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Rose Underhill

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Everything posted by Rose Underhill

  1. No!!! He still has 59 minutes to go
  2. Obviouly, Mr d'Dogge.....you have been nipping at the madiera again, for I understood your intent perectly. I can see from your statement above, that should I be in need of a gentleman's assistance, it will not be you I call apon. "entitely"??? and what prey tell language is that?
  3. Perhaps you should be "looking out" of your good eye. For shame, John. What has that dear sweet boy done to deserve your disregard? The only problem with Cousin Robbie, is his incessant need to please his jack ass cousin. And you, Mr. d'Dogge..........................that you would even suggest putting Robbie in harms way, is quite beneath a man of your stature. I will expect better of you in the future.
  4. Mistress Syren, tis not lady like to let melted butter drip down your chin

  5. Never you mind brother dear. Leave my business to me and tend to your own house.
  6. How many times have I told you that she looks to you as an example of how a gentleman behaves. How can you expect her to choose well when you associate with such rabble? I have done my part in raising her, now it is time for you to set a proper example.
  7. Good day Sister dear.

  8. Hello Rose and welcome to the Pub let me know if I can assist you in any way.

  9. Gee I see Sarah has that famous Sterling smile.... ack I don't know what you did Sterling, but Sarah looks really pissed at you!!! Animal Perhaps if you spent more time with her instead of drinking and cavorting with whores and mistresses, she would think kinder of you. Love you as she does, Sarah does not deserve to be paraded around like a horse for special events only. Now does she John?
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