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Cap'n Black Jack

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About Cap'n Black Jack

  • Birthday 07/08/1970

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  • Location
    Providence Towne, Rhode Island Colony
  • Interests
    Rum and wenches!
    Historic reenacting of colonial America pre Revolutionary war. 18th century maritime navigation, tall ships, obviously pirates, photography.

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  1. Ahoy captain!

    I was wondering if you're still around after all this time? 


  2. Ok this may not belong here, but it may. I have been looking everywhere for affordable pistol kits for the GAoP period. All I can find is very expensive kits without barrels or out of period kits. There was a time you could get these at Woolworth. Anyway. Does anyone have a good source? Just a little info, I'll only use these for blanks, at reenactments and events, they don’t have to be topnotch stuff, just something that looks good and blowup in my face. Thanks all Black Jack
  3. I've got a small punt I names the "Filthy Whore".
  4. To early for tricorns they really did not appear until the end of the 17th century. However the drawings are spectacular. Love them and thanks for posting them. Black Jack
  5. Wheel locks are nice, but a royal pain in the ass. Black Jack
  6. One more pint anits off ta bed...

  7. Time to update the wardrobe!

  8. For one I have always liked pirate, thanks to Disney and I have been going to reenactments for most of my life (it was the family vacation), but I got started in this about 20 years ago then it was Vikings. I convinced a friend of mine that he wanted to get involved and start a group with me, he did, and we did. As the years went by we lost the love for Viking living history and went our separate ways. About four years ago we got back in touch and he had started a Pirate group, I wasn't that interested in getting back into reenacting, but I did. Since then we have parted ways, he has become very successful with his group, made quite a business for himself, and I went my way and just do my own thing on my time.
  9. Rhode Island - the humidity is unbelievable! It feels like you are in the water, boiling water. It has to 95 by now...
  10. Wow! Those are nice. The one I am making is not nearly as beautiful. these days I lack the proper blacksmith facilities I once had. Thank you for the photos and the help.
  11. That's great! The pictures I found just deemed to have the one screw,, couldn't see the pin. Thanks
  12. I have a MVTCo English Doglock Horse Pistol, I did not think about getting a belt hook, but I started thinking about making one. So I went into the shop and hammered one out from images I found of the real deal. I roughed it out and tested it. The problem I am having is that with one screw it will not hold in place, it just want's to spin. Has anyone tried to make a belt hook? Or have any suggestions? Thanks.
  13. I s far as I know, yes. If it says TAR most likely it is TAR. I do know that Stockholm Tar and Pint Tar are used interchangeably. Capt Black Providence Trading Company
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