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Abigail Roughnight

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Everything posted by Abigail Roughnight

  1. Going to go tomorrow (Sunday) with the family, hope to see some of ya there!
  2. Thank you both, really! Times are hard these days, for sure. While it's not hitting us as hard as some, we're obviously tied to a business that depends on people spending money, and not many people are spending money these days sadly. We're holding our breaths until the end of the year, that is when we'll see if it's time to hang it up on the one location, it's just not making a dime, the partners have actually put more money into it just to keep it out of the red since all this happened. The other location is doing well ironically. This one closing means yet another move though, which no one is looking forward to, ugh. We're both bummed about missing this year, especially since we decided to miss last years so we could save up and go comfortably versus rushing to get everything ready, we were both ready for the vacation then, well now we're for sure ready! gah! This just means more time and more planning and an even better time next year. I swear it! This time next year I'll be bat sh*t crazy so who knows what there will be to write about I hope you guys really do have an amazing time this year, and while we haven't met the whole group in person, you guys seriously are inspiration from afar and no doubt thought about often, we won't be there in person, but will for sure be there in spirit. Tomorrow we're going to the Fort Myers festival, it'll be a bitter-sweet time, but we'll take what we can get for now!!
  3. Not able to go to PiP this year, ugh, crappy.

  4. An update for us, we're not going to be able to make it...once again. And as splendid as it sounds to drag my half-dead and beaten husband all the way there, I'll have to not Not that I wouldn't, I just don't think I would hold up well in jail and all The economy is killing our stores, with that and two managers leaving, it's just not the best time for him to leave the restaurants, so we'll have to miss it once more I am still around lurking and learning, swear it, with 2 years of reading and learning, I think next year we'll do alright. By next year I should also come to terms with prison time and in the event that he can't make it on his own, I will happily use force to get him there Nothing beats family time! Any how, just wanted to post an update so our spots could be used by someone else. Hope you guys have a blast this year, I can not wait to oggle all the images and read all of the stories.
  5. Aren't smoothies awesome? I throw some green in ours (you can pick up some frozen, fresh or powdered wheat grass at any good health food store, or if you're lucky (unlike myself) you can find em in yer "normal" grocery store) either wheat grass, kale, or whatever else I can grab, keeping it low so to still actually want to drink it and not just hold my nose and open my throat and pray I don't taste it (happens often :/) Protein powder (flavored) is pretty good in them also, I get vanilla and throw in a whole scoop and dive in, after not tasting dairy for so long, it's seriously a good treat for me, ha. Now you have me wanting to taste wildflower honey! I only used clover honey before being vegan, and now just alternative sweetners (beet sugar, natural yet non-animal sweetners etc) how does wildflower compare? (Now I am suddenly craving honey! Darn you.)
  6. Vegan ravioli and sauce with potato samosas with chutney, yums!
  7. Aw rats, I was just there 4 days ago and didn't see em. Are they in any special spot or new and out on and end or something? Can't wait to see em, they have such cute lil cutters, I Love making bento lunches, so I use em for all sorts of things!
  8. Oh a new baby. Him (the Mister) and I were talking about next year or the year after and having a new baby, I'll either be very very pregnant or with a younger baby, we shall see. I'm currently enjoying spoiling this one rotten with all the time in the world!
  9. Liam is only four and Aeva will only be 18 months. Trust me. You could bring her along and she would have her share of children to associate with if you decide to. Oh awesome, I was wondering if the kids were school aged or around her age, hrms, I may just make her day and let her know she can come, we'll see what the Mister says, who also thinks her and I are to attached :/
  10. Awww look at the babies. (Ugh man I am a sucker for kids, don't get them near me, I will try to mother them!)
  11. That's what I keep thinking, but then I worry about her sleeping and what not since she is only 4, well would be 5 by then. We do plan to involve her for sure, but I think we both wanted to make a "dry run" to get a better feel of things ya know? I do know we are taking her to the Fort Myers festival, if they still do it this year, granted she has already been to that, I don't know if that is what she is mixing it up with and thinks we would go with out her to that this year or what. And don't worry, I may end of caving on it, I stay home with her and we've spent very very limited time with out each other, I feel guilty doing anything at all with out her (hell she goes to the gyno with me, and that's not even fun!)
  12. everyone seems to be...that's what makes this so much fun hey, we got to spend the night on a ship in ohio !! even the 16 y.o. who doesn't like to play "dress up " got into it and had a really great time !! he got to fire a cannon !! I'm jealous that he got to fire a cannon! Our daughter is really really mad about not being able to come, I told her that we want to go through it with just him and I the first go around or so (really it may always be us, oh come on she has Halloween and Christmas!) and get the kinks ironed out before adding her to the mix...she is not happy about that and keeps saying she's going to come and wear her witch costume (lovely.) So we shall see how that goes, stranding her at Grandma Hussy's (Grandma picked that name at her birth, don't ask) for the 9 days may scar her, I can see the therapy visits already.
  13. I agree, I'm trying to take in as much as I can now, so when it is actually physically in front of me I will be able to at least have an idea of what is pc and what isn't instead of starting out from scratch all around. I still have alot to learn, we all do, I'm sure everyone picks up some nugget of information daily, I love to learn, well so far I love to learn about this, it's all fascinating still, and hopefully will stay as such. Granted I didn't expect to spend such a huge amount of time looking up the history of little things (which is really fun though, ha.) I think newbies trying to learn is an awesome look! Again it's great to hear how helpful everyone is, it really is a great thing. I like to remember where I came from, seems like everyone or at least most here do, which is comforting.
  14. Well it's a new adventure for us, so we will of course play well with others, get me a drink and I may play to well with others, but that is neither here nor there. I'm on holiday, nothing counts! But seriously, it is all new to us, and we're (well mostly me) really grinding to get all the information we can and take everything in, what we can do, we will for sure, I'm not shy about asking for help, granted I wish alot of you lived closer, I'm a visual learner most of the time. We both are easy going folks, I'm a hippy at heart, I can't help but like almost everyone, then of course I'm also a Leo and a female, thats where it gets tricky/crazed
  15. .... oops, so I should of posted my 3 paragraph chatter to her about my own nipple work, showering, hair brushing while naked, tight bra's etc instead of messaging her? Aw crap.
  16. That is actually a brilliant line "Don't think "good enough" think "best." and yep, totally made sense, uber glad that someone else can understand, obviously others do also I'm sure. Our philosphy tends to be about the same, with a bit of "go big or go home" in it, we believe in putting your whole self into something when you commit to it, obviously it's not going to kill us and it's not forever, it's for fun and for a bit over a week, we can do this! And hell we still have a comfortable amount of time to get our butts in gear, even though I work best under extreme pressure You can't see my jealousy but I promise you could smell it if you were here, I've been nursing a horribly painful jaw (wisdom teeth, they stop aching and I forget about them and having them removed until they ache again, it's been at least 7 years now sheesh!) so the rum would be very welcomed! Instead I have ice coffee, oh hell Ha no, the 2nd one down was removed properly and it's left a scar that I hate, I can not imagine what would be left behind after having it done at PiP I also thank my lucky arse I have not had work done drunk, or by anyone who was drunk (I think, one fella who has done some of my work has his actual eyes tattood, so who knows if they're bloodshot or not, he is very friendly ) granted I do have some work I regret, oh well. I would love to hear your drunk work stories though Also, about covering them, I am going to perhaps exchange the stars for smooth discs, which wont snag, these stars grab everything, but are so cute So then I should be able to maybe get away with covering them up with something and have a slightly lower rate of suffering a rip or tear, now that they've fused a bit (gross!) they hurt in a whole new way when they get yanked roughly
  17. You already know I'm OCD, well I said I was. I spent the better part of lastnight researching lanterns for crying out loud. I figure what I can't make PC (for one reason or another) I won't stress about, but what I can nail, I surely will. I just wanted to make sure that they weren't going to be a huge deal, hopefully the effort in other areas will stand out more so then my implants, for once. If not we do have a surgeon, yes? Surely I can walk him through how to remove em for me if I do get drunk enough and change my mind. (The thought scares me)
  18. Well see, there you go then, now I have one reason to visit Kentucky. Granted I use every excuse known to man to get back down to Key West, I'm often tempted on my usual drives across the state to just keep going south :/ I'm not going to go insane with getting every single thing PC this go around, but I am trying hard to nail pretty much everything I can think of, if that makes any sense. I think I've already said it a million times, but I can't wait to take it all in and really learn, I'm a quick study when it interests me! So I have no problems hiding the implants the best I can, surely I don't want to lose one thing I have in favor of another. And I agree already, it's great that you all seem so easy going.
  19. Kentucky...!?!? Ha, crap, sorry for the slip! KWWWWWW. Kentucky, well I've never been there but actually do want to at some point, no idea why though.
  20. Gosh Garden of Eden, I haven't heard that name in ages, it's been far to long since we've been to KY Hahaha, now I have a nice mental image of everyone covered in crude paintings, cute. And thank you, it's comforting to hear that it's a good bunch, I can't wait to meet everyone, painted or not
  21. There, you can see that they are jagged little stars, which are hard to hide at times. how many "jagged little stars" you got??..by the pic....looks like the go...go all.....go all the way.....!?!?...well they look asif they go all the way!! cool Oh Sir, you know a proper lady would never tell such a thing. (*whispers*5 minus one that was removed and waiting to heal back to be placed again, sorry to burst yer bubble! BUT we are talking about visible work that needs to be covered, ha!)
  22. I dunno if I like the sound of that!
  23. They also had some interesting (and some HUGE) lanterns at Lowe's, granted I was just literally running through and spotted em, so unsure on how PC they are or you could make em be.
  24. Yow! *cackles!!!* That's what all the bois say All the girls say "oooo that looks fun!" ha.
  25. A gutter mind is a terrible thing to waste. Cool! I'm as much an rpger as I am a reenactor. So yeah... having that ability to develop a character comes in handy! Ha, yea as I typed "role-play" it then hit me that alot of folks who have never heard of RP may very well think I'm spilling my bedroom secrets, nevar! And it is a terrible thing to waste, glad I'm not the only one, I swear at times this mind of mine belongs to a 17 year old boy. And the ability totally does, I grow pretty fond of characters and can already tell I will love PiP, now to really hammer out the characters and get into them. This will be alot harder seeing as how I personally am used to Rp'ing online (sounds totally lame but isn't I swear!) and being able to using text versus myself, so this should be fun, I hope I do it justice.
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