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78 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
I keep getting alerts to messages that I have already read or responded to. Is this happening to anyone else? Does anyone know how I can correct the problem?
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 12 replies
Am I a monkey with me brain covered with barnacles and infested with toredo worms, or is the "Members" link not functioning properly? I was trying to pull up the list of all the members on the forum and see what some of my shipmates have posted over time, etc., but every time I click on "Members" I only get my own profile. Maybe you are still careening the Pub, and it's not quite shipshape in Bristol Fashion yet??? Thanks for looking into it, and for your reply. -Tar Bucket Bill
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 17 replies
I be havin' a question 'bout this 'ere new stuff goin' on. In th' upper right corner, whar ye sign in an' out an' such, that thar new block wit' th' 0 an' th' dropdown arrow's been added. Is thar any way that can be put below the name? Me name now covers me picture. Any thoughts?
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 10 replies
I checked my settings last week when I was initially having issues and I thought that did it but I am still not getting results when I click on the View New Content link. Has something here been changed?
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 27 replies
Some things have my parameters to the pub's 'field of view' doesn’t fit my little 15 inch screen. When I try to add an attachment such as a link or photo to my post, the ‘field’ where you put said information is cut off on the left hand side of my screen and I cannot move over to view it. Yes, I have tried to adjust my physical screen to adjust to this…but it does not work. Any suggestions?
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 7 replies
The Pub is doing some major renovation and reorganization of the Raids, Boarding Parties & Pyrate Events forums. Those of you that Moderate Event Forums in the Raids, Boarding Parties & Pyrate Events section will likely be bumped from your Moderator duties, with the threads in those event forums being consolidated into a single event thread. In rare instances where the amount of conversation threads warrant the need of an event forum – a forum will be made to support that event. Until this mess is cleaned up and gets it's sea legs, the Raids, Boarding Parties & Pyrate Events forum will be closed until further notice.
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 5 replies
What the hell are ye up to now? ....lost the format completely and cannot sign out... help...thank you
Last reply by Nigel, -
- 5 replies
Does your pirate name have to be your login name? If so how can you change it? I put this as my name to see if it was the right site and it was but I can't find out how to. That is if you can.
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 6 replies
In each forum section, there are great threads that have gotten buried and asked again. I'm thinking that there should be one thread w/ internal links to the main, most interesting, and best reference threads in that section. This way, there won't be too many sticky/pinned threads at the top of a section (keeping it clean), while still having a way for someone to find a relevant w/o having to dig through piles of replies. Ex: In Captain Twill, there are great threads on flags, cannons/guns, various historical elements (like the period company logos one I just re-asked). A way to format a one thread "To good to be buried" would be: Flags- -Construction- Thread thr…
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
- 3 replies
Sargent Johnson is trying to post a new event in st augustine for labor day and cant find a new post button or option for adding a new event and asked for my help and i couldn't find THE BUTTON either, Help please
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 2 replies
Wonderin why some of my conversations have red X's in front of them, and wont let me reply? I just had one happen after conversing with Animal about stuff. I'm pretty sure I didn't piss him off or nuthin so's he'd block me. Same with a couple earlier ones with Silas Thatcher, and again, he just got a striker kit from me, so I don't think he's pissed at me either. WTF? Bo
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 7 replies
I had several people on my "friend's list" but now they are gone. When I tried to access "manage friends in my top dropdown" I was denied .
Last reply by capn'rob, -
- 38 replies
With the new software we now have a "Reputation Points". It seems that the only way you get them is members rate your posts! 1 point (Plus or Minus) per post per member. So get to rating your friends. At least that is how it seems to work. PS Stynky if I'm wrong please correct me.
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 13 replies
Hey Paul! When you upgraded the system, I think the default allowance for number of links in a post got changed! Some of the index threads are not working properly - they only allow so many links before they just spew all the hard-wrought links out in a sort of alphabet puke. Please, please, please fix this! Love, Mission (who actually hates you too)
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 23 replies
Like those damned grocery stores - just when you get comfortable with where they've stocked your favorite brand of hardtack, everything gets shuffled around and you can't find anything. Well believe it or not - in an attempt to make this unwieldy vessel into something a bit more navigable, a whole lot of changes are on the horizon. Now you don't have to like it, just pretend to. - Stynk
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 15 replies
Ive noticed that lately when I've tried to PM some members, I can't send it. I get a message that says that they can't receive new messages at this time. Is this just me or wot???? Animal
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 1 reply
Is it possible to have a particular post appear at the top of each page of a thread? I am thinking specifically of game threads (like the movie quotes game) here - the rules need to appear over and over again or they get lost. This could also work in pass-along story threads (to remind people of who the characters are, for example), in the Roll Call thread in the PiP forum and in index threads so that the initial post containing all the indexes would appear at the top of each page. (People sometimes start chatting in such threads and the initial post of interest to those not involved in the chat gets lost, rendering the thread less useful.) So?
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 8 replies
The PM Function is not working for me at all.. Please help~
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 8 replies
There is something going on with character encoding, as of this morning. When I logged on this morning, the 2 ö's (lower case "o" with 2 dots above it) in my user name had been replaced with �'s (a diamond with a question mark in the middle.) I was using Safari as my browser, so I tried to take a look at my profile using Firefox, but I couldn't log in (I am always logged on Safari) Firefox doesn't recognize either the ö or the � during log-in, so I can't log in at all using Firefox. I thought that this might be a Mac problem, so I tried logging on with my Windows XP laptop. Same thing pretty much. IE 7 (7.0.5730.13, if that matters) shows the ö as 2 horizonta…
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 14 replies
I don't see anything like the "See all unread topics" link as before. Is something like that in the works? It was a real time saver. I don't want to have to visit every sub-forum to see if there's an interesting thread going on.
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
- 8 replies
Am I posting in the wrong place? Probably. Don't have a lot of time but I wanted to say the new site looks great! Same great place with all new features. good stuff oh and Yar!
Last reply by Silkie McDonough, -
- 6 replies
I have tried to contact 2 members that I think are administrators but both accounts "cannot recieve any more messages" came up for both. I have a problem and would like to take care of it. Thanks
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 3 replies
I'm sorry, I did not know where to put this question. It used to be that when I opened a thread, all the replies were posted in order and readable in their own little boxes and I could just scroll down and read them all. Now it is all in an outline and I have to click on each to read.. I don't know if I messed something up in my settings or this is the new format but it confuses me. =( Did I break something?
Last reply by LadyBrower, -
- 4 replies
For all those of you that have contacted me via PM over the Tavern to ask about the issue with the wait in between PM's this was done to protect against Spam. I do not have the particulars on if this will be permanant or not. I do not know if we can shorten the time between PM's. I sent a message to the other Mods as well as Stynky and WE shall let you know when we find out. Till then carry on as normal as you can. Regards, Syren
Last reply by GentlemenScotty, -
- 9 replies
how do i make a nifty signature thingy at the bottom of my posts ?? i am completely clueless
Last reply by Red-Handed Jill,