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Twisted Maggie Smythe

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Everything posted by Twisted Maggie Smythe

  1. We lost this fine pirate, Lance DeVille on November 26, 2014 of a sudden heart attack. He had just gotten married in June to his wonderful lady,Sharkbait. He is still missed to this day.
  2. What is your channel?
  3. Ahoy! I was happy to see 2 emails from the pub! It has been too many years and much has changed, so I look forward to being back here to share. ☠️ Twisted Maggie
  4. Aye! Been a while since I sailed these waters...how's the wind been blowing here?

  5. Another familiar face and name. I'm here now but don't know how much. Life is going to get busy and I thought I'd say hello before I got distracted by it all.

  6. Well, were we port here is so far from any winery's. I think there is one, way up above Seattle, Columbia Winery, I think. But to get there would be a 6 or 7 hour drive. I may email them to see if they have them. It would have to be cheap enough to afford the drive there. Thanks fer ye reply! Points me heading in the right direction anyway! Twisted Maggie
  7. So where are ye get'n them barrels? Been look'n fer one and the only place seems to be online with the Kentucky Barrel Co.
  8. Twisted Maggie Smythe

    Pirate Fun!

    Being piratical!
  9. Avast! me hearty! I have sat here and read this whole thread in total amazement of the journey your 'cove' has taken...it is a fabulous cove. Never have seen one done so right. The details that you have added are just wonderful! You have Disneyland beat! Hope you have many, many years of fun enjoying it! When my kids move out in a couple of years, I hope to change my place into a pirate ship. My kids hate the pirate stuff. So I am going to wait till then. Then watch out! I have been collecting for about a year now. Don't know if I will ever get it as good as yours is, but I am looking forward to doing it. Bravo! ((standing ovation))
  10. Ewww! Beal! How's about "Teal"...me's favorite color!
  11. Happy New Year t' me new friends here! Where's be the rum? Who be drink'n it all befer me gets any?
  12. Happy Holidays to all of ye! Hope Santa finds yer house!
  13. Stressed...with the weather, my husband's surgery (nothing serious, just his shoulder), me not being able to get to work, just barely enough money to get me boys something for Christmas and just plain tired...I will be glad when the holiday season is over. It has been so bad that I am just finally getting the tree up tomorrow. Something I have always done right after Thanksgiving. Just don't have the gumption this year. Even ask me kids if it was a big deal to them if we didn't put up any decorations this year...but it was to my youngest and so I am going to kick myself into gear and do it for him. Put on my happy face and make it right for everyone...so I am tired...so tired...needs me a blanket and my bed till winter is over. Hester, Have you tried some subligual B12. It works to get the iron in your blood to work for you better. Pumps up your blood. I was anemic till I got through to meno...you know...and it really helped me. It is the one you put under your tongue so you absorb it better. Take care...not a fun thing...
  14. 1) One thing you ate today...Fritos 2) One thing you saw today (big or small)... Me money slipping through me fingers as I went Christmas shop'n. 3) Name of a person you spoke to...Me boss (let him know we couldn't open the store due to snow) 4) Name of a person you thought of but didn't see...Me sister, Marcia
  15. Avast, Lady B! We woke up to 3 inches this morning and then another 2inches later today...total there be 5 bloody inches on the ground! More to come tomorrow. Me hubby and I ran to get some shopping done whilest it was ok to drive...I wasn't going to wait till tomorrow to do it and then get stuck. I haven't seen this kind of snow here on the peninsula in the 5 years I have lived here. From what the old one's tell us, that grew up around here, they say it used to do this alot. Blast! I have had to keep my store closed today and probably till we can get up there. I may have to buy some chains for the first time... A white Christmas is on the horizon, which would be a first for me. Merry Christmas t' ye all!
  16. Twisted Maggie Smythe


    Just doing my piratical thing...
  17. Aye! We got snow here also at the beach! Very pretty to see the sand dunes covered in the stuff. We only get it two or three times a year, but that is enough for me. Right now it is ice. We are suppose to get some more on Thursday. My biggest problem is that I don't like to drive in it. To get to work, I have to drive on a little windy road with drop offs at every turn. The road to Cape Disappointment never sees sunlight, so it stays icy for days. Makes for a slow and nervous ride. I think I went about 15 mph all the way! LOL! Me knuckles turning white, along with me face! But it is pretty. That is the only good thing I have to say about it. Stay warm everyone!
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