Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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The 2012 inductees to the International Pirate's Hall of Fame have been announced. Three very worth pirates have been added to the hall of fame, including someone who should be a very familiar face, at least if you've been to Florida. Some of this year's nominees should also be known to you, including Mission, Cascabel and Scarlett Jai. Check out the inductees at Nominations for 2013 Hall of Famers is open. If you know a worthy pirate who fits the criteria, send in a nomination. - Hurricane
Last reply by sirhenrymorgan, -
- 1 reply
Recently , Eye held an event that originally was going to be called "Buccaneers Bowling for Boobies" But alas that did not go over so well with the Charity "Busted Foundation" as they already had a group named "Bowling for Boobies" and so It was named "Buccaneer Bowling" Eye have attended alot of Charities over the years but this is the first one eye held on my own.. My intention now is to get other Leviathan members involved in putting on the same event in other cities simultaneously next year. We can make a bigger impact in fund raising that way and possibly start a national competition between Buccaneer bowling teams. Also eye plan on writing a one page article for M…
Last reply by landlubbersanonymous, -
- 9 replies
Ahoy! I am a Huge fan of board games. My favorite being Settlers of Catan. I own many copies of the game but they all have one major flaw; Durability. The tiles and cards are all made out of cardboard which tends to bend or warp over time. I am working on making a copy of the game out of sealed wood this way they are stronger and more resistant to water damage. I've decided that while I'm at it I'm going to tailor the game to my interests and make a Pirates of Catan. The issue I'm having is with the actual game pieces. In Settlers of Catan the players work with 2 types of pieces: Settlements and Cities. I'd like to do something along the lines of Ship and Hideou…
Last reply by Capn Antonio Malasses, -
- 0 replies
I am happy to report that the game Pirates Of The Burning Sea is under new management. The game is leaving Sony Online Entertainment and Flying lab Software, and being managed now by Portalus Games, ( www. ) which has been put together by three original developers of POTBS. I regard Pirates Of The Burning Sea as being one of the best player vs. player systems which celebrate the Golden Age Of Piracy. There are a number of anachronisms and fantasy features - (is a voodoo reference a fantasy feature, really?) but the opportunity to go broadside to broadside in annaval actions involving 2 to 48 live players in a single instance if for me just t…
Last reply by SilkenJack, -
- 11 replies
This past weekend I watched a Master piece theater version of "Frenchman's Creek" from the late 90's. I really enjoyed the DVD. Purchased it from Amazon for under $15.00 USD. I don't know how period the costuming is but it looked wonderful! Considering reading the novel having seen the movie.
Last reply by Jib, -
- 1 reply
Here it be mates.. And not for the faint of Heart for eye do not portray a kindly pyrate in this werk of moving picture and film! Enjoy ~ Music By Thyme Awaye
Last reply by Elena, -
- 0 replies
The Golden Age of Piracy "The Golden Age of Piracy" - physics-based time-killer arcade about sea battles of pirates in which you need to defeat the enemy using your accuracy and logic. Different types of shells have their own characteristics, such as buckshot is better to use against the crew, and the bombs are good against cannons. Weather conditions and obstacles also affect the gameplay, which greatly complicates your task. Immerse yourself into the atmosphere pirate battle. Weigh an anchor! Features: - 12 different levels. - 4 legendary empires of sailing. - 7 types of ships. - 3 types of shells. - many achievements. - variable weather conditions affect …
Last reply by guniball, -
- 10 replies
Which pirate book or novel,would you recomend that is good for reading?
Last reply by danieldesu, -
- 37 replies
Anyone else seen this? I don't often post.. ahem.. but thought I'd write a line or two.. I watched it the other day... and though some people seem to be having a poor opinion of it.. I thought it was great fun... I especially liked some of the work songs being sung on board ship. A very different rendition of Lowlands to what I have heard before. I thought the character of Trelawney was an interesting departure from normal. And couldn't help but wonder if it was a reflection of how bankers/ fund managers etc.. are being viewed since the economic downturns that have been affecting world economies? Anyway.. was great to hear Silvers voice done with a VERY London accent.…
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 20 replies
I don't think I have every seen it from start to finish. I want to buy it just whichone is best??? It seems to me the one I see on the tv from time to time is the Disney one from 1950. Is this the best one? Beleave it on not I couldn't find it at Blockbuster or at Hollywood video. I just rented "The Mupets Treasure Island" and it was great Crimson
Last reply by Mission, -
- 4 replies
Last Friday I showed my class "The Black Pirate" with Douglass Fairbanks Sr. They absolutely loved the last quarter of the film with all the bondage boys in their short pants and leather straps monkey piling on the pirates and all the rest of the absurd climax of the film. It was an incredible contrast to the polish evident in most everything in Flynn's "Captain Blood" made only ten years later. I have read that Fairbanks wanted the action to be tongue and cheek, but WOW! Is anyone familiar with the history of the film's production? Why is that ship so absurd? Did the production designer give the carpenters very vague descriptions of what a Spanish Ship should look l…
Last reply by Brit.Privateer, -
- 42 replies
Avaste ye mates!!! Me be looking fer good pirate fiction...can ye be of some assistance maybe?
Last reply by KingsForge, -
- 28 replies
For anyone who is connected to me on Facebook... It has become obvious that I have been pretty interested in miniature wargaming in the last many months.... And for those who aren't linked to me... Well I have been painting and collecting a lot of 25mm (1 inch) miniatures over the last many months, to tabletop wargame with. As one gets more involved in a hobby (or at least I do), new forums regarding that hobby are sought and joined etc. etc On one tabletop miniature gaming forum I am reasonably active on, SteamPunk (Or "Victorian Science Fiction" as they seem to persist in calling it, or VSF for short) is a pretty popular style for tabletop miniature gaming... But late…
Last reply by Ransom, -
Any bets that the next Pirates of the Caribbean film will involve the Bermuda Triangle???
Last reply by Wicked Jim, -
PotC 4 1 2
by 1stMate Matt- 41 replies
I got a sneak viewing of the movie last night. It was good. better then 2 and 3. It drug on a little long and they butchered Blackbeard...Ian McShane did fine but they should have stayed away from the historical pirate...Even the flag was wrong. All in all the movie was fun. Go see it. Have a blast. IMHO the first 20 mins in London were the best. I for one am already looking for a Mermaid to call my own!
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
- 20 replies
The classic 1990 version of Treasure Island, considered by many to be the best pirate movie ever, with Charlton Heston and Christian Bale, will be released on Sept 27, 2011. I have already pre-ordered my copy through Amazon: What's more, I should get mine in time for me Oct 23 it to watch on the Byg Bus going to Baltimore The rejoicing may now begin.
Last reply by Long Tom Gunn, -
- 6 replies
Hi what kind of movies (that are related to pirates/age of sail themes) would you like to see I think that world need movie about - Movie or series about Bart Roberst (it could be really epic action/drama) - Realistic movies (is that a miracle) - Movie About loyalist privateers during USA Rew war. (new point if view for a change) - Movie about Sam Bellamy (again it could be epic and tragic movie)
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
Okay, figured it was about time we had a place to post pictures, as our Steamy side comes out to play. Here is meself, in my kinda Christmas steamy outfit. I wore this all day yesterday, while Chain Shot and I were finally able to get into town and do some shopping, and have an early dinner (Chinese). The coat is a vintage 1940s I got about ten years ago, for $30. The hat decoration changes depending on my mood or the season.
by Fox- 6 replies
Last reply by Fox, -
- 14 replies
Here is a trailer for a new movie by the makers of Wallace and Grommet. Looks interesting.
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
- 0 replies
Thought this was sort of cool. . . Doodle 4 Google
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 6 replies
'tis February mates and this finds yet another issue of The Pyrates Way online in its GREEN format. . .which means you may download the pdf version of it fer yer phone or pad or whatever for FREE! Here be the lynks to find said treasure: As promised, each and every month in 2012 will be marked with a GREEN issue of a former Pyrates Way magazine with lynks to all the lucky advertisers, (smart enough to run ads with us) and every quarter there will be a NEW issue of said maga…
Last reply by TheBlackFox, -
- 10 replies
I was so entralled with SeaDogs that I preordered the the new POTC (SeaDogs2) game... Perhaps it was a mistake. Although the graphics are great, the game itself is very buggy and prone to crashing. In addition, I've found the documentation to be near to worthless as what the book tells you and how the game plays can be two different critters. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not wise in the ways of RPG games but this game seems to have a greater than normal learning curve. I keep checking the BethSoft site for patches but I guess they're afraid to admit there are so many bugs. Anyone else played the game yet? Fair Winds and Rich Plunder, Long Steve
Last reply by Swashbuckler 1700, -
- 81 replies
"The Princess Bride" was recently mentioned in the Pirate Film thread, and as a novice student of fencing, this got me wundrin' - What other movies have truly remarkable fencing scenes? I've heard rumor that the French film "Le Viol du Vampire" actually has a semi-nude fencing scene, which must be quite the sight, but I've yet to confirm the rumor for m'self. So what are other contenders might anyone for greatest fencing scene?
Last reply by Grymm, -
- 4 replies
So what are your opinions about pirate documentaries? I think the best is blackbeard Real Pirate of the Caribbean or also known as blackbead terror at sea . While there is tiny tiny errors it is by far the best documentary of pirates made yet. Although makers were fallen in typical inaccuracies like: cavalry boots, sailor pigtails,Some weapons are from later time, popular version of Blackbeard’s pirate flag, too common earrings and I think that some of those big belts and harnesses are somewhat Hollywood-stylish. But it is the most accurate I have seen yet. Worst I think is HISTORY CHANNEL's True Caribbean Pirates. So many errors that you can never say how man…
Last reply by Bright,