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About talleman1

  • Birthday February 16

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Columbus, OH for now
  • Interests
    Historic Preservation, Green Technologies, History, Reenacting, Maps, Booty and Treasure, did I forget Swords.
  1. I have cut my hair, shaved the gotee, grown it all back and shaved it again, might do it all over again but stop being a PIRATE, seriously, NEVER MATEY. I got a Pirate mind and gypsy heart though. I could never give up sailing the seas and singing shantys, playing with swords, muskets, RUM and the wenches. Ah why stop something that all of us want to live but without all the hanging nonsense. I got my letter of mark as long as it is still good I am doing OK. I think this is the only impression that as you grow older you can still have fun and get a rise out of people and if you can get past the many ARRRGHH's you can have allot of fun. It is also the company you keep, do not like the crew you got, get another, there are Pirates everywhere. Also the adventures never end. So to answer your question, NO. All other impressions fail to have this much fun in comparison.
  2. http://wyldewares.com/pistol4.aspx, I was thinking of getting one or somethinglike it but have not any idea who makes them. Does Lenoard Day have a something like this?
  3. It hurts my soul to look at it and not posse it, but I have not enough gold to buy it, ARRRRR.
  4. I am just waiting for the pics of our Pirateratzzi. I need proof that I was on the rigging.
  5. I found this for events, did not know where to place it, so it be here. http://www.piratefestivals.com/
  6. , you must watch this, it has Pirates, History, Humor and many other suprises.
  7. Not at all, we do this, spend OUR money for others to prophit because we love it but to do a service for someone for their business that is another story. I think we should get paid for events, we are what draws in the public and public dollars and we PAY to have fun mind you but from a business point of view, we should NEVER PAY a fee to attend, is it not enough we are the show. So what you are suggesting is fine by me. So do not feel ever to get paid, natives reenactors get piad to come to events. I want to do a native impression but not for that reason. The business owner will make it up the cost.
  8. Well after scrolling through allot of dribble on PC pirate, I say just go all out, let what you know and how much you drink determine what type of Pirate ye be. Sugar coating history is left those who can read and write about it but we live it and live we should, of course with the confines the laws in each state, but aside from that give it what you got and go balls out or go to that sweet home. I intend to be hung by the neck until dead because no man will defeat me in the use of swords. I live life much more in pirate mode than ever, I guess being poor has that effect but I am not a stupid nor dirty thug I use my wits and skills to gain advantage. So that is my take on this long debate.
  9. http://www.nativeworkshop.com/swords.htm, I found this guys work and it is nice, I bet not cheap.
  10. http://www.sedwickcoins.com/treasureauction7/shipwreck_artifacts.htm#, has anyone seen this page?
  11. 'Ello shipmate.

    -Tar Bucket Bill

  12. The fellow in yellow is Joe Blunt and he is on FB. He is a reenactor of all the ages.
  13. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/16277/16277-h/16277-h.htm, this is a Ebook from Cotter and Hudson and is a wealth of items, weapons, housing, pottery, you name it but this is a real handy resource for anything from the 1602-1699. If you can find this book buy it.
  14. One question why do they do this raid reenactment in March instead of May?
  15. http://www.searlesbucs.com/, the website is up, thanks whomever did it.
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