Abigail Roughnight
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Everything posted by Abigail Roughnight
Body Modification and Pirates.
Abigail Roughnight replied to Abigail Roughnight's topic in Scuttlebutt
Thank you, that really does help alot. I've been doing as much research as possible on every little thing, we have awhile before PiP so I am hoping to get it all ironed out and as pc as we can, now I just have to talk the Mister out of boots, which is harder then I thought it would be We've role-played (get yer mind outta the gutter!) so I am good at fleshing out characters and getting into them, but this one and the who era is alot harder then I thought it would be, but still very enjoyable, I can't wait to have a few events under our belts and really know and learn and grow from it all. So far you all have been pretty damn awesome with helping out where you can, which means the world! -
Body Modification and Pirates.
Abigail Roughnight replied to Abigail Roughnight's topic in Scuttlebutt
Yeah...I'd love to get traditional Polynesian tattoos on my leg. No matter how much it hurts lol. But...circumsizion with bamboo tools? eeee...that makes me...not so comfortable. Mmhmm, it seems like a really interesting way about it, I can watch it, but I don't know how long I would last with getting any done, granted the dermals took alot longer then expected thanks to my thin blood. Her's are also usually under her clothing which helps ease the aging, but still they are in darn good condition for how old they are. She also picked up crabs and hep. while over there in the Air Force, haa, she isn't exactly as pleased with either of those as she is with her work And yes, I hope to god that makes any guy uncomfortable, the worst thing ever seen was a GIRL having it done, granted that was not tribal at all (not the same show, and surely not an ancient tribe passing on a tradition) it was more scary and minus the bamboo for plyers, not awesome. But to each his own, thank god I'm American! -
Body Modification and Pirates.
Abigail Roughnight replied to Abigail Roughnight's topic in Scuttlebutt
My aunt has pretty work done she got over in the Philippines way back in the day, done with traditional inks and bamboo etc, it's amazing how her work after all these years is still so bright and beautiful. But I am also scared of the words "skin etching" go figure And after watching little tribal boys get circumsized with a sharpened bamboo shoot on tv, I dunno about tribal piercings, I almost passed out watching it, haa. *cries* -
Body Modification and Pirates.
Abigail Roughnight replied to Abigail Roughnight's topic in Scuttlebutt
There, you can see that they are jagged little stars, which are hard to hide at times. I've switched to wearing longer necklaces, but still get snagged ever so often, higher shirts work, except when a stitch gets caught and I yank on them and yelp like a girl. I am going to get fitted into all my garb and then work around trying to hide them with a scarf or what something, because I really want to wear more layers in the hot florida sun Also depending on what my bodice does to me, a couple of the bottom ones may be eaten alive by cleavage, woman may have an easier time picturing it then men, who knows. I also think almost all of my visual work is seen in this shot, of course I will look alot diffrent come PiP, and even though I will have more layers on then I ever have, I will feel nekkid no doubt. So we've pretty much checked everything off, the plugs will be hidden, the treggus will be removed, the snakebite will be removed, septum tucked, tattoos hidden beneath my "normal" clothing and that is about it I do believe, oh yes, glasses ditched for contacts, very PC I know, but I don't want to be stumbling around -
Body Modification and Pirates.
Abigail Roughnight replied to Abigail Roughnight's topic in Scuttlebutt
Great minds think alike I had another shot, more of just the work and not the photoshop, yet I didn't know if it would be allowed, no nudity I swear! I'm just used to photosharing sites and not forums so much -
Body Modification and Pirates.
Abigail Roughnight replied to Abigail Roughnight's topic in Scuttlebutt
There ya go, a glimpse of the dermals and other things. Both are me, before and after shots I put together BlackHohn: Haaa, you may want to wait until you get home, that way there you can curl up into a ball and cry without getting the weird looks. I really haven't thought to much of it, well I have, that's a lie. I spend hours on here when I can get a few, and dig and dig and write down and fav. etc. things and try to figure out which way to go, and also try to still keep it fun, of course if it feels like work it wouldn't be such a thing now would it? For now I am seriously enjoying all that I am learning, I had no idea how very fascinated I would become with it all. And I also haven't thought about THAT, I was wondering what sort of mix (characters and backgrounds) usually came to PiP, we are both currently fleshing out our characters, while simple things came easy, the real back bones of both are seeming more and more hard to get a hold of. But we will get there, I am far to stubborn (don't tell the Mister I just admitted to that) to stop now! -
Body Modification and Pirates.
Abigail Roughnight replied to Abigail Roughnight's topic in Scuttlebutt
Thank you all so much. I figured it was easier to just hide the work I have that isn't period correct, like my septum and other various facial things, my snakebites will be lost, which is fine, nothing that can't be redone in the future. And yes, I am picturing the nape piercings you are talking about Raphael, I've had my nape and madison (front/throat) done before, nothing along my spine as of yet, but the dermals are a straight line of 5 stars implanted along my chest, so no, not a cheeky way to say "boob job" ha. So could of been the same method you saw the girl with, or hers could of been less permanent surface piercings, no idea. Like you suggested Silikie, I'm going to try and figure out a simple way to hide them a bit, granted they get snagged on everything, so it might be one of those things I will have to just have and not hide. Everywhere else I am hoping to be as period correct as possible though. If I hadn't dished out an ungodly amount of cash and blood to have them all done I would simply have them taken out, but I'm not ready to part with them! LadyBrower: Exactly, I am hooked on getting work done, and since finding a local guy who does amazing microdermals and corsets, I can not hold myself back, I'm like a kid in a candy store with them, sheesh. But all of it is an interest of mine, even though I am leaning toward the less mainstream things these days. The plugs, thank goodness are now babies again, I had removed them and they healed up and I left em alone for years before finally getting around to redoing them. So hiding them with tiny flesh coloured plugs should fix it I hope, my tragus I am taking out any how thanks to it migrating for 8 years now, the poor fool is barely hanging on. But I may hit this "lady" up And my tattoos are luckily on my upper-arms, large but still easily hidden, another on my ankle and one on my big toe, none of which will be seen, so yay, one less thing to worry about! William: Thank you so much, I am already pages deep into the thread! Niko: Very cool find, I love wiki! I have snakebites AND venom's, obviously my venom's shouldn't be an issue seeing as how they are in my mouth, I am still going to go with a clear curved bar (I went with a single curved bar versus two separate straight bars, saves space in my mouth and healing time!) to hide them a bit more, and perhaps save myself from chomping on them as often. Tartan Jack: Very true, I was just wondering about such things finding their way into "our period" and how, I'm much interested in the history of it all if there is any. And I agree, I am going to go as PC as possible, of course it will only get better after being there in person and learning first hand from men and woman who have been doing this for years, but I would like my/our first go at it to be as authentic as possible. Blackjohn: ...if I had one I dunno that I would get one, it sounds very uncomfortable. Says the woman currently trying desperately to get her husband to get an ampallang, look it up! Any how, thank you all loads, I'm off to follow the links and learn a bit more! -
Aye thank you and William Blackehart.
I've been researching the subject and it seems the only thing I keep coming across is the boob/rib/organ abuse one underwent back in the day via tight corsets. I did stumble upon this nugget: "16th century in the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt a type of earring called an earplug became fashionable and these fitted snugly into a wide stretched hole in the earlobe" But I am unable to find out if this was also done else where and for how long. Really the question is, what "work" if any did they have? I ask because I have a few things done, obviously my tattoos are not period correct and will be covered any how during PiP, I also plan on losing one piercing all together seeing as how putting a retainer in only draws more attention, other things I will tuck and hide away, but things like plugs in my ears (I thought about going to wood for PiP) and my implants along my sternum are kinda hard to hide. Not that your eyes should be any lower then my face! And aside from that I'm just interested, we all hear of crude tattoos and earrings, but I am wondering more about what was used, both as the piece (metals, woods, ink etc) and what methods did they use. Thanks loads!
Which ever crew would have us and go easy on us since we're virgins, ehem. But we're both ready to pull our own and fall in where we're needed. Of course I will happily bat my lashes and fool someone into doing my work....I mean, definitely pull twice my weight, yes.
Period style items in mainstream places
Abigail Roughnight replied to LadyBarbossa's topic in Thieves Market
This is a fantastic thread! I'm already trying to get our gear in order for this years PiP so this so so helpful. I'm in one or more of those stores almost daily, yet it never dawned on me to look for items there! I'm so worried about being as PC as possible, but seriously, I'm cutting corners where ever I can, thank you guys so much for the info! And, about the rugs, which materials and prints should one be looking for? I know we're setting up a small camp, so I was interested in getting a chest or two to keep our things put away that aren't pc etc. and perhaps a table and chairs, but was worried about being PC, so was just going to go with canvas for now until we figured out something simple to bring with us and still be alright with. Thanks! -
The Husband and I are going to be there, like I said before, I don't care if I have to drag his dieing body the whole way, we're making it. Now to light the fire under both our arses and get out gear together and what not, easier said then done. But, still excited, this will be our first one, since last year we had to back out, sadly. Can not wait to meet everyone and learn everything humanly possible, and of course have a good time doing so.
Abigail Roughnight commented on Abigail Roughnight's gallery image in Pub Members Gallery
Add two more! It'll be our first and we cant wait!
do you need to get from SW Florida to KW??
Abigail Roughnight replied to RustyNell's topic in Fort Taylor
Brian and I are for sure taking it down as of now. I'll let you know if that changes though. Still unsure about which day, of course would like to leave on the 3rd but he's still trying to figure out if he can get off the 3rd-the 8th. -
From the album: Random Things
I did find this and may attempt to re-create one from that sheet. If anyone has any tips pass em along, I'm hoping of course to pick a design out and find the right kind of tree there to do it, if all else fails there is Home Depot =/ Luckily the lil lady will be staying with Grandparents, this is Mum and Pops chance to have some fun! So obviously we're (I say we meaning me) arent to picky as far as it all goes, but of course would like to get the most bang for our buck and effort. I've been digging and digging and have yet to find a lean for less then $230 range, minus polls and what not, point me in the right direction? I was also concerned with us taking the boat down to the island, of course I didnt want to have to lug polls, I read around here that the Fort has some, but didnt want to have to depend on those fully, just incase we get there and they are already in use. I was going to attempt one with out ropes, but honestly how crafty do I think I am
Ha, little Raigen gave him a good glare. I need to upload the picture of it.
Thank you Hurricane! We're going to give it our best effort and are thoroughly researching everything so we at least have a good start, of course we cant wait to get there and soak it all in though. We for sure will stop by, thank you again! RustyNell: I'm on it! I have the forms ready to go, just trying to finalize how we will be camping. And ha, exactly, you've got my hubby interested in smuggling an air mattress, I read you plug yours in to fill it, so there are outlets near or do you have an adaptor for the car? And ugh, we're trying to iron out those details, I can pack everything we own into my car like some sort of tetris champion, granted I don't want to play camel and haul it to the Fort, so we'll see. I told Brian (hubby) that we'll most likely be so exhausted we would be fine sleeping face down in the dirt, when he mentioned being uncomfy in a hammock. But who knows, of course the tad bit of privacy from a tent is nice. Ha! My husband gave me an odd face when I suggested being a mute to! The jerks.
Hi there everyone! First off, I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Audrey (and somewhere around here is Brian, my hubby) we live in Fort Myers, and had the chance to meet some amazing folks the other night at the Pirate Festival down by the beach here, which lead us here to you guys! (Poor fools!) Any how, we learned of PiP while there and because of the helpfulness and over all kindness of the men and woman at the festival here, we both decided that we would give PiP a go this year. (Any excuse to get down to Key West is a good one; I took my first steps there and plan to take my last!) With that said I had a few questions. (Hold onto your bootstraps) I was wondering if anyone had any images of PC sites at the Fort so I can get a better idea of what we will need for it. I think I've read every article here and looked at every picture I could find, but still want to be crystal clear about what to bring and how to properly set up. I know a few had mentioned Mayan Hammocks so we planned on bringing a couple of those already. I was just wondering about our luggage and what not, surely throwing canvas over it isn't enough, or is it? And of course I've already figured out freshwater showers are out, but what does everyone do for restrooms? Also, is anyone else taking the Key West Express from Fort Myers? That's what we had planned on doing instead of driving, with the way gas is going it may just be cheaper to take the boat down on the 3rd. I'm hoping to stay until the 8th, but that all depends on his work schedule and how much time he can get off for it. Alrighty, I do believe that may be it…I'm sure I will have another 50 questions before the dates up. We're both working on our outfits and combing through millions of sites to get those just right, I think the only snag is the lingo and the voice, I've already whined and said I may just be a mute =/ Any way, thank you all and hope to meet some of you soon!