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Everything posted by seabaroness

  1. I'd be curious to know if you or anyone has flown with pistols and/or swords and what the experience was like.
  2. Thanks for sharing. I took a look at the website and her costumes are gorgeous!
  3. The NBC website also has full episodes.
  4. No, they're going to keep me out of trouble!
  5. I'll be going with the crew from Ye Pyrate Brotherhood. It'll be my first time, looking forward to it.
  6. I"m planning to go the Caymen Island Pirate Festiival this year. Anyone have adivce on what to see, do, avoid? Thanks.
  7. Great pics. It looks like you guys had a great time.
  8. Great video. Thanks for sharing.
  9. It must be about four years ago I read that someone was doing a movie on Grace O'Malley, but as far as I can tell it was never produced. I would love to see a decent biopic on her life. Hopefully any film produced will be far better than the Broadway play a few years back.
  10. I'm currently enjoying The Pirate Hunter, The True Story of Captian Kidd by Richard Zacks.
  11. Sorry to hear this. My sympathies to his family and friends.
  12. Happy Birthday Captain!
  13. Jas, Glad to hear the event turned out well. It sounds like it was alot of fun.
  14. Thank you Jas for adding the street address.
  15. On Saturday, February 4, 2012 Ye Pyrate Brotherhood is sponsoring the Sheryl Marshall Breast Cancer Fund Raiser to help Sheryl cover her medical bills. The place is the Port Royal Grill located in Islip, NY. Tickets are $20 and will include a buffet, drink specials and music by The Brigands. The time is from 12 noon to 4 pm. There will be raffle prizes. For more information contact Ye Pyrate Brotherhood at 631-894-3417 or email yepyratebrotherhood@yahoo.com.
  16. Of course I meant Feb 4, 2012.
  17. On Saturday, February 4, 2011 Ye Pyrate Brotherhood is sponsoring the Sheryl Marshall Breast Cancer Fund Raiser to help Sheryl cover her medical bills. The place is the Port Royal Grill located in Islip, NY. Tickets are $20 and will include a buffet, drink specials and music by The Brigands. The time is from 12 noon to 4 pm. There will be raffle prizes. For more information contact Ye Pyrate Brotherhood at 631-894-3417 or email yepyratebrotherhood@yahoo.com.
  18. So funny and so true.
  19. The pirate museum in Nassau is a lot of fun but I doubt a pirate enthusiast would learn anything new. The bar attached to it looked really neat but I didn't drink there. I found the gift shop attached to the museum disappointing because most of the stuff could easily be found anywhere, in fact I find it difficult to find anything piratey in the Caribbean beyond the usual touristy items.
  20. If the resort you're staying at has a craft fair with local vendors I'd be wary of the jewelry sellers. They set their prices very high, if you walk away they'll come down, but you can never be sure if what they are selling is real silver and/or precious stones.
  21. I stayed at the Occidental Flamingo Resort in Punta Cana and had a great time. A day tour of Santo Domingo is a must. A tour of Fun Fun Cave is a great experience but it is on the rough side. You'll be waist deep in water in some places and crawling on your hands and knees in others.
  22. Anybody remember Young Blades on the Family channel a few years back? BBC America was running a Robin Hood series, but I'm not sure if it's still on.
  23. The New York/New Jersey area has an active pirate community. The issue here of course is our extreme high cost of living.
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