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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. This be true, Black Jack.....but a pyrate gal be liken a gift er two (er threes, er fours) from a gentyman ev'ry now an' agin. Besides, te corset an' spikey boots war fer te be amatchin' te set Santy wears udder that red coat o' his! Har's hopin' ye has a great Christmas.
  2. OH NO!!! Ya scurvy dog....ya kilted Santa!!! Ya coulda waited 'til the 26th! Now who's gonna brung me me black leather corset with the sparklies onna it an' me red spikey boots I asked fer????? *turns tha bottle o' tha Capt'n's Private Stock up and guzzles*
  3. This is hilarious!! :angry: How long does it take ya to bite the cap offa a bottle?? It's been 11 hours!! The suspense is killin' me.....so when are ya gonna finish this here bit o' artful pyrate poetry??
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