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Fionntan Murtaugh

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Everything posted by Fionntan Murtaugh

  1. Sweet indeed! "I don't think we need to say anything more about that, do we?" Is that what they mean when they say a gun is tempermental?
  2. A cudual you say? Perhaps I need one. It might help me with all of that up and down when working on a cannon crew.
  3. Tis nice to be remembered on the day of ones hatching. Thank you all ....errr ...both.
  4. I will be arriving sometime on Thursday but can not commit to rowing until the encampment has been set up. I will be willing to sweep when needed or commanded.
  5. Every muscle is screaming and my hands still have ash embedded in the nails and callouses even after scrubbing with a brush. I may need to break down and have a manicure done. Finally, yes, the rumors are true, the ladies still love me, I have a yard arm to match my oranges.
  6. Once in a blue moon my luck doesn't hold and I get one right. Great, now the quartermaster will be finding some reason to cut m'rum rations.
  7. So that makes them trousers? hmmm
  8. I thought trousers were longer and breeches were shorter ...knee breeches ...hmmm ...I dunno nothin.
  9. I think I am going to like this woman.
  10. That is just ...frightening ...the superball that is ...the other is just 20/20 hindsight.
  11. I would offer to bring Dog back with me after the competition but I don't think I will be participating ... my favorite memory from PiP 2008 was contributing to d'Dogge' "Walk the Plank" performance! LOL
  12. Gentelmen(?)Scotty has that effect on women.

  13. They say that no one is tougher on you than you are on yourself, not so. Nobody was tougher than m'cousin Murin.
  14. Missed it! Likely could have gotten a hug ifin I were here on time. Just my luck. happy birthday Syren *sigh*
  15. My question: Why does Mission seem to know the answer?
  16. Other side looks pretty much like the first side to me.
  17. My reason for aging clothing? I have only been reenacting for a few months and my character has been sailing all of his life (I can't get away with portraying a powder monkey or a sailor new to the sea). However, the clothes are aging rather well on their own. I just don't worry about getting them dirty. In fact I go out of my way to let the dirt find them.
  18. bottom line? There is no right or wrong. Just different methods and needs. Seems we agree the best way is the natural way but that isn't always an option so ...do what you must for your needs.
  19. My favorite part of the event was when we were waiting for the truck and a young lady, about 6 or 8, came up to me and said "excuse me, I just wanted to thank you for making this the best Saturday of my life." I really wish I had a coin for her and her brother! I need to invest in some gold coin for the kids.
  20. They were quite a sight. Very entertaining. I was laughing so hard that I nearly fell in ...again.
  21. I suggest wearing your kit in the rain and walking through mud wiping powder and other grime from your hands and such along the way. Pack said air dried garb into luggage, carry in the car for the remainder of the week. Then decide you need it for another event at the last moment so throw it in the dryer with a dryer sheet to freshen it a bit and get out the fold wrinkles. Once at the next event jump from the long boat and be sure to fall backwards ensuring full saturation and sand in your pockets. After taking the shore find a wench to to pillage ...but on your way to said wench be sue to fall in the sand collecting additional dirt to unknowingly drop down her bodice. After that head to the beach in the kiddy section of a water park to dig for buried treasure for finer sand. Then in order to fade the clothes a bit jump fully clothed into the chlorinated water of a public pool. Air dry once again and now you are both dirty and have had your yearly pirate bath ...worked for me.
  22. I got to hold it ...feel it ...play with it before the captain! Hahahaha ...sometimes I don't have the typical luck of the Irish that I have long lived with! Don't tell the captain, he will make me pay for it.
  23. Was a pleasure playing in the mud with all of you this weekend. My fair Irish skin is a bit crispy and I am still falling asleep as I type. So, to bed for me once again.
  24. I have never been able to grow a beard of any worth myself so clean shaven is just fine with me.
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