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Captain Lance Deville

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About Captain Lance Deville

  • Birthday 11/10/1950

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  1. Me be thinkin' that history dont give them real credit on how smart thet really were!
  2. Did you notice Cobbs got an ID here as well?


    Don't know how often we'll be here but with a friends suggest we thought we'd try it out.

    Oh and.. This should be a familiar face as well:


    See you soon.

  3. And there he is. Long time no speak. Not much time to the day anymore but.. Thought I'd say hey!

  4. Video entry for a contest at Middlesex Village Trading Companie, featuring two of their flintlock pistols.The French Model 1773 Pistol and the 1756 Pattern English Sea Service Pistol. Buy these pistols and more at Middlesex Village Trading Companie
  5. And I thought they used the "Mold" once then broke it!

  6. Photo by Christopher Murr
  7. Photo by Christopher Murr
  8. Photo by Christopher Murr
  9. Aye ye be comin' a long way fer thee Portland Pirate Festival. Ye best be on thee lookout fer that crazy Pirate Captain Lance Deville!
  10. THE PIRATE AND THE MERMAID The surf thundered as the longboat came ashore its hull grinding to a halt on the sandy beach. A lone man steps into the water. His eyes have a steely glint and his face is lined grim with determination. It is dark with thick fog rolling along the shore. Wind gusts whipped up the sand stinging his face as he walks. What was driving this Pirate? What is he searching for? Haunted by a song he had heard once while sailing in pristine green waters. Ever since that day it was all he could think of. His soul consumed with desire! Suddenly a ray of light from the heavens clears the dark fog showing him the way. He can see her sitting on a rock not so far away. At last he has found her! His face softens and with excitement he rushes forward. She turns and looks at him with a smile when he reaches her. Red hair glowing softly in the radiant light from above. Her emerald eyes sparkle, green as her fins below. She was a Mermaid of the sea a beauty to behold! The Pirate falls to his knees before her. Reaching for each other their lips so softly kiss. The Pirate has found his Mermaid. Their lives have turned to bliss!
  11. Aye Topknott welcome to thee pub! Good ta' see another Oregon Pirate come aboard!
  12. Me be wearin' suspenders under me waistcoat, since they cant be seen thar be no worrys about pc. Sometimes ye just have ta' compromise if ye wants ta' keep yer breeches up!
  13. THEE KNOT Just a young lad when me be signin' on, they be givin' me a knot me could not see. Now an old Captain still sailin' thee seas an' many a good mate has died under me. A Pirates life it be thee life fer me, they all be shoutin' with glee. Not knowin' thee doorway ta' hell be opened upon thee rollin' sea. Wenches an' rum, bloody cutlass an' plunder, thee roar of big guns all be pleasure fer me. Fearless with abandon we be livin' thee good life till fate be comin' our way. In thee end thar' be no glory in death, fer being murderin' scum they be thinkin' we be. Stretchin' our necks ta' get our last breath swingin' high up in thee breeze. When a young lad they be givin' me a knot. A knot me could not see!
  14. Aye Lady Barbossa ye be knowin' that thee devil be in Deville an' if rummed up Wenches be wantin' a lap dance then so be it! Me snake dance be much better, it will leave ye wild eyed an' gaspin' fer more! Deville
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