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Posts posted by LadyBrower

  1. One of my crew mates had the opportunity to wear the stays I made for her this past weekend, but by the end of the day, the reed in one of her tabs got really bent. I actually thought she may have broken it. =(

    My question is... When using reed, do you all put two lengths in per casing, or just one? Or was this simply because it was laced too tight?

  2. I tried taking pictures, but my camera doesn't like shots so close.. .But I am very surprised about how much nicer that looks than my machine button holes... It takes a hell of a lot longer but it is worth it... And it seems to get easier the more you do. Thanks Captain for the visual, it was really helpful.

  3. Apologies on the diversion. Thought I had posted a post to get this back on track. Hmm... wonder where it went. Oh, well.

    Well, now we are rather off track. :)

    So.. umm... the back of a mantua... it's kinda the same concept as the Robe a la Anglaise?

    And the overskirt... when it's pulled back to rest upon the bum so to speak... is it tied? or hooked? or buttoned? or is there other ways to hold it up there in back?

    ~Lady B

    The few I looked at have different fastenings... I cant figure out exactly how the Janet Arnold one is done though. It just looks magically arranged. Has anyone seen it up close?

  4. Wow. You are crazy quick! I just found out hubby is taking me to Fort William Henry for my birthday/ Valentines day so I am not getting any sewing done for the next two days. lol.

    Very nice job on the stays. Wonderful indeed.

  5. Ah yes. I think its just habit... All my civil war skirts went in towards the back.

    "Looking at the skirting of the mantua...did you pleat the robe?"

    Well, I wasn't really using a pattern, but looking at one from Janet Arnold "Patterns of fashion" and just draping and pleating, so I don't know if this is going to make sense, but it's not two separate pieces, but I shaped the back and the front, then cut the middle, so there is actually a side seem but the skirt is all one piece... does that make sense? I think the overall style is a little late but It gave me some good practice.... I think I need an actual pattern. All this "winging it" is creating wrongish stuff. lol

    Thanks for the help.

  6. Greetings to ye! I am also new to the world or Piracy. The Gentlemen and Ladies are welcoming and full of knowledge.

    Pray, where is your area so that we might better find ye some local friends?

    Oh and I would like some hot spiced rum... I fear I suffer from a sore throat today. ('tis the strain of keepin me men in line!)

  7. Oh, I'm sorry m'lady, I was referring to the men's shoes from JAS Townsend. I ordered the Connie from Fugawee for myself, I thought they were rather pretty, and I like a small heel, I find them quite comfortable.

    I did go for the concord for my husband. They look pretty good and I hope they will be comfortable. We saved quite a bit of money because of the sale and combined shipping. =) hopefully everything fits and looks good...

    I just have to find him some buckles now.

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