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Everything posted by BlaggardMike

  1. I'm looking for durable tools any and all. ATM I only have a hole puncher. If you got something laying around you dont use anymore I may want to purchase.
  2. Very nice. My family and I are having a pirate party this year and we are doing something similar but probably wont turn out as nice as yours.
  3. This is great. Hemp is the way to go for any paper prop
  4. A lot of things I purchase are cheap. You know the economy and everything I have had to slice my budget. So these things are relatively inexpensive to make. Ill start with the flask. I purchased a vinegar and oil bottle which had a spout for .75 cents at a local thrift store. I used a rubber cork from a wine bottle as the cork for this flask. I had to shave away the bottom bit to fit in to the opening (3/8 of it) I drilled a hole and ran black hemp Spool of black hemp through this cork and tied it to the neck. The neck will eventually have latigo wrapped around it to tie to my belt so you wont notice the hemp on the neck. The shrunken head is not attached in any permanent way to the cork. The head will be attached to the belt but will cover the cork. I plan on wrapping it in leather similar to this The grenadoes: Very inexpensive to make. glass bottles from Michaels (.99 cents each) Comes with the cork I drilled a hole and inserted black hemp for a fuse. I plan on making an authentic looking wooden cork when I pick up some whittling tools. I used Acrylic glass paint the colour is "Burnt Sienna" which was the closest color to terracotta they had. Now this paint takes 21 days to dry if you do not bake it so it does get hard and chip resistant. I will strap one of these babies to my belt like so
  5. I would like to share some of my recent projects. I will continue to add to this thread as I create more for my attire. If you would like a "How to" Please ask and i'll share My shrunken head flask. I plan on wrapping the bottle in leather here pretty soon Grenados
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