Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 5 replies
was trolling through an M&M webpage by following a link from AdWeek (did you know you can get personalized M&M's?) and found this... M&M webpage
Last reply by Janette Morgan, -
- 3 replies
I think I was too old to remember this ( least I'll admit it publicly). Gordon, and also the last appearance by the late Mr. Hooper:
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 3 replies
Does anyone here have this game: Is it fun to play? Will it work with just 2 players? Cheers, Hester
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 4 replies
Saw it last night (Sunday) during "Desperate Housewives". There's a bunch of the POTC guys, including Marty Klebba and Lee Arenberg and they are all fighting around a family pushing a Wal-Mart shopping cart. Way too funny! *Note: Wal-Mart is advertising their new line of POTC stuff from the upcoming movie.
Last reply by PirateSSe, -
- 4 replies
- 534 views, for those who don't know, is THE place for those who love to see 30 animated versions of their favorite movies. Oh, and all the characters are portrayed by bunny rabbits. " Anyway, they've recently merged both "Pirates of the Caribbean" films and given them "the treatment." Enjoy.
Last reply by Black Anne Rose, -
- 10 replies
Do not get me wrong all, it's not that I hate or don't like George W Bush, I only thought the image was funny and very good, erm, how do you say? Photoshopped?
Last reply by Black Anne Rose, -
- 7 replies
I know this is a re-run, cause me beau said he saw it before when I was describing it. WOW I was out sick on friday and caught this show during the day. Has anyone seen was sooo interesting!
Last reply by GreenBeard, -
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Closer and closer it gets to At World's End... and Volvo is doing another The Hunt in coordination with the release of the film! Eager to get your grubby piratical hands on $50,000 doubloons and a one of a kind PotC Volvo? Then... sign up for The Hunt! I know I'll be attempting this. I could use a vehicle since I haven't one. And sporting a one of a kind PotC Volvo... doesn't get any better than that.... well, ok.. it could if I came into possession of the Black Pearl or the Flying Dutchman... but still! Good luck to ye all! May th' best pirate win! ~Lady B
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 4 replies
Really drunkk t'night, but couldn't bear nmoer than 3 mins of th DVD. Like a bad High shocol play. ...even the ru m couldn't save it!!! Mujppets were bewtter.. more reviews wehn I'm sober.... Capn' Kidd Cokctails. .... so smootth.... G'niight Hester
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 4 replies
If you are a Lost loving pirate check out this video I found on It features Kate, Sawyer, Ben and Sayid....among others
Last reply by GreenBeard, -
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I was at Disneyland today and saw that the movie book for the 3rd Pirates is already out. I looked thru it and read a little bit of it. I can definitely see where a 4th movie will happen. How accurate is this movie book I wonder? To anyone interested the author is T.T. Sutherland. The pictures are pretty cool, lots of Barbossa pix, yay, lol!
Last reply by Christine, -
- 1 reply
Ok, they are the Zizzel figures, but at only $5.00 for the figures and I paid $7.00 for the Davey Jones deluxe set - comes with barrel table, dice and a warped ship's wheel. I picked up Elizabeth Swann in the pirate coat with sword, Jack, and Barbossa for $5.00 each. There was also Norrington and Ragetti, hopefully if they are still there next week, I'll get them. Normally I wouldn't have bought these 'dust collectors', but the price was right. Now I'm wondering should I keep them in the original boxes or take them out. I don't see these as collector's items as they have been super mass produced and LOTS of people have them, and of course believe they might be worth s…
Last reply by captjacksparrowsavvvy, -
- 0 replies
I just got my new Winter Edition 2006-07 Pyrates Way Magazine and it appears the infamous editor "The Black Fox" Steve Kimball has graced his magazine under the "Wenches of Winter 2006-2007" with one of our own pyracy pub members Captain Emerald Shaunnesy who is listed under the name of "Kittye." Good job Emerald! Good choice Steve. By the way, loved the mag and looking forward to the next issue.
Last reply by Blackfoot, -
- 7 replies
Here ya go mates.... Hot off the pier for you who are of Davy's crew at heart!
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 1 reply
Pirate Tales is an online role playing forum of continueously written stories. This one is specifically for pirates, about pirates, to... well, Pirates and the world! Whole lot of fun! You don't have to join to write you can read the stories as they go along. But if you want to you can jump in and join the fun! Not only is there a PotC role playing category, but there is Treasure Island, Treasure planet, Ice Pirates, Pirates Constructable Card Game and more. You can role play from the Ancient days up through the Golden Age of Piracy into the modern day and beyond into the future! You can be a historical or fantasy, a character from a novel or movie, or your own.…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 1 reply
lookin forward ta seein sum o these fer the first time Ahoy! Pirate films sail onto DVD By Thomas K. Arnold Thu Apr 12, 3:16 AM ET If movies do in fact influence pop culture, then we might well be looking at the summer of the eyepatch. "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" is one of three much-ballyhooed three-quels hitting the big screen this year -- it opens May 25, three weeks after "Spider-Man 3" and one week after "Shrek the Third." But it appears to be the one getting most of the attention in home entertainment circles. Disney is tying the theatrical opening of the third "Pirates" to the Blu-ray Disc release of the first two films, "Pirates of the Caribbea…
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 10 replies
New Seabeaver Cartoon Tired of pillaging for work? In need of a quick dabloon? The Pirate Employment Association is here to help! Click here for more details! Or visit us at
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 6 replies
Here you go you scabborous dogs, competing capitains go here to see it then just look for the competing capt. link NVBARBOSSA
Last reply by Rusty Barrels, -
- 11 replies
You-Tube video This is so cool thought I would share. Always knew you could merge the two...arrrrgh
Last reply by Pirate Seika, -
- 42 replies
North Buncombe student suspended for pirate attire North Buncombe student suspended for pirate attire by Jordan Schrader updated March 28, 2007 4:41 pm Read all 41 comments » e-mail this Print this Weaverville – When you’re a pirate, some dangers just come with the territory: scurvy, grog hangovers, a walk down the plank at sword point. But being kicked out of school for a day? Bryan Killian doesn’t think that’s a fair reaction to his decision to come to North Buncombe High School wearing an eye patch and an inflatable cutlass. Web Extras: Multimedia & Related Content North Buncombe High School student Bryan Killian talks about being suspension for wearing…
Last reply by LongTom, -
POTC Series
by Rats- 19 replies
No kind of rumors or anything... I had just been jaw jacking with a neighbor about the GAoP reenacting and he mentioned how it would be great to have a series... I mentioned some would probably get sick of just Jack and it would have to be more of a made for cable series. Anyone remember the hitchhiker series where they had a fellow narrate then it went into the story line??? I thought it would be cool to have Jack in there sometimes, but other times develope other characters or background stories... Kinda like in the Deadwood series. Just thought I'd throw this out there, since I'm sure we all like the films in our own way...Plus you can never get too many histor…
Last reply by Pirate Seika, -
- 10 replies
Has anyone seen this? I bought the DVD via Amazon, and sat down to watch it with a rum cocktail. I only got through the first few scenes and then needed lots more rum to wash it down ... so then I got drunk, lost the plot, and just switched it off. The acting was so bad, I thought it must be a porn movie ... but I never did see any sex. Anyhow, now that I'm forewarned, I guess I should try again to get through this thing. I'll have to pace my rum intake this time, though. And maybe popcorn will help. Cheers, Hester
Last reply by Hester, -
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For those who've just got their Winter Issue. . . your Spring Issue will be sent during the first week of May and we'll be caught up for the seasons! July 4 will see the Summer Issue and Autumn will be out just in time for International Talk Like A Pyrate Day! WHOOOOOOO-ZAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH (that's Huzzah with an accent)
Last reply by TheBlackFox, -
- 2 replies
A new incarnation of my school... PyratePhil's Wench Trainin' Academy
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
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I learned about a game from this group and I started playing it. I guess that I liked it a little too much I just can't stop playing. I have fallen behind on all my reading and wood working. Not to mention the house chores. I have been playing Voyage Century. So if you have an extra 12 hours a day go a head and try it out. But don't say that I didn't warn you.
Last reply by JohnnyTarr,