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Cannibal Chrispy

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Posts posted by Cannibal Chrispy

  1. Harry, THANK YOU! You have taught me so many things, all of which I will always love, honor and respect you for. It has been my most esteemed pleasure to serve under, work and play with you. I am saddened for selfish reasons, as I will deeply miss the energy you bring to all of our adventures. Sharing your camaraderie, excellent sense of humor and the occasional cigar, are things that I will always yearn for, but your laugh and the look of pride you get after pulling off the improbable against impossible odds are the things that I will certainly miss the most. My only regret is that all I have to offer you is my undying friendship, warmest wishes and most sincere prayers that your new journey leads to happiness for you and your family.

    <Proudly saluting

    Your brother in "and out" of arms.


  2. You KNOW I thought of you.... standing out at your campsite, watching whitecaps and huge waves crashing onto the rocks with 40+ MPH wind gusts. Thinking, it's much better in the winter when the weather calms down, that way nobody has to chase their tent down the beach.

    BTW Rusty has yet to clean her gun...... ever.

    You are welcome to crew on any cannon I am on!

    And then I'll throw you in the ocean. LOL!

  3. Well then bring it brothers! It's all good at FTPFPIP we welcome EVERYONE!! It is the perfect event to be hollywood one day, and pc the next, or pc by day and hollywood by night. Anyway YOU wanna do it, just come and enjoy yourself on the island! Plus it's a great time of year to fly south for a few days, or check out the "other" west coast.

  4. Wasabi was running the forge at FTPFPIP last year. I don't think he is a member here on the pub, nor is he a Bone Island Buccaneer. He is an independent pyrate/craftsman who is very knowledgeable in the GoaP. I am sure you can contact him through Harry, or ask Harry "Master Hairbone" here on the pub if you have any forge related questions.

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