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Everything posted by julius27
Thanksgiving weekend. Don't have enough vacation at w@&k for any other time. I hate my job!
Bluejacket's manual, yes! If'n ye have that scanned, please send me a copy. Pretty please?
Speekin' o' Mister Prostitute, why the 'ell 'd they send 'im away with the rest o' the loyal crew? Me cousin an' I asked that question out loud at the same time while watchin' it.
Love it! Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong are really funny anyway. Add actors from both Python and Mel Brooks canons, and I don't see how you could go wrong.
Anybody else get the Guichuan? It's wicked cool, jes' cos it's a TEN mast ship! It's bloody expensive (30 points) an' slow as blazes, but it's threatnin' cos o' the shear size o' the thing. Plus ye only need ta roll better than a two or three ta do damage with the cannons.
Me favorite part actually be wooin' the Gov'ners' daughters!
Most o' the faires I've attended like ta put a zip tie through yer weapons at the gate. Like has been said already, though, as long as some sort o' tie is present an' the weapon stays in its sheath, ye shouldn't have any problems. I usually cut the zip tie off an' properly dispose o' it soon as I'm outta sight o' the gate an' never had any sort o' problems 'cause o' that.
Me own baldric started out fine and turned into a slight failure over time. The explanation be that at first, all I wanted was a place ta hang me sabre that was more mobile than a belt frog. The solution was ta make a one an' a half inch belt strap with rings in the ends ta hang the Elizabethan frog from. I added a dagger upside down from the shoulder an' it looked great. I ran inta trouble when I wanted ta start loadin' meself down fer true intimidation factor. By the time I'd added two pistol holsters, a kukri knife, an' a cutlass on the back, the bloody thing weighs about fifty pounds an' hangin' on a one an' a half inch spot on me shoulder hurts a lot! Now a baldric really needs ta be made out o' a heavy leather; 7 - 8 oz vegtable tanned is what I use. Ye can also just buy a belt strap from Tandy. That's definitely the way ta go if'n yer makin' the other stuff fer lighter duty such as pouches an' the like. The holsters I've made were from the heavy weight leather I mentioned, are simple, eligant an' functional. I can send ye a pdf file o' the pattern if ye like. Good luck on all o' yer work, mate!
Aye, Lady Barbossa, it be a fun game indeed! I got me Crimson Coast expansion set complete (bought the last ship on e-bay). I got so frustrated with the distribution o' cards in the Revolution expansion (two BOXES o' boosters, an' only about two thirds o' the bloody set!), that I lost interest fer a while. I played last thursday an' got me ar$e 'anded ta me by a friend playin' chinee. Me last ship weren't sunk 'til the second ta last turn in a six player game, though, so I didn't do too bad. I use a French fleet with a heavy five master an' a bloody fast single master. I guess it'd work better if the fact o' flyin' French colors didn't make everyone else want ta kill me so bad.
Aye, ye bring up a point I been thinkin' 'bout off 'n on fer a long spell, Kidd. I been lookin' fer a belayin' pin ta add ta the ever increasin' arsenal (which I think is goin' on a wider baldric ta distribute th' weight better). I'd especially like one made o' foam rubber, so's I c'n smack folk with it an' not cause undue fuss in doin' so. I wonder if'n anybody'd know hows I'd come accross such a thing?
Thank ye all fer yer input an' compliments on me work. Yes, the emblem be Klingon, an' also celtic. On the back o' the kidney belt be a more elaborate version o' the same. The usual depiction o' the celtic knot has a isosoles (?) triangle, but the lovely thing about celtic knots is the endless variations that were done, may have been done, an' can be done.
(Smak ta the 'ead), I fergot ta put the link in there. Sorry, mate. http://www.aurorahistoryboutique.com/ahb_h...OfficeGifts.cfm
Here be a set o' playin' cards should reflect the time right. After tarot left favor (probly 1100 er so), cards like this were common 'til almost the mid twentieth.
Intimidation knows no bounds ta the first. The congregation says "Amen" ta the second.
As far as drowning, its easy ta slip outta a baldric. In the actual accounts I was refferin' to, it didn't seem a fight actually took place. It appears the intention o' carryin' so much gear was so as not ta need it. I mentioned the snap because I know its outta place in timeline. Since many sailors came from further inland themselves (pressed into the navy from farms an' the like), I don't see how it would be a far stretch ta come accross a kukri. There are any number o' reasons the original owner might'a needed ta be in the Indian Ocean. I'm not really tryin' ta be overly criticle o' the critique, mate. I really do appreciate all comments, both positive an' negative. I did intend it as a fantasy piece and ta project the atmosphere o' a bloodthirsty cutthroat, so I'm glad ta hear ye think it does that job.
Oh, my kidney belt! I made that. Gotta get a picture o' just that ta put up here so's ye can see it better. I tooled a celtic knot design inta the back that came out real sweet!
What about knives? In Robert L. Stevenson's Treasure Island, it was specifically mentioned several times of a buccaneer weilding a "dirk" which seemed to describe a double edged dagger. Also, there were folding knives in use at that time. It is possible that they were used only as tools and not as weapons, but is there evidence that they were? A bit to the side from this site's subject matter (HCMAs), do you know of specific exotic weapons that existed during the GAoP that are not generally thought of as pirate weapons? For example, the kukhri knife of the Ghurka fighters in India.
I've read descriptions of pirates boarding a prize loaded with as many weapons as they could possibly carry. Multiple swords, pistols and knives. So I decided to try replicating the idea in reality (okay, I don't have any real pistols, but the replicas are near the size and weight of the real thing) and see if it was feasable to carry. From the front, a dagger and two pistols. A sabre at the side. A cutlass and kukhri knife on the back. The dagger has a snap on the frog and I don't know how old the kukhri is so it may not be appropriate to the GAoP. The thing weighs around fifty pounds, and really hurts after about fifteen minutes. If I try it again, I'm going to use a three inch wide strap.
Another thing I fergot about an' thought I'd mention. The reason I got no extra shot or powder, is once ye shoot, yer probly too close ta other lubbers lookin' ta gut ye ta be takin' the time ta reload. Just go to the next biggest weapon 'til its no good an' so on.
Aye, yer points be all good (don't yet have suitable shot an' powder containers). The main point ta my mind bein' that if yer suitably intimidatin', ye've no need ta use any o' the gear anyways. Then ye take what ye want, trade ships if theirs be in better shape, an' set 'em on their way. Why go ta all the work o' killin' folk if ye can get 'em ta give up without a struggle, eh? This rig be around fifty pounds (whatever that comes to metric), an' its a right bloody lot ta be totin' around ta be sure!
Now I got the pics on photobucket, here they be! So, whaddya think?
I make 'em meself. Here be a picture o' me own baldric: Let me know what ye think. I've made 'em fer others with a belt strap that'll fit up to a three inch wide belt. If ye like these, tell me what ye think a fair price'd be, an' we'll see if we can strike an accord.
Of course, if it were legal to kill stupid people, I think everyone would eventually be on someone's list. There are a couple o' guys at me day job that are on mine. I'm sure one was born stupid and the other may have developed the condition by abusing alcohol fer too long. Other than the moments during work when I have to deal with them, I feel pretty good.
Alright, here be a pic o' me wearin' the cursed thing an' none o' the weapons free o' their moorin's. If that comes up, I'll put 'em all on Photobucket an' repost.
Guess I should'a took the sock out.