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Everything posted by Sassy
Keep us posted 'bout the Lake voyage and 2005 campaign.... ye be closer te me then an' mabbe I kin make it up te see ye.
Fair winds an' calm seas te ye all teday onna Royaliste.
Kewwwwllllll pics!
The Sassy Wench be me preferrrrrrrrrance. Rite catchee 'lil name me thinks! An' iffen ye ain't takken a lik'n te that name (an' why ye wouldn't, be a real mysssssstereeee te me).... thar's always be ones like: (1) The Black Pearl (2) Davey Jones' Locker (3) Mermaid's Lair (4) Neptune's (or Poiseden's) Den (5) Siren's Lair (6) Siren's Song (7) The One Eyed Pyrate (8) The Pyrate's Den (Lair) (9) The Rum Barrel (10) Plunder Inn (11) Hogshead (12) The Pyrate's Inn (13) The QuarterDeck (14) The Main Mast (15) Anchor Inn (16) The Ship's Helm (17) The Ship's Wheel (18) Helm Inn (19) Dock Inn (20) The Salty Dog (Dawg) (21) The Bilge Rat (Rats, Ratz) Jeeesssssh....ye be rite, Nigel, this here think'n be rite hard on te brain. I needs te rest now, I be rite tuckered out from do'n so much o' it. Whar's me rum? I needs nurrrrrrishment te get me strength back!
A long 'n treacherous trip te be sure. Prolly me thinks worth it te be part o'such a reenactment but not iffen it be strain'n her timbers 'n damaging te the ship.
Pyratical encounters o' all kinds. Me thinks be a wonderous thing te be a part of. Congratulations te ye Royaliste. ARRRRRRRRRR!!
The Bougainville Voyage: Summer 2005.... this be an adventure fer sure. :)
Thank ye fer the keg. Wot be ye drink'n?
Thar be days when me seriously thinks 'bout mov'n permanently te Margaritaville. :)
Aye....I'll drink te that!
Har's te be'n nauty 'n natycal. Yo ho, yo ho...'tis a pyrate's life fer me!
Ye be a nauty pyrate, 'eh?
Ye mebbe....but....*looks at self* Um...ah....me donna think so.
Pyrate swimwear, 'eh? Wuld that be a patch appropriately placed somwhar's?
Sounna te me likken te perfect pyrate resolution!
A 30 ton surfboard, ye says. Now that be a site te see.
ROTDLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do they know ye well or wot, Black Jack?????? Love that shirt.....now, iffen ye pleaz, would ye tell me whar that shirt came from. I truly be want'n one!!
I be want'n te doubly ones.... no half-arsed coins fer me. Me thinks cheap'r be te reason tho fer te onsies.
Be sounnin likken the Royaliste be hav'n a rite wild ride teday! Her's 'opin ye fairs well wiffen it all. Nev'r been seasick meself but knows o' a few who hav'.... lousey feel'in it be so's imma told.
Rumba, M'dear...... who be this Robin Grattige ye speaks of?
I be verrrrrrrrrrrrry innatroristed in ye wares, Sparrow. I do be likken yer price. Not menn'n te be offensive, but....They be quarllllity wares, be they not? Whar jes wondren since ye didn't say nutin 'bout what they be made o'. O' did I miss te memo agin onna that? Keep this Sassy lass inforrrrrrmmmmed. :) Ye an' Sassy prolly be strik'n an accord onna this. Thank ye kindly.
Black Jack....a prairie schooner jes 'tain't te same as the rock'n 'n roll'n of a ship on the sea!! I'll prolly be acatch'n te ferst fly'n house outta this wasteland soon. :)
Rec'd a note from Indy 'bout te coins. He quoted me $35 (coin an' shippin'). Mabbe 'cause he's git'n so's many 'queries 'bout them coins, he's thunk he otta up'n te price a bit. What price be ye off'rin Sparrow? An' ye gots a gravue, tin plate, er etch'in o' 'em?
Me thinks sayin' I's seen it 'bout 5 times says it all whar's me opinion o' it 'tis concerned. Me thinks it war a fun movie wif lots o'kabooms (an' I loves Kabooms!!) An' I wouldn't be kickin' Orlando outta me bunk, that be fer sure!
oooooooo..... me likes! Me likes verrrrrrrry much! Thank ye, Capt Morgan fer findin' us a new village te pillage. Gonna plund'r me one er two o'them cursssssssid coins! I dinna see anythin 'bout $30.....so's I writ 'im fer a list o' how many o' me coins he be wantin' fer 'em. 'Tain't writ back te me yet, he hasn't.