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Posts posted by hitman

  1. Ok so I'm workin the blackberry which makes copy and paste difficult hence I'll just tell you where I found this story. M.economist.com then go into sci. and tech. The title is climate change and warfare cool heads or heated conflicts?

    What grabed me was the solutions for the problem and there simularity to Adam Smith's thoughts in The Wealth of Nations which I'm slowly reading as an ebook on my BB. This guy makes Nostradomas look like a chump. Reganomics, globalazation, the rise of China (kinda) its all there and I'm only a short way in. Once again sorry for the issues due to my BB

  2. Oddly enough that doesn't scare me. The russkies convinced we were going to take the first shot and due to a complete lack of dependable bombers not having a fail safe scares me more. The operating theory for us was that the Soviets new we wouldn't fire first a misconception that wasn't noticesed until we tapped their phone system.

  3. Dusenburg SJ

    Lawrence of Arabia's armored Rolls Royce

    Al Capone's 16 cylinder caddy limo

    Ford Starliner

    F4U Corsair

    An original Henderson Ex. Super X

    Late twenties Chris Craft run about

    Origanal 427 AC Cobra

    PS as always pardon my spelling the BB makes it worse I'm sure.

  4. How to define bully bait fat, four eyed, clutz, nerd,and a white dude in a majority black town and school. I was never a popular kid and really only finished school cause I liked band class. That being said I'm better for it now. Taught me patience control and determanation. Rough time then and I don't want it back but it didn't kill me.

  5. Right been gone a minute so here is a quick pick of the good and one bad.

    Seize the Fire by Adam Nicolson, An anthropologist does Trafalger. Good read get it at Dollar Tree.

    The Romantic Challenge by Sir Francis Chichester, The Gypsy Moths captian takes on another solo sailing challenge. Great read even if you aint a yachty.

    A Field Guide to Left Wing Wackos I forgot who its by and I ain't diggin it out of the Goodwill box to find out! Look I am a red state red neck Wal Mart conservitive and even I thought this book stunk.

    In a bid to pick up some of the refrence works that I missed not attending college knocked out Moby Dick, (What is the fuss about and how many times can a man be wrong in one book?) The Kama Sutra, (I could have used that info in high school) and am working on Adam Smiths The Wealth of Nations. Ok so if if reading a 200 plus year old college economics book on your blackberry isn't letting the nerd flag fly what is? LOL

  6. Currently reading the latest edition of Aviation History but unfortunatley not much else. Dutchess if you don't already get this magazine I'd highly recommend it. Covers everything in the air from WWI Zepplin missions to Vietnam and cold war era. Only bad part is it's not a monthly but an every other month magazine. Sjöröveren if Patrick O'Brian - A Life Revealed is any good let me know. I still have a few books in the Aubrey-Maturin series to go but I love every one of 'em.

  7. Changes

    A few days back I made my first pub post in several months. The forced vacation was more due to the economic realties of my life than anything else. Having posted however I began to think about the things that had transpired in the intervening period . First up I lost my truck and with it my income, lifestyle, and to some degree my pride. I was one of the worlds last true over the road wildcat truck drivers. My life wasn't always easy but as I have posted before it had rewards beyond monetary value. I think chief of these was my pride, I was very proud of being a business owner and one of the last of a dieing breed. Unfortunately like most castles made of sand mine fell into the sea. Long story short four payments behind on a truck note of forty thousand dollars on a truck thats only worth thirty and the knee breakers will work with you two payments behind on an eight thousand dollar balance with a truck worth twenty four thousand dollars and the repo man comes a knocking. Oh well according to my brothers attorney it would have been lost in his bankruptcy any way. Then on December first in the year of our Lord two thousand and seven I was wed to my soul mate. WOOOOOOOOOOOT Of course this is even more incredible seeing as how I was very much unemployed at the time. After a month and a half of searching I found a job running locally between a Kaolin mine and the port in Savannah. good setup nice pay but no benefits cause I am and independent driver. So here I sit my wife has a Lincoln Navigator to drive around and I am still a driver and a businessman I guess somethings haven't changed but for a while there things seemed to be going down hill rather quickly. Life is good the sun still sets on the hill in front of my porch and now I see it most days. Oh and for any one who might be curious I did not take part in the trucker strike a few weeks back. I fail to see what two days inactivity will do. I nearly lost a lot more than my truck for refusing to haul cheap freight and not jumping into a bad situation as soon as the truck was lost. After three years doing things the right way I refuse to mar them by spending two days doing things the wrong way.

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