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Posts posted by Isabella

  1. Nah, Go as you are, and have fun. :) Dont' worry about my anal retentive need for exactness. Enjoy yourself. :) Just consider not wearing your frock if you it's too warm. But if your on the water, it would be great. :)

    Forget all I said, and go as you are. :)

  2. I usually enact in the Elizabethian period in a time when "Pirates" weren't as defined as they became in the 1700's. The beginnings of what we know as the definition of Pirate started long ago, but the most recognizable pirates are that in tri-corner hats, and long frock coats.

    Since I do Elizabethian enactment, I wanted to know what a Pirate of that time looked like. I wondered around and found this book.

    Elizabethian Sea Dogs

    Amazon show's some photos, which gives us the impression of what they looked like. I love the Ospray books, I used them alot in other costuming brain storming ideas, and I was happy to see this one, plus some of the history on the Spanish Main.

    Harbor Master asked about going to faire as he is in his current costume, and I wanted to know more myself about what "pirates" were in the Renaissance . I also pulled up the Sea Dogs Guild from Southern California Renaissance Faire , for photo ideas of what pirates at faires wear. http://seadogs.org/

    I've only done this because I was curious, and wanted to know about it for myself and who ever might have been interested. I figured out that they looked like everyone else, but with more character, style and creativity. They also have some wild hats! Check out the photos!

    But down to the end, what ever a "pirate" means to you, is what it is. It's an expention of our persona, and idenity in costume. So, if you idenity is a tri-cornered hat in 1550, then it is. :) I'll not be carrin', it's yer choice how you dress fer yer best plunderin'!


  3. Harbor Mastor,

    There were "Sea Dogs" in the times of Elizabeth the 1st. Check out what Elizabethian garb looks like if you haven't enacted it before, and take what you have and add things to it. Look up on the web "Elizabethian Sea Dogs", for an "idea" of a pirate look for Elizabethians.

    i'm not sure what you normally wear, so I can't comment yea or nay. But I'm happy to help if you pm me a photo or link to one.


  4. Well the same could be said about the head scarf too tho. Most pirates I did faire with wore cavalier style hats, or just head scarves. Historically tho, the only hat in 1550's that looked like a tri-corner hat was a philospher's hat. Kinda like a graduation hat, but diferent.

    Tri-corners didn't connect to history till much later on, when the period of knickers came about in the 1700's. So I can see how someone can say "Rennie + Tri-Corner=Pirate", but I'd have to squint, prevent myself from becoming a garb nazi.

    When historically did Tri-Corners happen? For most enactors of the 1700's it doesn't matter. But most enactors of the 1550's will say, It's 150 years too early.

    Since pirates have been around since wood floated on water, how can we classify each historical "type" of pirate. Would a weathy pirate look like a dashing Lord of the Renaissance? Or a working man? Did pirates in the 1700's dress as Hollywood shows us? Frock coats, long boots and a hat.

    So I guess I'm asking, "What defines a pirate, beyond the Tri-Corner hat?"

  5. I've seen and handled some real flintlocks in my time, because my Dad was an avid gun collector for many years. I agree with what Barbados Jack mentioned about not handling it too much, or wearing an orginal antique.

    If your going to plan on wearing it, consider where, when, how often, and if they allow it. Most places I've been for enactment/faires don't like firearms of any type. Double check, and consider that it might get confenscated by security if you do wear it. Also, fully functional flintlocks are classified as a firearm, you have to check the local laws, when wearing it.

    Just as with knives and daggers, we've had past problems taking them to faires in the car because of disgruntled cops looking to stop us.

    If you want to live the history I love you for it, but do it without damaging a part of history. If it's lasted 300 years, then make sure it's here another 300. :)


  6. If your in South Western Ohio, my husband and I are buying a sail boat this Spring, it's not a tall ship, but it's a lovely boat none the less. :) We'll be happy to take on day crew, for sunnin' and sailing. We're hoping to do some sailing while the Ohio Faire is going on, so if your out, drop us a line. :)

  7. I got a nice cutlass out at the indoor flea market for 50.00. It's a good "costume" sword. We needed to remake the sheath, but it was a good buy. Nice face cracker of a hilt, neat blade, heavy for it's cost. I'm going to rewarp the hilt with good leather, and good brass wire, but for the 50.00 it was a good buy.


    P.S. I've got photos, but my camera isn't wanting to give them up. I'll post later.

  8. I've got Maria Roseblade from the Reaper Mini's. If you ever buy from Iron Wind Metals, let me know, their local, and I can call and pick up orders, and mail cheaper to you. :ph34r: Their cool receptionist emailed us and told us that, since we're all local.


  9. What are you looking to have? All my stuff is custom done, so if you have photos, ideas, or something in mind, drop me a PM and ask. :)

    Most of my garb is Renaissance in style, but I can do other periods. I've done doublets for my husband, pants, and shirts also.


  10. I'm a rennie. I do faires, love faires, and enjoy them. But am always willing to dress up for other events. I do mold myself for the event I'm attending, I.E, wouldn't attend a Star Wars convention in Elizabethian Nobles. (I've seen it.) That's fantasy so I wear fantasy.

    If I'm going to a Pirate fest it's pirate garb, a faire is pirate garb, or peasant garb. I allow my costume to show my personality. That's important. :) But the cut and colour are important to me also when it comes to garb. I like to blend into the crowd and look well defined. My husband thinks I'm a costume nazi, but he's enjoys being frufru with frills more than I do, so we have our own choices.

    I do wear jewelry, necklace and wedding ring, which in some circles would be a no no. Clear nail polish I do wear.

    I like being part of the history, and part of it is dressing up close to what is period, even if the rules are slightly bent.

  11. Well, I was hanging on AFR for the first time in years, and spoted a person asking for help getting into their local faire. After a miscontruded "you can't do that! It's not right!" commuication with another poster, I got this link from the person selling the hats in an email tonight.

    And I am shocked delighted, and wowed. Their work is amazing! It's custom made to your head, all leather, it's beautiful. I'm getting misty looking at it.



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