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bosun red

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Everything posted by bosun red

  1. From the album: red

    myself, husband, middle daughter (in purple) and youngest daughter (in red pirate)
  2. i have an account through at&t. i have a multimedia package on it. normaly i can view typical sites on the web and navihgate in them but i think my phone is deffinetly smart(smart assed) not iphone. i am have no luck entering the chat room and i deffinetly can not post any thing. once i try to log in it initially says log in successful and then kicks me out due to some error. Is this just a problem with my phone? does anyone else run in to the same thing?
  3. things that make me smile........the smell before a rain,dew on a spiders web or flower petal,nature and the beauty in a silent sunrise...I know girly.....my oldests artistic attempts, my youngests unending talky-talky-talky,the moment I here my husband's voice as he comes threw the door anouncing his arival home......holidays when i see my extended family including my parents and siblings.......human decency when it is not expected!
  4. my doberman is the same way. i had to start flipping the matress up against the wall so she couldn't get on it. with all the bedding and pillows pinched between it and the wall. i didn't have anything to bungee the door shut with or to. the other day i awoke to find All 90lbs of her curled into a cat size ball on the chair i keep in the bedroom this thing is to small for any one of any girth to sit on it but there she was acting like it was the most normal thing in the world. if you haven't guessed she thinks she is a lap dog the size of a poodle.
  5. From the album: red

  6. From the album: red

  7. From the album: red

  8. From the album: red

  9. As it t"was luck not b with me this eve! sir, I comend ye for yer skill ere at the tables. Madame, beg pardon me thinks i'll take leave while i still have a little coin in me purse. (up Red stumbles sliding the chair back sluggishly and stumbles out presumable to take a leak in the alley) Ahhhhhh, I be holding that longer than be good for me body.(just pulling up his pants when two shadowed and foul smelling men arrive) give us ye purse or give us ye life! (the first man throws a hard punch into red's stomach dubling him over. In this present position the second manhits him accross his temple with a rock and red goes down. The first plunges a knife into red's side "for good measure" and then they take boots, coat, and purse and disapear into the night laughing)
  10. talk about ask and ye shall recieve. beautifull!!!
  11. I got to actually see the Musical Blades here at the OKRF in Muskogee, OK for the first time ever. Tey were awsome, they were great, they were wonderful, they were full of awsomesauce. We were luck to have them even if it was only the first two weekends of our five weekend festival. We even got to preview one of the new songs, fabulous, you can't help but sing it out load. They were so good we bought two CDs the first time we heard them. I swear the next weekend we could have cried. The Musical Blades absolutly ruined the current Pirate troop that plays all month. We enjoy our pirate fix, maybe a little to much, but we could not stand to sit through the other performers songs it made us long even more for the Musical Blades. we considered following them when they left just to get a little more Blade, if we didn't have season passes for the month.
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