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  • Location
    Halawa, Hawaii
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  1. I'm no captain on land or at sea. I do work aloft on a 150 ft brig. I would rather be a common hand on a fine ship than a captain of a leaky tub.
  2. The worst is not being seasick, it is going on shore and being so land sick that you cant walk. Raw ginger is the best to keep the stomach calm.
  3. Wha? Sounds like some seal got lose in the pub and is choking on a fish.
  4. I am looking for a side sport. Currently I practice kendo, the same training as a Japanese samurai. I am on the US woman's team. I use two swords at once, one is 3 feet, the smaller is 1 foot long. Any good ideas?
  5. I practice kendo down your way. What type of music do you play?
  6. Aye someone kiss the darn thing, it may be a prince ... although I doubt it.
  7. Gravity does not take a day off! What goes up must come down! And it will come down at about the same speed that it went up. There is a simple equation for this, and the only thing slowing the object down is air resistance. If one shoots a gun of strait in to the sky the force the bullet coming down can still kill someone. I think most people were smart enough not to do this, but one would be surprised how many new recruits have not herd of Isaac Newton.
  8. With enough thought we could make a new record. give him command of an empty barrel. drop him off with the nearest trawler.
  9. I have a feeling about what most people's definition of a captains daughter is. But it is not that, a captains daughter is a whip like the cat-O'-nine-tails. To "Put him in bed with the captain's daughter" means simply flog him. As for it being a capstan song that may be so, it has the right rhythm.
  10. Hear is a time to use your head (if you still got one) to be creative. Try to think up some new verses to the song "The Drunken Sailor." "The Drunken Sailor" is fo'c'sle song. In other words it is a song sang when there is nothing to do and the crew of the ship is board. What shall we do with the drunken sailor, What shall we do with the drunken sailor, What shall we do with the drunken sailor, earlye in the morning. (What ever the verse that you create is) ex, Shave his belly with a rusty razor Shave his belly with a rusty razor, Shave his belly with a rusty razor, earlye in the morning. Way, way up she rises, Way, way up she rises, Way, way up she rises, earlye in the morning. Wile you sit and ponder I will happily provide the drinks.
  11. I have seen this happen before. I work on an old tallship in the summer. I saw a young boy, about 12, being forced to board. His parents were pretty mad and they insisted that he go on the day trip with us. He sat below the entire time crying. If someone has that bad of a fear I would keep them on land. Forcing a fear can only make it worse.
  12. From my experience with swords, the oil will rust the metal. They have to be cleaned every week.
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