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Everything posted by IronTom

  1. If you look under Women in History on http://www.cindyvallar.com/links.html you will find some of the known pirate women as well as Lady Leaders throughout History. As the father of two Daughters I believe this to be important because everyone should know that though it is easy to say that MEN made history, they were the ones who wrote most of it! Still, there are many examples of Feirce Females and I suspect their were many more than have yet to be discovered. (Hetchepset the lady Pharoah, Madame Cheng, Boudicca for example)
  2. There have been plans for years to turn Port Royale into a Pyate Haven with Undersea Museums and Buccaneer Resorts however little has been done. The History Channel occasionally shows a program about the port made in the 90's and it seems like a great idea complete with a Cruise Ship Dock but nothing has come to fruition so far... Please let us know what you fine there!
  3. Thanks, I'll check them out!
  4. Hand made items are truly works of Art!
  5. Ahoy Maties! I teach Treasure Island, Count of Monte Crosto and other historical novels at a school here in New Orleans. Having read Cascabel's article on Flintlocks and after his hearing his lecture on Blackpowder Arms at PyrateCon a few years back, I have been toying with the idea of aquiring one for educational purposes. We attend the Battle of New Orleans reenactment every year as well as the Louisiana Renaissance Festival and Fort Pike, all of which include some firing demostrations. I already have several replicas which we use in class to explain the mechanics involved but some of the parts are different. What I need is an affordable, ( I am a teacher after all!), reliable flintlock that I can use to demonstrate the history, function, and mechanics of the Flintlock to my students. We have even used flintlock dart guns to demostrate how duels were fought in "Count." Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Iron Tom Hell
  6. Cool chests. Remember, pyrates usually had double the normal crew for raiding purposes so compared to any other crew they would have had much more free time. Other than Rum, most would gamble or carve wood or hard cheese in their spare time. It is entirely posssible that they would personalize their chest for no other reason other than to ward others away! Skulls, sharks, Kraken, dire!
  7. That is the coolest thing ever yet I must say those goys have a great deal of intestinal fortitide to attempt that historic voyage.
  8. Peg Leg Pete's is right off the beach in Pensacola Fl. Great seafood and the house drink ,The Shipwreck is outstanding. Pirate Theme throughout with a playground for the kids and a bar for the adults. www.peglegpetes.com/
  9. has not set their status

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