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Scarlet Jenny

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Everything posted by Scarlet Jenny

  1. I hope ye'll be postin' pics o' her... How can we name her without a pic?
  2. Congratulations! The world needs more pirates!
  3. Now there's a pretty thing
  4. Breathtaking!
  5. YAY! Pretzel swords and teddy bear parrots! Why didn't I think of that?
  6. I can't wait either
  7. ::sighs:: maybe next time...
  8. Well, me hearties, it's Oscar night, so how 'bout we drink to Johnny Depp, to wish him loads of luck! "But why's the rum gone?!"
  9. heh
  10. Best early birthday wishes to ye, Merrydeath! Thar be no pirate more deservin'.
  11. Exactly
  12. Happy Birthday Maggie! I'll buy ye a rootbeer to celebrate!
  13. Now if only they would make a life-sized Jack Sparrow... teehee...
  14. I prefer me treasure a tad less charred than yer black heart, Nigel. But then again, no pirate worth her weight in booty'd reveal the location o' her next treasure hunt, not up here where every gold-hungry rogue can find it...
  15. I'll drink to that!
  16. Heard of it? It's only me fav'rite movie EVER! Well, next to POTC. I've been known to challenge me enemies with a duel "to the pain"!
  17. Captain Jenny Bonney! ARRR!
  18. Oooh, buried treasure
  19. There's a good lad! I'll be seein' ye!
  20. Aye, I agree, Desert Pyrate, since they don't have half-sizes, the next whole size is a bit roomy, but I love them anyway! They're great just the same! Can be worn in a few different ways, for the versatile pirate!
  21. I tried the caramel Pirate Booty once and I didn't like it. I prefer other types o' booty!
  22. Aah, a poisonous, piratical frog! That'd make a grand pet - just don't lick its back!
  23. Aye, STCrowley! Do what the man says!
  24. Some of my friends gave me some pirate-y gifts from Hot topic for Christmas: A tee-shirt saying "I [heart] pirates" A Hello Kitty shirt that says "It's all about the booty" and has a pic of Hello Kitty w/ a treasure chest And a car air freshener that says "I'm a pirate and this is my ship" beneath a Jolly Roger! All lots of fun! I hear they also carry "pirate booty" for the pirate's booty, as in pirate-theme underthings, teehee!
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