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Posts posted by jollyjacktar

  1. Thank you all very much for your insight.


    They existed in simlar form from about the last quarter of the 16th century to the middle of the 17th. Minor differences in size and shape of the peplum or replacing it with multiple small tabs, but basically the same shape

    Does this mean that as it appears in this picture that I could wear this doublet say in theory at both Jamestowne and Plymouth?

  2. Ok, so I turn my query to those of you who are more familiar with the fashion of the early seventeenth century.

    The mannequinn in the picture was clothed in a suit based on the 1628 wreck of the Vassa. Can anyone tell me what the style of jacket/ coat is? what is it's time range? and the one big question, what if any are the closure's on the jacket?

    Thanks in advance.

    yrs. and co.



  3. Just a brief question pertaining to that glorious little contract.

    Any thoughts or opinions on using a striped ticken weave that isn't blue and white? I know the contract doesn't mention color, but do we have any primary sources stating the most common color of ticken? Or would it have been to the discretion of the man issued the patterns? Also horn as a button material? HOw far back do we have documentation for horn buttons?


    yr hnrs hmbl & obdnt srvnt


  4. Greetings to one and all, my name is CJ

    In theory of few of you know who I am, at least I've met or at least talked with a few of your number.

    As far as a crewe, I am not formally a member of any pirate crewes and owe my allegiance above all to the vessel I work on. She is the ADVENTURE and is a reproduction of a 1670's trading ketch in Charles Towne SC.

    But I am not a terribly interesting topic, good to be here finally.

    yr hnrs hmbl & obdnt srvnt


    "The health of men is concerned in their clothes"

    -Sir William Coventry 1663

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