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Twisted Maggie Smythe

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Everything posted by Twisted Maggie Smythe

  1. Aye! Ye can visit me page here...I will add thee! http://www.myspace.com/bkzalley P.S. I play Pirates...you can add me there too!
  2. Don't know which one's ye have already done, but I love anything by Hank Cramer. Maybe one of his?
  3. Aye! Welcome! I be new here also. Love your art! My 14 year old son draws stuff like this...dragons, elves, pirates, anything. He is really talented. I hope he keeps it up and is able to make some coin with it. Keep up the good work and yer sails full!
  4. Well, tis be a subject that I can join in... The best pirate movie for this wench is "Cutthroat Island" (1995) with Geena Davis. I just love how tough she is and determined. Always love to see women in those roles. Unfortunately it didn't get alot of PR so it didn't do well at the box office. I don't know how many times I have watched this movie, but everytime I do, I feel refreshed and know that I have enjoyed it again. I really like any movie with pirates in them. ARRRR!
  5. Dear Twisted Maggie Smythe.

    I am beholdin' To Ye My Faire Lady for placing such joyous and wonderful music upon your site.

    A flourish of the feather plumed hat

  6. English merchant ship
  7. How much for the frock and waist coat? Email me at bkzalley@yahoo. com For the ladies, there is a matching petticoat that goes with this to make a traveling habit or a mourning outfit. Size 20 - 24 for women or 50+ chest/XL+ for men.
  8. Avast! That be terrible news! Be'in it is so close to Xmas may have had somethin' to do with it. Thanks for keep'n us informed anyway. BTW, I went to a Sea Shanty class here at Fort Columbia last Saturday. It was so much fun! Our instructors were: David LoVine (Shantyman for the Lady Washington. He is awesome!), Bert and Di Meyer(Budd Bay Buccaneers), Matthew Moeller(The Whateverly Brothers), Phillip Morgan(the Cutters), and Dan Roberts(The Whateverly Brothers). Also the songwriter, Mary Garvey. She is a member of the original Seattle Song Circle. Here in our area, they have a sea shanty sing the last Monday of every month (except Nov. and Dec.) in Astoria, OR. at the Rogue. One more thing, please keep Di Meyer in your prayers. She has breast cancer and though is doing well, is going through cemo right now. She is such a wonderful singer and actor and I just want her to get all the mojo that she can. Fair winds to all!
  9. Ye have until November 1st to register fer the last one. I would love to be going, but me treasure has run dry. I met Hank when he performed here at the Cape Disappointment state park with the Constellation Crew. I fell in love with his voice and the songs. What a pleasure it be to talk to him. He is funny and witty and such a great singer, songwriter. I bought all his CD's. This camp is something I am saving for, for next summer. I won't be miss'n this again!
  10. Ahoy there Maggie, Tis good ta see ya!

  11. I think I have found a great place here. Been dyen' fer some friendly pirate chat to get the ol' pirate juices flowin'. I may be new to this here ship, but I will be stayin' with her anyway she sails. Thanks Stynky for keepin' her from sinkin'! I used to run a message board a few years ago, so if ye be needin' any help, let me know.
  12. I love to research this kind of question...from what I could find, some pockets were functional and some just decoration. "Frock" coats were actually worn more in the early 1800's and formal. I did find a interesting site that shows some good pics of the coats I think you were talking about... http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/Justaucorps.htm Twisted Maggie Smythe
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