with no caps/hats and men with no stockings/wigs (unless pirates!). No supermodel wenches, please! Give us some realistic characters with smallpox scars, bad teeth (especially the upper class due to the insane amounts of sweets they consumed!), calloused hands and dirty, work-worn clothing.
  6. Requiescant in pace, Mark.
  7. has just arrived at the forum!

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