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silas thatcher

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Posts posted by silas thatcher

  1. hmmm... shoes, breeches that i can actually make fit on me !!, ok that falls under the "skills" department, case for my new pistol, having PiP moved closer to st. louis, better knot tying skills, oh, and an island in the carribean, too :)

  2. cd's will be sent out in a day or two... i can still burn more, so don't be shy and ask... the cost for this is less than a buck for each, so don't think that any compensation is necessary.... very small price for all those who have spent time helping us out :)

  3. . KFC wasn't too sure about us when we came in! A pyrate and a long-haired hillbilly... ;)

    yeah, i got weird and even amused looks. but you have to admit, bo.... at least you look cool.. never had the nerve to grow my hair long....

    Great photos my man! I've already been through 'em twice. played 'em on slide show for the kids when they got home from school and for Blondie when she came in.


    hope you enjoyed them :)

  4. I know that most of you haven't seen the packaging for last year's movie and photo DVDs, because we're still re-editing the video due to music issues, but if you want me to take everyone's pictures and put them together in one package with a cover I'm available. We're also willing to edit video.

    that would be kinda cool.... send me your addy and i'll get a copy over to ya.. i know that of the 400 on the cd, there are a handful that are worthy of notice

  5. :rolleyes: I didn't take any photos this year. Can I be in anyway? I don't know what to offer in return though.

    yer in a good handful or two.... even caught ya smilin' :) in return ??? nada...the cost is so small, even with postage that it is not worth collecting.. ( less than i buck, i figger )

  6. as i am going through all my pics ( got snap happy with the new camera !! ), i am setting aside the ones strictly related to PiP for a cd for capt. bo. as a guess, i have somewhere between 300 to 400 pics of various people, details of period items, clothing, encampments, pics of the fort, events, ( sorry-- none from in town ), and during the fest.

    would anyone else be interested in having a copy ?? yes--- the pics of the kids playing, etc., won't be on it ( i have close to 900 pics total ) .... just pics of PiP, some scenery, ( got a few good sunset pics ) ...

    lemme know if anyone is interested and i'll burn off a few copies and mail them...

  7. perhaps another idea is to have people (us) as town criers, so to speak, loudly announcing an upcoming demonstration AND handing out maps with details...

    this could be done right after an event such as a battle when people are already gathered... since some such as i, don't have much to display or demonstrate, we could surely be organized enough to cover the fort and field when we are given direction to do so..

    this way, there is no time frame, people find out about it, and are even given a map with details about said demo.

    just a thought..

  8. [1. Making all the plans for NEXT year before this year is even cleaned up.

    on monday night, with only a few remaining campers, i saw a light over at the BIB's camp and went to investigate....

    there i found the BIB's sitting around the campfire literally discussing things for next year !!

    good commitment on their part !!

  9. just to add in my 2 cents worth.... i think that tours to the encampments would be a great idea.... BUT.... with fairly organized AND advertised times...

    this would give the tourists a chance to look in the program, and have something to look forward to, and not miss it because the time was set at " key west " time..

    in little ol' st. louis, we were able to see certain acts, due to a fairly good schedule.. here again, that requires a certain commitment of tour guides, and those doing the displays...

    i believe that this would dramatically increase tourist involvement in the fort and at the encampment...

    alot of people i talked to in the parking lot and the fort didn't necessarily know about the encampment, and that they were free to roam around and look..

  10. plans are..... refine my garb a bit, refine some of the kid's garb, make a table, a chest, maybe try a lantern or two ( without plexiglass !!) , finish a sword project, work on shoes, buy a tent, maybe make the fly..

    i kinda like the sail/tarp of patrick's so maybe one of those, finish the other hammock, come up with trousers that actually fit !!, once i get the trousers down pat try breeches, finish the cartridge box, buy more "sailor jerry's" rum for next time-- that bottle went quick in the hide !!

    that's all for now, i think :)

  11. alot of people i have run into, including here in st. louis, have been sporting your buttons. still haven't used up all the buttons i got from you before. seems like i sewed on more than what i ordered !!!

    just glad you're out there for all of us :)

    put me down for 100 more, please...

  12. since this was my first PiP, a family vacation, first time in florida, etc., everything was new and great for us...

    we did our best to have garb to fit in with the encampment and thanks to lady constance, i think we pulled it off fairly well for newbies... i had a mission in mind to make sure i examine everyone's stuff to see how i could refine ours..

    everyone was more than willing to share and lend advice... kudos to all for that !!

    it was a very long and sometimes tiring drive, but was worth it. too bad the weather was not a bit nicer this year, but lady constance got her beach time..

    and what an event it was !! well worth the trip..

    feet ???? i don't think i ever put that many miles on in such a short amount of time.... gel inserts for my "thought they were comfy" shoes..

    did get to purchase a nice looking flintlock from callenish, and even got to shoot thanks to mickey souris... even gave me his first try at an ammo pouch... told me how to correct what went wrong with that first attempt... a little fine tuning and all will be well..

    and what a cool place to camp !!

    next year we should have our own tents, and improved garb, etc.,

  13. the fire mentioned earlier.... lantern cleaning was the order of the day the next morning... preventive measure so to speak.... and now we know why...

    heck.. it looked like a huge fireball !! so much so that i thought maybe a tent caught on fire. fortunately, no such incident occurred..

  14. and a few more.......

    mary diamond and capt. jim


    early morning bread making.... silkie, lady constance and andrew


    this is just a beautiful pic............ lady constance and ryan


    and this pic of patrick turned out better than i thought it would :)


  15. my comfy, almost pc looking shoes didn't turn out so comfy afterall... not after all the miles i put on them...

    i did get gel inserts for my boots, but for some reason, didn't think i needed them for my shoes. at the end of pip, my feet were killing me.... so now i learn :)

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