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Shay of the Keys

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Everything posted by Shay of the Keys

  1. 'Tis planning on it, if ye'll have me. Meantimes I be furiously researching every detail, digging into me trunks and sewing round the clock. So if ye be in the neighborhood of the Upper Keys, look me up, for I'll be in sore need of a drink and break from all the excitement! I thank thee for the welcome, William Red Wake. -Shay of the Keys
  2. P.C.M.R. rum it shall be, Lady Barbossa, and may I say 'tis gratified I am to find so much proper information on these silver 'threads' among the gold. Looking forward to meeting a fellow treble maker... -Shay of the Keys
  3. I thank thee kindly, Poopdeck Pappy!
  4. I thank thee kindly, Cannibal Chrispy! My good comrade-in-arms be making a unique armament for thee... I speak of Vintage Sailor whom I'm known o'er two decades -Shay of the Keys
  5. Greetings to all of you here at the Pub! 'Tis me first time here and 'tis a sheer pleasure to buy a round for ye all! I be hailing from the West, recently sojourned from the wild woodlands where years hence my hearth and home 'twas in the northern realms of the Sierra Nevada mountains. My nearest port was Hyde St. Pier where I was known by a different name (I've found 'tis a convenience when the beadles near to adopt a differing monniker). I appeared in divers locations (that's varied and sundry, NOT scuba shops for you swabbies who shun the King's English), armed with original cutlass and piratical vestments. Yes, they truly be original. Since that time, much of my attire has earned a rest in various museums, and I've been resigned to clothing and weapons less fragile and more replaceable. I've recently dropped anchor permanently here in the Florida Keys and look forward to meeting all of you this December at Bone Island after perusing these highly-informative, respected, yet deliciously oft-ribald anectdotes and gems of wisdom. I treasure your advice, as I've sailed solo in my historical adventures thus far in my life, and eagerly anticipate any counsel you may impart. Sincerely, Shay of the Keys
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