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Kian McBrian

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About Kian McBrian

  • Birthday 02/15/1983

Profile Information

  • Location
    New York
  1. Severyn...give me a shout when you get a chance...I am with the Half Moon Marauders based out of NY...we could meet up at a few events always looking to meet new people
  2. No, I noted it, but with the hope that something would change. Sorry that you can't make it this year. Thank you very much good sir!! I was hoping as well, but sadly...I have no choice in the matter. I hope to see alot of pictures so that I can get motivated for next years event......provided it does not fall on the first weekend of the month.... December 4-5. Being the low man on the totem pole at work means I usually have to work those days since the other sgts take that weekend off ....so here I cross my fingers for next year!!!
  3. I love how NYC has its own rules from NY state. I live 50 miles north of NYC and we can own rifles with no permit, and "antique" or replica muzzloaders (handguns or rifles) require no permit either.
  4. Sorry for not replying to the few PMs I did get, but I have been out of town for a while now. I guess my post got run over saying that I will not be attending this event because of work . Maybe next year, who knows? Hope you all have a blast down there!!
  5. Taht is great!! Gonna order some up right now :-D
  6. Pyrat XO...but if that isnt available...Sailor Jerry's is a great rum too
  7. Gearing up for Fort Mifflin...oh the militia are going down!!!!

  8. Congrats!!! That is great news to hear!! Glad you got what you wanted :) !!! Ditto!! I think that would be awesome!!
  9. CaptainSatan...you win!!!! lol
  10. Dammit it all to hell!! If I didnt have work that day you would be sure i would show my ugly mug there!!!
  11. Copyrighted by GTO Alley This is my dream car...a 1969 Pontiac GTO "Judge" I drive something VERY similiar at work to tow one of these........ That is a picture of my baby...I cant imagine working on any other airframe!!
  12. Excellent so far!!! Big DKM fan so i think you are right on track with the song thus far Although the original is hilarious...here it is on youtube in case anyone wants to help scurvy but doesnt know the tune:
  13. Funny video I found on youtube...def worth a watch...great animation too Youtube Video
  14. Yeah...still trying to find those hacks that call themselves the "Full Moon Marauders"...scurvy bollix-y crew they are I heard!! On a side note.... Thanks to Crimson for setting all of this up and for the invite!! Thanks to the other crews that showed up at the encampment!! There was alot of fun times and I cant wait to see this event grow even more!! I know for a fact we had more fun at the camp than we did at the Pirate Ball...nothing beats sitting around a camp fire singing, drinking, and have a good time with like minded and fun people!!
  15. Looks good so far sir!!! Cant wait to see the finished product if that is what the "temporary" page looks like!! Shoot me a PM one day...would be nice to get together and do a few events together :) !!
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