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Status Updates posted by capn'rob

  1. Tomorrow I'm bound NNW for Marathon, NY. We'll have a look at this new event.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      Dutch -

      Twas' a pleasure to meet you.

    3. capn'rob



      To meet you and the Missus as well, sir!

    4. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      Dutch -

      A few photos are posted in gallery.

  2. Hampton! Ummm. Tomorrow is Sea Battle with Blackbeard aboard.. We've heard word of some "Lt. Maynard" yet I think we needn't a care.

  3. Avast Shipmates! A Wench Auction is soon t' take place in Old Beaufort Towne, sez I. Aye! On wot sech date, sez ye? Ah! But that'll be tellin' ye, sez I. T'will be posted in a day's time!

  4. Gods wounds! Damn me lights n' gizzards! Got yer voice back yet?

  5. Be thar scuttlebutt or fact as to Fells Point? I be of a mind t' attend.

  6. I broke up with my Pirate Girlfriend. Well, we'll always have Parrots!

  7. I'm four hours from Key West. Relaxing with my family in Lauderdale. Next Sat. It's off to PiP! Huzzah x3!

    1. madPete


      Lookin for'wd ta meetin ye at PIP

    2. Island Cutter

      Island Cutter

      Gonna really miss you all this year! Have fun!

  8. Dutchman, Saw the pics of after works and "whiskey plank", roughout for great cabin. One word, HUZZAH! I long for the day to see her. As for the equine area, I saw a diagram of a ferry powered by a horse on a turntable! Some slick!

  9. Well I drove 11 hrs to prepare "Patience" for "Earl". Capt. Sinbad and Lt. Brown sent down the yards on the "Meka"II. We all cleared and battened and for a storm which gratefully went away! I'd drive the distance and prep my boat twice a month if it would bring No Hurricanes!

  10. Doubling lines. Clearing away, battening down. Trying to reason with Hurricane Season!

    1. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      Ahoy Cap'n - How are you an P fairing in the blow?

      Jas. Hook

    2. theM.A.dDogge


      you nare-do-wells rydin the storm out??

  11. Making up charges. Filling Shot Racks. Sharpening Cutlasses and Boarding Pikes. Getting Chain Shot, Bar Shot and Grape Shot ready. Sounds like a Pirate Invasion to me!

  12. Aye,fer truth it be a fair breeze and a course fer th' south'rd we bear. Wi' an eye fer Ol' Baldy and clear o' Cape Fear. Thence ashore wi' Rusty Cutlass! Huzzah! x3

  13. Don't ask me where I been me lads, Don't ask me what I did. For every finger's a Marlinespike and every thumb's a fid.

  14. T'would be me pleasure, fer truth. As a feller marlinespike sailor be a shipmate true!

  15. Does I spy some Gents wot I knows aboard of this Public House?

  16. Steve will take good care of you - that is after he finishes my kit!!! :-)

  17. Hope you're staying warm as well. Good luck with the meeting and let me know how I can be of service. Be well darlin'

  18. A belated wish of a Happy and Healthy New Year to you, sir! Family emergencies have kept me away ~

  19. Hello, Capn'rob

    Thank you for coming in the webcomic of Celeste the Pirate! Keep up posted!

  20. Thank you for the welcome! :]

  21. Tristan da Cunha

  22. I would have been all over that nautical tattoo exhibit...mannnnn, why don't they do that in Florida???

  23. Lucky! I'd love to see that exhibit...

  24. ...yes indeed, we'll get those skeletons together, give em some rum and see what happens!

    Yer ship is a beauty...I'm saving my upper right arm for a ship of my own...Queen Anne's Revenge, Sailor Jerry style I think...

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