Ports O'Call
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322 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Well I am soon to be shipping out. I am sailing to LA for Nov. 3rd - 7th. I am staying at the The Figueroa Hotel 939 South Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 What might be around this location? Anywhere good to go, or play? Thanks for any help, Delmar
Last reply by Rummy3, -
- 17 replies
Check this out - quite the little battle. New weapons, same old pirates. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/africa/11/05...ates/index.html -- Hurricane
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 45 replies
I am leaving for Australia July 1 and the response I typically get when I tell people this is, "I've always wanted to go there!" or "I plan to go to Australia some day." It would seem there're places like Australia that a lot of people would like to go. Here's some that have been on my short list for quite awhile: -Scotland -Serengeti -Madagascar -Brazil -South Pacific Islands Nearly all of these places are the results of my readings - particularly from books by Gregory McDonald. (I found Key West through his writings.) What's on your short list?
Last reply by Cap'n Pete Straw, -
- 2 replies
November 10, 2005 13:00 EST the Tall Ship Hawaiian Chieftain departed the dock in Greenport, New York bound for San Diego, California via the Panama Canal. After entering the Pacific Ocean she will sail north to rendezvous with the Tall Ship Lady Washington in Southern California. The two ships will then sail in company northbound to Hawaiian Chieftain's new homeport in Westport, Washington. Tonight the Hawaiian Chieftain will anchor in Little Neck Bay, New York and tomorrow morning she will proceed through Hell's Gate with the ebbing tide. After a salute to friends and fellow sailors at South Street Seaport, they will set a course past Liberty Islan…
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 4 replies
I'd like to thank all the brethern who responded to our notification of the new historical resort we are working on in Canada. Yes, we discovered much to our horror, that some of the fonts used on the new website were not fully readable on everyones computer, due to software variations, computer type & age, etc. Now that the webmaster has been keel hauled, he has done some modifications to the website. If any of the brethern find a problem with our site now, please let me know. We humbly welcome your opinions and suggestions on this new venture, (now that it can be read properly, sorry again for that). Brutal honesty be a hard pill to swallow, but it be far bette…
Last reply by loyalist privateer, -
- 7 replies
Notice to all pirate reenactors. If you are interested in taking a trip to a historical resort and maybe going on a real treasure hunt, check out this link. www.buccaneerbay.8k.com Fair winds to all
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 0 replies
I took the family to Cape Charles for a long weekend of camping. One of the things I came away with was an interest in Kiptopeke as a possible venue for a pirate event. The place is just about as close as we could get to a place where Teach and Hornigold careened, without breaking any Federal laws. http://www.piratebrethren.com/capecharles/...apecharles.html (click on the purty pic to go to the next page) http://www.dcr.state.va.us/parks/kiptopek.htm I sent this to the folks on the Pirate Brethren mail list, and figured I'd echo it here.
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 8 replies
I just came across this horrible image on the Pride's website. Some of you may have heard already, since it is a bit dated, but I've been underway much of the last month and haven't had much in the way of current news. It's an aweful sight. I did a search for more info and found a series of pictures here and some more info here. Luckily (and miraculously) no one was injured. Looking at the deck and how little room there is between all that wreckage, it truely is amazing. Granted, the pictures were taken after they collected all of the rigging and piled it on deck for the motor back to port. Best of luck to all the crew in putting her back together! Coastie
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 16 replies
Anyone ever been there and brought their pirate garb with them? That's something I would love to do some day. Run along the beach in pirate garb, walk thru the foilage with my pirate hat on. And, of course, take some cool pictures while doing all this. I could always just find some beach here in California that comes close to that of the tropical islands. But there is nothing like going to the real place. The closest I came was Hawaii when I was 13. I'd love to go back some day......
Last reply by arion, -
- 6 replies
I am going to boston the weekend of the 15th and 16th of October. Is there a ship museum there or close by? Also I was told there is a old sailing ship in harbor that you can take a tour on. I only have half a day friday, and each night after 5pm on sat. and sun. Does anyone know, and what else might I be missing? Thanks for any help, Delmar
Last reply by delmar, -
- 8 replies
I am excited to become a "bornagain Pirate"! I'm in deep now.. my back deck area is turning in to a cool pirates cove that gives the feeling of "Pirates of the Carribean" as you enter at disneyland. We found a ships bell to put on the wall and even a cool little one of a kind cannon for display of course. lol. Our treasure chest showed up today. And it goes on and on... hope you-all having jolly time as this.
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
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If I lived closer, or in any way in hell, had the money to fly down for the day, I'd do this. But for those of you luckier than me, here ya go. The lab exploring the artifacts raised from the site assumed (but not yet proven) to be the remains of Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge will be opening its doors to the public for the day on Saturday, October 22, 2005. Here's the link for more information: http://www.qaronline.org/QARlabDay.htm
Last reply by Bonnie Red Weasel, -
by The Doctor- 7 replies
I'm gettin' tired of doing this. For anyone in this thing's path, may you and yours stay safe. Hotlinked from NOAA
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 0 replies
I have been to an island in the Chesapeake bay called Tangier island. You can only get there by boat. I have noticed that many of the native residents speak with a cornwall english accent. From my understanding, they have been speaking this way about 300 years. It's really not even Americanized. I guess this would not be too far off from the 1950's Disney movie pirate Robert Newton. But they pronounce "house" as if almost rhymed with "noose". The island itself is a crabbing port and many of the houses are on stilts because of the island's low altitude.
Last reply by Matusalem, -
- 24 replies
you've all heard the stories, and i'm sure you've noticed the check box next to the word "Amputations" on your employment forms. But how many of us (you) have had serious injuries whilst upon the waters? it get's talked up alot in the galley/coffee room/shipping crate but the worst I've ever seen(as it happened) or experienced is perhaps being belted with a stray spar here and there. So tell us your tales of woe, anything greater than a broken finger will do.
Last reply by Rummy3, -
- 7 replies
I will be heading down to Charleston (or Charles Town for you hysterically historical folks) next week. I have much planned to see/do, but can anyone who's been there or who lives in the area recommend some good pirate-related tours, stops, etc.? Thankee.
Last reply by Shipwreck John, -
- 13 replies
OK, enough already! Storm season can be over. Here's the hotlinked track and past forecast for Ophelia.
Last reply by Sheila, -
- 22 replies
Here we go again... I've hotlinked the position and forecast map from NOAA.
Last reply by Capn_Enigma, -
- 24 replies
I just accepted an offer to appear at the Dana Point Tallships Festival, Sept. 9-11....So, besides the Tallships Challenge in August in a harbor near you, Be warned!!!!.... There'll be Pyrates in these waters, eh? ROYALISTE Aquirin' Swag Wherever We Can!
Last reply by the Royaliste, -
- 15 replies
I live in Washington as of right now but soon will be moving to Rentz GA to be with my loved one. I noticed how close to the ocean and FL I'll be, do any of you kind mates know if there will be anything close by so I can kick my feet up and feel at home with some pyrate swag.
Last reply by King's Pyrate, -
- 4 replies
Ahoy! Can anyone tell me whether the small wooden cylindrical gunpowder containers usually slung on a baldric and used by musketeers in the 17th century could also have been used by a pirate in the very early 18th century? I fancy that method of storage for my pistol charges, but is it accurate for the early 1700's?
Last reply by Master Sully, -
- 2 replies
is there anyone here what lives in ireland? Much Respect John
Last reply by Christine, -
- 5 replies
Well, me and da mates are bein' off for a moon or so for ta be catchin' fish. It's a way to get on the waves and make loot to boot :) Be seein' ye all in a month if'n the sea lady be gracefully pleasant to us.
Last reply by Hook, -
- 3 replies
Ahoy mates! I am looking for information on latchet shoes of the late 1600's to early 1700's, the kind that tied with a lace and had a small cut-out at the sides. Basically, I need a good photo or drawing of the shoe which would show me enough construction details that I could craft a pair of them meself. I am looking for 100% historically accurate shoes, not modern conversions. Can anyone help me out? Thanks so much in advance!
Last reply by Gentleman Jeff, -
- 10 replies
:) Well, at long last, after much refitting to both myself and the Ship, 'tis time to weigh anchor and head on out into the Bloody Blue Briney as planned!!!...It's been good, and we'll try to keep ye all posted thru internet cafes and such..Fair Winds and a Following Sea, Your Truely Piratical Son, Gary Bergman, Capt., the Tallship Royaliste And Really Bad Eggs, Eh?
Last reply by Mad Woman Cheryl,