I've sent some notes to some folks but I like the idea of this link getting out to more folks that I shared this wonderful experience with. Usually I get so excited on raids or boardings that I get all crazy and burn first! There I am, watching whatever prize I may have hoped for going up (or down) in flames as I realize what I'd done. With the guidance and direction of such great leaders, masters of arms and tacticians such as Capt. Sterling, Master d'Dogge, Spike, Bahama Braze and the others whos names I know not, all Battle direction was by cooler heads. They pointed, I shot! No going mad and running amuck. Shooting, looting, ravishing, poaching, creating mayhem and generally acting out of sorts. Nay! This time there was a bit less insanity.
Fayma, Spike and the Bone Island Crew and the local folks that tirerlessly worked to put this together. You must have done it all right because it was sure allright by me. Tony. The photos, well, we all know they're great. I was just glad to see you again. We made a connection at Blackbeard and there's nothing like running into an "old friend" that you met once! The Vendors. When I first entered the Fort i said, "Oh Boy! The Mall!" Some real fine folks with some awesome products. I was looking forward to meeting Greg so I could jam with him. That we did and I was not disapointed. "Mr. Hawkins" and I were practcally neighbors in Connecticut many years ago.
Haunting Lily. From before I got on the road from NC you were getting things squared away for me and I'll not forget your kindness. Watching you stay on top of the camp's daily goings on as well as individual needs, well, you could have used an extra pair of hands but, you did it. Thank You!!
I'd like to thank everyone, individually, by name but I can't. The memory in some case and some folks, we just exchanged a smile. I want to thank you all for sharing this great time with me. Next PiP I'll make it a point to learn more names.
To all you beautiful young women that kept putting the moves on me, "sorry loves, it just wouldn't work out between us."
In Graditude, Dutch, "X", his mark