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Everything posted by Nomadicalpirate

  1. Eh I might of skipped a few posts that already answered something, but heres my bag of shillings, The lass wasn't cursed because she didn't steal it from the chest, and Will jnr may or may not have been cursed because although he didn't steal it, he was the son of BSB but he never got a fatal wound, so we don't know(he probably wasn't, not stealing it and all). And as I said in another post about the lost medallion, when will jnr first had it as a kid, they didn't know about the curse, so the crew o' the Pearl where none-to-fussed about losing one little disc, and, in answer the original question, which i'm sure someone already mentioned. the curse needed all the thieving scurvy dogs blood, and they all returned it cept BSB(e was dead o'course eh) on the topic, yes he is dead. Don't question the tricks and foibles of the curse, BSB is D.E.D. o'course, if i am wrong, you can all throw your tankards at me and i'll cover the drinks for a night, eh, it be late and the coffee be weak, i've forgotten the rest of what i was going to say, g'night folks, may your cups be deep and your kegs wide
  2. Eh, four wrong, Arr they cheated me!. Aktakully, I be pretty proud, being as i only seen it once at the ol' big pictures...am waiting a few months for the DVD to be cheaper...gotta be thrifty :)
  3. Eh, I also seem to recall my father teaching me the way around a boat When i was a lad, i guess that helps...man, that old fart woulda made a fine pirate...A round of whiskey in honor of pirates that should of been
  4. Eh, The loot!, I was originally a Court Jester, but the court disbanded(or I moved to a different state) so i needed a new trade, Pyracy was it, simple as that. the lure? Eh, maybe i just got me a fetish for fancy hats.
  5. Eh, no names spring to mind at the moment...but i've found the fantasy section of ya local library of book store sometimes holds the goods on pirates, (can't see why, they're more real than those pesky elves will ever be....pointy eared...flower eating....BAH) now where'd i put that whiskey...
  6. Eh, When ol' billy was floating as a kid, Ol' Barbosa Didn't know about the curse yet, they were all still alive and the curse hadn't kicked in from getting fatal wounds, so just losing one medallion didn't seem such a big deal at the time...o course, then that 'peculiar' bit o' the curse kicked in, heh, he musta looked real stupid
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