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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Ay 'eartily agree!!
  2. Me favors a sweaty rum swilling powder dusted pirate lad 'n boots wif the salt air 'n his hair 'n ocean roll'n 'n hiz eyes who dozn't eat moldy pyrate food an' who kin tar, pitch,"boat souce" the whole shebang wif finese an' style! Oh....an' "Other".....iffen I haz te tell ye, then ye'd dinna understand anyways!
  3. Recently read that the DVD 'twil be releesed on April 20th. Thar twill be a single 'n double disc set onna shelves fer yer plund'ring pleeeeeesure. Yer be ask'd te toss $29.99 onna count'r fer the double. Yer'll be tossing 'bout $17.99 - 19.99 fer the single. Shop around....many places run specials as done wif POTC 'n ye kin prolly pick up M&C fer a little cheep'r. (I lukked 'round but dinna see a thread on M&C. Iffen thar be one alla reedy, perdon this 'ere dupleeekatshun.)
  4. ROTDLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUVVVVVVVVVS the group photo! DP....ye captured me perfectly 'n that pic. Ay'll be print'n me out a copee fer fram'n and hang'n on me aft cabin wall. Mite evin be use'n it fer greet'n cards this yar. "Sassy, you get down from there this instant, young lady!" along wif "SASSY! Are you at it again?" I heard that a lot (an' a lots worse iffen ye wants the truth). Fer a loooooooooong tyme me thinks me name was "Stoppit Sassy!" Me hatz off te ye all fer sich fun! (idda sez bloomers but I dunno wear 'em! )
  5. To save it....hit "screen print"....then go to MS Paint, open it, then click on paste. Then save it as either a jpeg or gif. Here be me....Sassy the South Park Pirate... I'll be mak'n meself a few more....twer fun!
  6. This be tooooooooo funnee fer words. Them South Park scalliewags be a favvvvvorit o' mine anyways. Will be apost'n me own in a few.
  7. "ere's wish'n ye a great day! May yer ink well nev'r run dry an' yer 'puter always be online. *cracks open a keg* Belly up te the bar ye seadogs....rum fer ev'ry one!
  8. 'tis sounds likken grand fun. I be interested fer sure.
  9. Welkom back anna Kongradulasions te ye!
  10. Riter's stryke! 'ere's ho'pin they rite fast an' fyneesh POTC2 afore May!
  11. The fystee old sea salt has a gud feelooosofee..."I yam wot I yam" Luk'n grand fer 75 yars old he is! 'ere's te ya, Popeye!
  12. Kongraduleesions te the Pub! 'ere's te ye, mates!!
  13. Rite fine luk'n boots they be too. Havfta plund'r me a pair o' two. :)
  14. 'tis true she be a rite handsome wee pyrate lass. Now ay's seen Pirata's picture an' now I be wondring iffen the lit'l one be adopted. (jes pull'n yer peg leg Pirata)
  15. Be a pryceless look onna yer wee pyrate lass face. She be a lit'l treasure fer sure.
  16. Ay'll be tak'n a luk see at that fair site meself. Thank ye fer post'n the link Captain Shaunassey.
  17. Me still has the copy I were giv'n as a child an' ev'n now me pulls it offen the bookshelf, shakes the dust offen it, and reads it again. Classics be timeless an' only improve wif age. :)
  18. Photos look likken it twer a fine day fer a sail an' fun be had by all aboard. Thank ye fer post'n 'em.
  19. Sounds likken musta bin a grand day. All pyrates knows a bad day sail'n beats a gud day do'n eny thin else!
  20. 'twer them rowdy pyrates wif thar big pointy thangs an' te ships wif thar tall masts. Waits a minnet.... errrr....ah...um...ar mabbe it 'twer te ships wif big pointy thangs an' rowdy pyrates wif tall masts????? Demmit! Dunno.....now I gots te thunk on it.....
  21. 'appy Birthday. Many more te ye!
  22. 'bout time we pyrates whar giv'n our due!
  23. Fr'm the looks o' it it were a mity fine day fer a pyrate te be on the sea. Thank ye fer put'n up the photos.
  24. Kewl site. Thanks fer list'n it.
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