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Posts posted by Wartooth

  1. Two Years... is definitely a must read. Another one I would add is The Age Of Fighting Sail by CS Forester (yes, of Hornblower fame). It's a detailed historical study of the naval battles during the war of 1812. A really good read.


  2. The branding at one point was done on the forehead. Usually we was just hung.

    Lloyd's right. A brand wouldn't do much to mark you. Plus, who's to say a typical pirate would give a damn? Hanging was much more effective. B) Most tattoos would probably be more generally nautical in nature, found on sailors of all cultures and ship-classes.

    Miss Adventure - not to steal your thread, but .....

    I have been looking for flash art of octopuses (yes, octopuses not octopi ... don't mix your Latin and Greek B) ). Have been unable to find anything printable in black & white. Am wanting one on my left arm and my local artist only has 2 in his books ... both are okay but not exactly what I want. Any ideas where I can look?



  3. From what I had heard ... Davy Jones was a ruthlessly nasal British captain on the American merchant ship The Monkees. Not to be confused with The Sea Monkeys. First mate Michael Nesmith actually knew the ways of the sea, but had to defer all orders to Mr. Jones and his leftenant Mickey Dolenz. Neither one of the officers had nearly the experience that Mr Nesmith or even his pal Peter "Bowl-Cut" Tork had. After a failed mutiny, Mr Nesmith gave up on his career of fame and fortune to resign himself to the comforts of his tavern in town called "The White-Out". Some say it was named after a horrible snowy storm at sea ... others make reference to some sort of office supply product. Davy Jones has not been heard from since ... except for a possible sighting on the SS Brady Bunch.

    The crew of The Monkees made much money in the short time they sailed together. But overall their ventures failed. If only the lads could sail ...

    It is said that lone sailors can still hear The Monkees sailing by at night. Some have reported mysterious sounds with nonsensical words floating in the air.

    "Here we come

    Sailing on the seas

    Getting the funniest looks from

    All the early 1970's teens.

    Hey hey, we're on The Monkees.

    Everybody thinks we've run aground.

    But its just our careers sinking.

    Now we flip burgers in town."



  4. Impressive indeed. Claire! Reckon we'll appoint you the list's resident coin expert! :)

    Wartooth, I'll bet yer an HP Lovecraft fan. (?)

    Capt. William

    Hah! :huh: You know ..... I had never made that connection before. I have an entire bookshelf dedicated to Lovecraftian stories and such. As we are soon moving into a larger house, I was planning on setting up a 50-100 gallon saltwater tank for an bimac octopus. Perhaps an appropriate name would be Cthulhu or Dagon?

    Wartooth (who's getting the willies just thinking about it :huh: )

  5. I'm considerin' showin' up, if that's alright. I live south of Portland about 40 miles. Hope I can find the place! :huh:

    Mr Bones, sir! May I ask where? My family and I just moved from wet and wonderful Sherwood, Oregon to this desolate wretchedness of a hell-hole called Reno. Gods, I miss it up there!


  6. I came across this pic of an old coin. Being a fanatic of octopi (as well as treasure treasure treasure :D ), I'd like to know its origins. Can't seem to find anything about it. My first guess was Greek. Any other ideas?


    Wartooth (who coincidentally enough is in the midst of designing an evil-looking octopus tattoo for his left arm)

  7. About two years ago History Channel International had this mini-reality series called "The Ship", putting modern folk on a 17th century reproduction ship and having them use all the tools of those times to map and navigate to Jakarta from Australia (although they ended up in Bali).

    I think they were on board for 2 months, and the only modern gadgets allowed was one satallite phone and a modern doctor. (Plus one camera crew- actually I think that was only 2 or 3 people that had to serve as part of the crew duties). They wwere allowed to bring two changes of clothes, a tooothbrush, hair brush, and one book.

    I remember they helicoptered a few people out due to injuries, and they were filming this right when 9/11 happened so the captain of the ship had to inform the rest of the (generally international) crew about the event.

    But watching them barter canned fish saved for rations for some fresh catches with islanders who did not want the canned fish, but did want t-shirts instead- that was priceless. So was watching the crew get "happy" on some palm wine.

    I can't find the series anywhere, been looking for it to give to my husband, who also loved the show. I think that either of us would sign up for a pirate's reality show in a sec.

    Right on the money, lass! :) That was a brilliant show and so much better produced than any program that the main networks could even think of doing. They were more concerned with the historical realism. CBS, ABC, etc. will do anything for ratings, including replacing realism with sexual sensationalism. I can see it now ... "Average Joe 3 - Which Lubber Will She Pick?" Blech.


  8. I've recently discovered that mereshaum (probably spelled wrong) makes a wonderful fragrance when smoked. I was wondering if anyone has ever seen one with a metal cap. If so, I would love to know where I could find such a pipe.

    I have smoked meerschaum pipes for years and have yet to come across one that gives off any aroma when smoked. In fact, there is nothing at all in the make-up of that clay-like deposit that will do so. Perhaps what you may be experiencing is just a more pure aroma from the tobacco being smoked? Was it an aromatic, virginia, balkan, or english?


  9. I have an old (1730s) Dutch East Indies coin that I would like to display as jewelry. They're not too terribly uncommon and can be bought for well under $10 for mediocre quality, so I'm not worried about damaging it. I won't have it made into a pendant, as I already wear a 6" silver-capped boar's tusk on a necklace.

    Have any of you had coins made into rings? This one is about the size of a US penny or maybe just a tad larger. I wouldn't know where to begin with it or what it would even cost. Or even a "manly man" bracelet?


  10. Wartooth,

    Hubby got to go to the Zippo Muesum/factory in PA, and said they had more than the catalogue you get in the mail ever offered. Consider emailing them to see.

    My husband also has a Sheffield Tamper that is all metal, with plastic guards on the sides. His first one the guards broke off from daily wear. Maybe you could find someone to scrim what you want, and get one of these tampers?

    It's made in England, long oval in shape, with pick, knife, and tamper foot on the bottom of it. Really great for 20.00. It's the best tamper he's found. He got his first on in Canada, but Tinder Box started carring them.

    It's an idea, since you can shape bone/ivory to what it is needed for. Or maybe a neat project for yourself. :)


    Izzy - I will find out if they have what I'm looking for. Thanks for the info about the place.

    As for me needing a project ... how much spare time do ye think I have? A nose can't pick itself, ya know. :huh:


  11. Now that I think about it ... a good small rigging knife would make a wonderful pipe tool and all-round utility blade. The marlinspike alone is just a thicker version of a pipe pick. I know I can find a nice scrimshaw rigging knife somewhere.


  12. Wartooth-

    Do you just want the knife? Or the poker, knife and tamper tool combo?

    Looking for the whole combo, Izzy. Thanks for the info and the help in my search. I will look through some Zippo catalogs and see if I can find one. I know they do faux-scrimshaw lighters, so why not pipe tools? :(


  13. As long as we're on the topic of scrimshaw ... anyone recall seeing scrimshaw pipeknives anywhere? I've been looking for one for ages.

    For those of you who don't know what a pipeknife is ... its got at least one blade usually rounded off for scraping the cake from the interior of the pipe bowl, one long thin pick for digging around in the charred tobacco, and a tamper on the end for pushing the fresh tobacco down.

    Yes, I've been smoking pipes for many years now. So what? :) That's right, gimme a good stoved virginia flake doused in a splash of Jamaican rum. Hell, for that matter, why not a stout honduran maduro with a glass of rum to sip with it? Great! Now I've got a craving for a smoke!


  14. I saw that Real World too channel surfing the other day. I found Megalophobia- fear of large objects, since she seems to be okay about small boats. So maybe she has Hydromegalophobia or Megalothalassophobia? (fear of big things and water or big things and sea?)

    Or maybe Claustromegalothalassophobia? (fear of big enclosed things in the sea) Or perhaps Megalopyrosubhydroclaustrophobia? (fear of large fires underwater in enclosed spaces) Or maybe Cootiephobia? (fear of catching whatever that tavern girl has) :lol:


  15. Nice purchase. And at a good price too. I agree with Point #1: these small repros lately are completely useless and have no traditional feel to them. Although Point #3 is a bit disturbing: sellers nowadays often get into the bad habit of skipping this important aspect. B)

    Not sure I care about it being only a 10x. Seems kinda weak, but then again ... probably more realistic for the era.


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