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Everything posted by LadyLeigh

  1. Does anyone remember the really funny movie The Princess Bride? My friend got it in her head that she'd turn the movie/ book into a play at our school, so a bunch of us have been working on it and rehearsals 'ave started and it's looking pretty good, we've got lots a stage combat, and sword fighting, and acrobatics, and some really good actors. I'm really excited for it so I thought I'd share it with all you pyrates.
  2. I have to agree with endkaos, that if I were in the position to watch a sword fight of play my instrument I'd definitly be doing a fair amont o' watchin. Maybe the kids could dress up as pirates to play the score though, that might be fun.
  3. I'd be "Iron Elizabeth"...it has a nice ring to it.
  4. I love sailing when I can weasle my way onto someone else's boat, I'd really like to join a sailing club at somepoint in the future.
  5. (Lady Leigh stumbles in and discovers everyone partying like its 1731) Happy early Birthday Maggie. (Raises her own mug o'rootbeer) Best wishes to ye.
  6. I just be wonderin? Has enyone ever read a series of novels by Diana Gabaldon? The first one be called "Outlander". They're not exactly pirate novels, but they're really well writin historical fiction if anyone be interested. Leigh
  7. Are you sure you 'aven't been drinken any rum Maggie?
  8. I think nowadays it 'as to be the history, mystery and passion that go along with it, and I can only guess at what made pirates so artistically inclined in the passed. I enjoy drawing (sketching and abstract mostly.) Photography, acting and writing.
  9. Maggie, did you just throw good rum on someone...the stuffs fer drinken
  10. They are indeed a fine band, saw them live meself when they were in Toronto.
  11. What lured me?...Maybe it would be the hook in me ear...naw... I don't really know, it's probably in me blood, my great great grandfather was a ship's captain, though I've never really been able to find out much about him. I also really love the water, the first time I ever went sailing I had to be pried away. Its been a fasination o'mine since I was little, used to pretend to be a pirate with my brother and cousin...my brothers the only person I know who makes me sword fight him before he lets me into 'is house.
  12. Maybe if you kiss 'im he'll turn into a pirate? Would that be logical?
  13. I think I'm really inclined to agree with Red Maria. The Academy doesn't really give awards to comedy actors....I guess they enjoy being seen as an award show for "serious" acting etc.
  14. That'd be the funniest thing I've ever heard, Wartooth. As for the lass being afraid o'boats, maybe she gets extreme sea sickness, or had a bad experience on one before...
  15. I still be new here, but I'll wish you "break a peg" anyway, as i be really big into theatre.
  16. I played a lot of instruments...only thing e'er came outta them was noice though...been thinking of getting a didgeridoo.
  17. Aye, but young William noticed, I think all the cursed pirates were too busy being distracted by Jack's plan about stealing the Commodore's ship...greed, it's what got 'em into the mess in the first place.
  18. Just for a lil' back ground information, if anyone cares, apparently they added that scene in because when they screened it the first time no one realised that Jack had stolen any of 'em coins.
  19. I'll 'ave to put me two cents in on this on. Bloom may be handsome, but he doesn't 'ave anything on Jack, come on, who can resist the rough, weather worn, mysterious qualities that Sparrows got? :)
  20. Ahhhh. That makes sense. I'll buy you a drink for that one. :)
  21. I have to agree with Lady Seahawke. Thats what I thought when I saw it, although that doesn't explain why they didn't find the medallion at the beginning of the movie because will was floating in the water, wouldn't they have been "called" then?
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