The care, use, maintenance & safety of Black Powder & Edged Weapons.
490 topics in this forum
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Single sliding pan Spanish miquelet lock on an over/under carbine/fowler.
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 8 replies
A Couple of years ago I read "The Illustrated History of Weaponry" by Chuck Wills and the book made me wonder how old duck-foot pistols are? That multi-barreled handgun was said to be favored by sea captains because it was good tool to repel multiple enemies like mutinous crew. They were used in some point of during the 18th century but what about Gaop? In movie "Cutthroat Island" there was a one of these guns but since it was a movie it does not mean anything. I would see the gun rather good weapon of choice in boarding action since it worked quite similarly than the classical blunderbuss. Some pictures of these pistols
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 20 replies
About a year ago I started a thread here that was nothing more than a list of swords that fit our genre/period. I did it because at the time I had conducted a search of my own for just the right cutlass and it seemed I had compiled plenty of sword links. Well I’ve now committed to my first swordsmith and I hope to receive my blade sometime this summer. However, in committing I had the usual cold feet response of “what have I gotten myself into?” so I conducted a new sword search to prove to myself that I’m getting what I want. Therefore I have decided to update the list of swords and sword sellers. In order from least expensive to most expensive (with a few that I don't …
Last reply by danieldesu, -
- 2 replies
Something about which to drool: Start at the home page for more eye candy. Lots of nice flinters in the dueling pistols section. Kudos to you if'n you're in a position to buy.
Last reply by Captain Jim, -
- 5 replies
As a sneak peak to see what is in the works provided the world doesn't end for next year. . .
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 9 replies
recently had to cut up an old 1967 wooden boat.... some of the salvagable wood are pieces of african mahogany ( have to double check this still ) ... they are 2x6's in various lengths that still seem sound... any interest in this wood for gun stocks, etc ?? not real sure if they are pc or not but want them to go to some good use... lemme know if anyone is interested
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 12 replies
I have inherited the wheel-lock from my best friend and brother. He passed away on me back in march and his widow has put much of his blackpowder related stuff into my care. Need help to build a proper piece around it please. Bo
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 1 reply
I was looking for near-period medical images when I came across the Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers the volumes of which were published from 1751-1765. Below are the images for the entry on Arquebusiers that I thought were kind of interesting (Pages 274-277 from the 'A' book - 1751). You can click on them and zoom the heck out of 'em.
Last reply by Mission, -
- 1 reply
Is anyone seeing many of the "Middle Eastern" and similar flinters around? I mean somewhere besides hanging on a wall where they should be? There are a number of authentic antiques, and I'm not really talking about those. What I'm seeing is more and more of the 'new antiques' for sale from folks that are thinking they are legitimate antiques and not the "Afghan bring-backs" that they are - and sad thing is they are looking for real money for them, too, which leads me to believe maybe they actually paid real money for them. Granted, some are offered as "estate finds" but are still being represented as authentic antiques, which nearly all I've seen are not - they are t…
Last reply by Dutchman, -
- 2 replies
Eye found this web site and thought it interesting and appropriate to share here... All about the size of Cannon Balls
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 12 replies
I recently "acquired" an original pistol that I am going to be reproducing, I haven't been able to date it more than french 18th century. I added the dollar for a size comparison, weight is under 10 ounces. Furniture will be cast in silver.
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
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At Fisherman's Village Pirate Fest the safety inspection was modified slightly to include checking flintlocks for adequate spark in addition to safety. As a result on Sunday (I am using Sunday as an example because most weapons had already been fired Friday and Saturday and misfires would be more common on Sunday) there were over 40 combined shots fired by small arms in a variety of pistols, muskets, and blunderbusses. Of those shots attempted there was 1 pan flash where the charge did not go off and 1 misfire bringing the overall score of flintlock (there were no cap guns) weapons to over 95% reliability!
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 25 replies
Ahoy mates! I just received my reprint of Cascabel's article series "Flintlocks 101", originally printed in "No Quarter Given". This document is full of useful and informative tips and lessons on everything "flintlock". It's great for beginners and old salty dogs to boot. I plan on ordering more copies to share with my crew mates. A lot of information in an easy to read document. Yes, it easy to read but also very, very informative! I couldn't put it down until I had finished reading the entire document. If you have any questions about black powder or flintlocks, you'll find Cascabel's flintlock/black powder "handbook" very helpful. Thanks, Cascabel, for teaching this la…
Last reply by Cascabel, -
- 11 replies
I am wanting to start making my own powder now that I have a cannon to feed(goex is far to expensive). were is a good source for quality ingredients ie Sulfur, Kno3, etc.. I know there are many ways to get them, but would like to know were the most reputable places to get them. I'd also be interested in hearing your favorite recipes.
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 0 replies
A Ripoll (norther Spain) style stock bronze blunderbuss barrel, miquelet lock parts from the rifle shoppe. Over the horizon is a prototype test for my wifes pistol, a double barrel single lock (sliding pan) and a Spanish Pistol Madrid/ a la mode style lock.
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 6 replies
As many know you get what you pay for in a flintlock. Recently I was requested to work on a "Sparrow pistol" one of a limited number made in India with the attempt to reproduce the pistol used by Jack Sparrow in the POTC films. After having worked on a number of india built guns I would have to say that the craftsmanship on the one I was working on was far below the "India" standards and has required extensive work to bring it up to a decent fireable weapon. In short problems ranged from ugly shape, poor sand casting detail, downright bad lock geometry, improper tension in springs, and many other little bits.
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 20 replies
Anyone have any good pics for Pikes, bills and other various hooks and such? Since my sword hand has been giving me problems, I'm wondering about two-handed options, which can also be used for demo items.... Thanks again!!!
Last reply by Matty Bottles, -
- 37 replies
Sons of Guns Fires a Blunderbuss fully loaded with 200 grains of powder! DAmn it ~ Says eye ~
Last reply by Rats, -
- 14 replies
Today I went to our local pirate fest and decided not to fire any guns as I felt the safety stand point was questionable and would rather not be a part of that. I was able to view the firing of a cannon that to say the least was unsafe. I tried my best to find a "rule" that was not broken and try as I might I have been unable whether it was using a lighter to light it, no swabbing, walking in front of a loaded gun, bringing spectators around the gun, firing small arms over the gun while loading powder, the list is endless including DRINKING while loading and shooting. I wish I had had a video to capture a perfect example of what not to do, and to think this was at a pu…
Last reply by Rats, -
- 11 replies
Oy Mates, I have a 1/2 scale Napoleon Barrel on order from Hern Iron Works, and I wish to make a Naval Carriage for it. I was wondering if any of Ye have Built one before? It seemes pretty straight forward, but I would love to get some pointers from someone that has built one already. I have been considering using railroad ties for the wood, as they are solid and have a well ued antique look. Any advice would be awesome. Cheers Mates!
Last reply by Red John, -
- 24 replies
In early 1700s... when discussing about ship battles, which was the range of the ship guns? I mean, at what distance was the other ship to still be aimed true? And speaking about rifles and blunderbusses... which was their target range to kill or to hurt? Thank you very much for your answers, really needed and I don't know where to search, I tried to google but they said about caliber, which mean how big was the ball/. bullet, not how far around it killed!
Last reply by MasterGunsmith, -
- 5 replies
Test 1 powder no wadding http://www.tudorcook...?g2_itemId=4221 Test2 Powder and wadding *note this clip can be tempremental and switch off before the bang but give it enough goes and eventually it works http://www.tudorcook...?g2_itemId=4225 Test3 bit more powder wadded hard http://www.tudorcook...?g2_itemId=4229
Last reply by Fionntan Murtaugh, -
- 3 replies
. So how old were dirk daggers in naval use? 16th century or 17th century or 18th century?
Last reply by Hawkyns, -
- 6 replies
Here is a look at two prototypes of a new fencing line. We have made fencing swords for awhile, but are going full tilt in this direction for 2012. We have a big batch of these in the works and they are ready to be ordered now with a delivery date of 7-10 days from the order. So far we have already made a few design changes to this set. their pommel will be swaped out for a scaled down version. The knucklebow has also been beefed up. This set is meant to be a entry level pair. We will of course continue making our full hilted rapiers, but wanted to be able to offer a simple set that still functions well and looks pretty good. Y…
Last reply by Privateer Armoury, -
- 3 replies
Recently I was reading about a type of weapon used to deter pirates boarding a ship. A smaller canon ball is wrapped in oil soaked cloth, ignited, and hurled on the ships attempting to board. I can't recall which book it was in and the name of the weapon seems familiar but now I can't place it.
Last reply by Mission,