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Grommet style sea chest becket


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In response to a question over in plunder here is a quick tutorial on how to make a grommet style sea chest becket. These are the loop handles and should not be confused with the shackle type. This was made from old 3-strand dacron halyard material which is far far far from the best stuff to use for the project but it's what I had on hand. I recommend 3 strand manilla or hemp. The grommet pictured here is 5" in diameter and is made from half inch material.

Step 1 - Measuring and Cutting

Grommets can be laid up in one go but I highly recommend using a form made up of the same material going into the grommet. Figure out how big you want your grommet and then cut your form to length. Now measure a piece of line that is 3x the length of your form plus a foot or so for the final splice. Unlay one of the three strands from this long piece and lay the rest aside for future projects.


Step 2 - Starting the lay (Turn 1)

To start your lay, unlay one strand from your form until you reach the middle of the form. Then, starting at the middle of your working strand lay it in to the form to take up the space vacated by the partially unlaid strand. This should line everything up with the middle of the working strand and the middle of the form in the same spot.


Now continue to unlay the strand from the form as you replace it with your working strand.


Step 3 - Making turn 2

Now double the form back on itself, making a complete loop. Start unlaying one of the remaining strands from the form and replacing it with either of the ends of the working strand. The working strand is now starting to wind around itself. Since the working strand is now being passed through the grommet extra care has to be taken that it isn't twisted or that it doesn't fall out of shape.


Step 4 - Making turn 3

After you complete turn 2, start unlaying the final strand of your form while laying in which ever strand you didn't use in step 3. The end result is a complete circle with the strands of equal length and entering and exiting the grommet in the same place. The next picture shows the form removed and the ends of the working strands nearly but not yet entirely laid into place.


Step 5 - Staring the splice

Split each strand in half right down to the splice. Now chose two of the strands and tie them in an overhand knot left over right. The final knot should look like a single strand. If they are flatter or have added bulk, untie and try another pair of strands. Experimentation will show which are the proper strands. The other strand halves are no longer used and can be tied off together so you don't confuse them.


Step 6 - The burys

Take each strand and then start splicing them in much in the manner of an eye splice. Bury them against the lay, over one, under, over and then remove about 1/3 of the strand and do it again once again for two passes. Remove another third of the strand work against the lay for one last pass and then with the lay to bury the tapered end of the strand into the center of the grommet. The picture shows some of the tucks in place with some strands removed. Do this on both sides and then trim off the unnecessary strands.


Step 7 - Finishing

Roll the grommet under your foot several times to even everything and to smooth your long splice. The end result should look like a complete unending loop of line. At this point you can worm the line if you choose. Nearly all references I've seen to grommets as beckets show them as being wormed. In the picture I just wormed it with some cotton twine I had on hand. The end result is shown in the final picture.



The next part will show a basic turks head and a decorative/protective cover where the grommet passed through the cleat on the chest.

Part 2

Part 3

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