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Everything posted by Doglock_Hawk

  1. For a little more info: http://www.bilgemunk...-in-sacramento/ I didn't see this marked anywhere (sorry if it was) so I'm just adding it. Not a whole lot happens in Cali around this time (or anywhere really) so it's nice to have a little pirate get away in No.Cali. For those that don't like following links, Friday begins at 7pm and ends at Midnight. Saturday is all day until Midnight. What I'm not sure about is if admission is good for both days or only one (which would be bad). Yar
  2. AWESOME! A sequel to one of the greatest movies i have ever seen! AWESOME!
  3. Slander and lies!
  4. Yaaar lookin spiffy buddy!
  5. An interesting choice... though I might go for hyper-intelligence or hyper-education instead. That was my first thought, but intelligence without wisdom can be dangerous. Better to know what to do with the intelligence than to just accumulate it. I also believe that those with true wisdom know that they know nothing. Basically, you just wasted a wish =P
  6. teleportation. Why fly when you can just be there already
  7. Nice words Patrick. I really liked number four. Number five is too true. Number six I feel you are lying about because as we all know.... this is your fault.
  8. Any frosty, heidi and frank fans out there?
  9. Great advice all, thank you. I have a surplus store near me and I can't believe I never thought about going there. Can anyone think of some websites that have pics of people in garb? The more the better. I really like that I can show my pops and my boss steampunk stuff and that they actually love what they see.
  10. Oh bless the lot of you!
  11. Yar, I find myself being more and more interested in Airship Pirates as time goes by. I'd like to get into it but I don't want to just buy completed items like I did with my pirate stuff. Knowing that we are not in the same area, can anyone suggest places where a n00b can scrounge items up? I think it's the actual tinkering that interests me the most. I once played warcraft and there was a profession called engineering that screams steampunk and ever since then I've been a little hooked on gadgets, widgets and goggles. I guess my question is, how did you all start? -Hawk
  12. Yar Grats Oderless! Now stop waving that thing around like a feather duster
  13. Yar, Welcome to the pub, mate. Now start drinking.
  14. I could go on and on about what vehicles look cool on the outside but let us focus on the inner beauty instead.
  15. Yaaar mate, What you need to do is make profiles and stalk HER! I'm a pirate, thus a villain and I feel you need to start thinking this way too.
  16. I promise only to make trouble when the necessity rises....... or when Bilge comes 'round. P)
  17. I think that would look really hot on me. Now that I have burned a mental picture into your skulls, I shall be robbing you now.
  18. Yar.. umbrellas only slow ye down. How bout a hose?
  19. Just want to introduce myself to you lot and say Yar! Apparently, I have filled the main page's photo section with my useless swag. I didn't realize I was filling that section when I dun uploaded mah pix. Anyway.. I'll buy you all the first round as long as it's below 90 proof but accept this coupon to Sizzler to make up for it. Hawk
  20. Doglock_Hawk

    Hawks Album

    Yar... just stuff I want to share.
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