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Everything posted by Niko

  1. You'll all have to take rain checks till next year I'm afraid. But if I forget it'd be in your best interest to....help me remember lol
  2. I think I'm going to have to be wary of these fellows at PiP....lol
  3. I did the artificial aging with my very first kit...and it never really sat well with me. It looked decent enough but it didn't feel right. Now I'm starting another kit that is going to much more period and I'm going to just wear it. Mind you I'll wear it while I trudge through the mangrove swamp in my back yard but not everyone lives in the Florida Keys so I'm lucky in that sense. Although I can understand why some may go with the artificial route, I thing just letting things wear on their own does a better job. To each his own I suppose. This doesn't surprise me in the least bit lol.
  4. Nah, just dose y'self up with laudenum from the quack and everything would be pink and fluffy. Just what I need....to start up an opium habit...lol
  5. I'm a bit late with the introduction but I figure now is better than never. Nonetheless I would like to say "Hello" to you all! And I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has helped me out so far. You guys are awesome!
  6. So I'm not the only one here whos under 21? Awesome lol. I don't feel so out of place anymore.
  7. Jesus man....thats scary.
  8. I did a paper on hemp for one of my English classes and printed it on hemp paper. Its great stuff really has a nice feel to it... If anyone is interested I got my paper from these guys Green Field Paper
  9. Well I'm not saying they need to to perfect here lol. Like I've read that pirate ships worked like a democracy in most cases where every crew member had a say in the ships affairs and such. I can't remember names but I'm pretty certain that one prominent pirate was originally a navigator or someone of intelligence who was pressed into service and later became a captain of a pirate ship. Stuff like that.
  10. I've been having a week long argument with this guy about pirates and instead of throwing around little bits of stuff I remember from things I've read in the past I'd figure I'd come and ask for some actual historical info that may help me disprove this statement: Anything you can give me would be great. Stuff that pertains to the more "famous" pirates such as Edward Teach, Black Bart, Henry Every, Jack Rackham, Captain Kidd, ect. would best.
  11. This will be my first year but I'd like too: 1. Fire a cannon/flintlock or make something go boom. 2. Meet as many pub members as possible. 3. Have fun and try to enjoy everything.
  12. Not a famous one but it is my favorite and means alot to me. Dum spiro, spero(Cicero) which is Latin for While I breathe, I hope.
  13. You rock dude.
  14. not to sound disgusting, but real sailors washed their clothes in stale piss. the ammonia actually worked as a pretty good disinfectant. Not to start a huge debate here but isnt that just a myth? I'd just use lye soap.
  15. Fort by day. Drunken tourists along the Westin and Mallory Square Piers by night. Not everyone is a tourist. I know. I'm talking about targeting the tourists. The locals are allies. Thats what I like to hear!
  16. Fort by day. Drunken tourists along the Westin and Mallory Square Piers by night. Not everyone is a tourist.
  17. Well, there is another designer that has stolen her original idea for this Corset/Coat so be sure you get one from Damsel in This Dress to get the best quality you can get. He( the design thief) sells on eBay I believe... As you can see from the picture above, mine will be similar but with an attached skirt. Her work is top notch. Yeah I read her little bit on that lol. But I stumbled upon her site first and since I've heard nothing but good things about her and her work I'll go to her first if I decide to get one for my girlfriend.
  18. Those little lines to the cheeks and jaw add A LOT.
  19. Two? Who else am I adding to the Roll Call? I managed to drag my girl friend along. What name should I use for her on the Roll Call? Melissa
  20. I think it looks really good for what its worth.
  21. Has anyone had experience with Loyalist Arms weaponry? Is it any good? http://www.loyalistarms.com/pirateswordscutlasses%20.html 17th Century shell guard cutlass. Iron guard, wood grip. Blade, 26" X 1 9/16, with 2 fullers OAL. 32 1/2". - $121.00 US.
  22. Two? Who else am I adding to the Roll Call? I managed to drag my girl friend along.
  23. I've wanted to get me lass something like this for a while.
  24. Now I feel like a little kid...some of you are older than my old man!
  25. Yeah I've been reading around the forums and it seems that staying at the camp is best. So I'll have to make a camp set up for two...
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