Crafting Kit
Fabricate your Kit, Clothes, Props, & Related Items.
425 topics in this forum
- 16 replies
I pulled this post out of What pyrates really wore as it was literally getting burried in Clevage! Here goes I hope Patrick Hand doesn't see this Christine.... he won't be able to sleep at night! But as to your question about bodices... From an interesting site with history of corsets we get this So bodice means "pair of bodies" which, by our period (1690-1725) would be known as "Stays". Here is an example of a proper bodice/stays of the period There are more examples and general information at So the bodice/stays of the Golden Age period should be a support garmet (with whalebone) that is kind of a part of the outer clothing. There …
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
new waistcoats 1 2
by madPete- 33 replies
My new waistcoats... thought I would show off some progress (finally). The sleeved version is lightweight wool tweed with linen lining based on RH pattern, the sleeveless one (a long version of the one I wore at PIP) is linen and its reversible - seafoam green on the other side. Which I plan to fancy up with some black trim in case of special occasion. Button holes and flaps on the pockets still remain with a few puckers to fix, but their close. I'm sick of button holes!!!! Thanks to Callenish fer the plentiful brass buttons, Mickey Souris fer the pattern reference and William Redwake fer the Monmouth! Hope to see you scallywags soon at another event.
Last reply by silas thatcher, -
- 2 replies
I recently lost a very dear friend by the name of Rick Rhombo. He was teaching me leather work. A few days before he passed, he and I were working on the leather cover for my flask, and he showed me this roll of leather that he had gotten. He told me that to his eyes, it looked liked dragon scales, and that he thought it would be really cool to make a pair of dragon scale bracers from it. Well, I thought it was a cool idea, but too much in the realm of fantasy for my taste. I put that leather out of my mind until a few days later, when I got the call that he had died. After that, all I could think of was that leather and those bracers that he had wanted. So I talked to hi…
Last reply by Nighthawk, -
- 4 replies
just picked up a brass bucket that has some splits in it...about 4 inches is the longest one... i know there is a way to fix it, but how ?? brazing (sp?) comes to mind, but wanna hear from someone who knows for sure...
Last reply by MarkG, -
- 3 replies
I know this is a pyrate forum, but I found it doing some do-it-yourself research for some leather work (in particular, my nephew is making a pirate costume and I'm helping him with things like belt, baldric, and bracers.) I figure that if I'm going to be using your do it yourself forum, I may as well contribute a little! So without further yammering from me... My sgain dubhs, or black knife. It is either worn in the top of the Highlanders boot, sock, or hidden. My son and my dirk, or Scottish short sword:
Last reply by Nighthawk, -
Early Slops
by MarkG- 10 replies
Jamestown Settlements lost some of their reference works and put out a call for documentation showing sailors wearing slops to justify how the sailors are dressed on their 1607 ships. I found some nice examples from the British Museum that I thought were worth sharing. First there is this guy from 1600. Notice the thrum cap and cassock (the pull-over). It is hard to tell how full his slops are but there is no question that they are straight-legged instead of gathered below the knee. Next are some etchings from Flanders, 1647. These are from a set of views from a waterfront. One final etching. Notice the sailor sitting on the right. Very full slops and another…
Last reply by Grymm, -
- 39 replies
so...ive been snoopin round for awhile and decided to get serious.just wanted to post some pics of what i have right now...all opinions are welcome.btw i live in hampton,Va so blackbeards crew would be the nearest group to me and also the time period.thanks in advance...adam
Last reply by Dutchman, -
- 15 replies
after seeing a few people over the weekend at fort de chartres wearing wide brimmed hats to help combat the sun, i decided to purchase one... the hat needs a little reshaping ... i want to make a more pronounced edge where the brim meets the crown... hope this makes sense !!! that way it won't slope down so much like the pic shows.. i am thinking that a bowl of the correct size to hold the shape of the crown while flattening the brim and maybe even something wrapped aroung the base of the crown ( a belt, rope ?? ) to help define the edge better... i dunno... any advice would be appreciated :)
Last reply by Grymm, -
the rope walk is up and running! the second shot is my first piece. it ended up being 2 1/2 feet of three strand. i figured i'd start small and work my way up.
Last reply by theM.A.dDogge, -
- 2 replies
It was a popular fashion to wear (not just wigs or hats) but headpieces to various functions. It could be something like the extreme pouf of a wig with feathers or something as exciting as a ship in the hair. I know that you'll probably say "Hey, pirates weren't wearing party dresses!" and I'll reply with "Not even as a deceptive measure perhaps in an unfriendly town?" I have heard of a guillotine headpiece and I thought I knew where a picture was, but I can't find it. It was worn to a beheading. Anyway, have fun with these images.
Last reply by Karadimos, -
- 11 replies
So I know there were about a million different pocket variations in the GaoP, but currently I'm trying to make a new waistcoat, and I'm looking to use a very basic, "classic" design. Just plain pocket flaps, probably scalloped, with three buttons each. So far though I'm at a loss when it comes to the construction. I've seen a few patterns of period frock coats where the pockets have a sort of inverted-triangle-shaped opening, which looks interesting and pleasing to my eye, but I don't really know how to do it. I doubt welt pockets are particularly period, so I wouldn't do those, but I want to do something slightly more interesting than just a srtaight slit turned insi…
Last reply by Captain McCool, -
- 4 replies
Yesterday I just made myself a new pair of pirate pants (I had nothing since I've lost quite a bit of weight). I went to JoAnn's and found McCall's 5858 pattern. I used brown linen and completely cut out the pattern, fabric, and sewed the entire thing while watching 'The Shining'. So it's an easy, very quick pattern. You can see the results below. It does have a high waist, if you are interested in making them. I think they'll fit better once they're worn and washed a few times.
Last reply by Karadimos, -
- 8 replies
Custom Rennaisance era sailors breeches for Ivan Henry based on the period drawing below. Navy linen with white wool tape embelishments. Adjustable waist and rough carved wodden buttons for the fly. The matching jerkin is in the works.
Last reply by Ivan Henry aka Moose, -
- 35 replies
Well now the weather here in the frozen North has turned, I am back in the shop. Here is my most recent project, it is a slightly altered copy of a knock down trestle table that we bought at MTA from the great folks of Lord Grey's Retinue. All she needs now is finish sanding, stain and a good coat of oil.
Last reply by Dutchman, -
- 6 replies
ive got some well seasoned bamboo layin around from my flute...anyone know if it was used at all? glass bottomed bamboo tankard?as im a glazier and can cut glass circles and other such fancy glass...seeded(read tiny bubbles) glass bottom?
- 19 replies
I just purchase an NCO naval hanger. I don't know it it's coated brass or just polished. The last thing I want to do is look like a "new" pirate. How do I get the finish off....or if it's already do I get it to look used...IE....dull brass finish?
Last reply by adam cyphers, -
- 8 replies
Once again I am making a rope bed. My first attempt many years ago ended in me and my wife on the ground between piles of rope and splinters. This time I use oak, a bit heavy but strong. My newest rope bed seems to have similar properties to the old; the sides are bowing a lot! I strengthened up the sides with oak 2x2"s on the inside. This did not work as well I would have hoped. Any suggestions? Really anything I'll take whatever it is you have, please help! On a sort of unrelated note, my Great-grandmother slept on a rope bed all here life, it may have even been her mothers, don't know. But it came over on the boat with them, and she slept in that until the day she die…
Last reply by MorganTyre, -
- 8 replies
- 1.6k views Couldn't get the pic to post here but I have started making my own coins now. There resin cast and each hand painted. The idea is to make enough to mix with other bits of treasure to make a "chest topper". It's a piece of wood that fits in the treasure chest like an insert with all this swag perminitly fixed to it to give the illusion of a full chest of plunder instead of having to fill it for real. It also prevents little fingers from grabbing a coin or two when your backs turned. I'll post pics of the finished project after I ca…
Last reply by Captain McCool, -
- 14 replies
over in the armory, there wasa thread on refinishing a gun. it got me to thinking about various finish preparations. Sanding- sand paper as we know it didn't come to be until the early 1900's. while convenient, sanding scratches the surface of the wood and leaves a fine powder, which fills back into the scratches. no matter how fine the grit, these scratches can be seen under low level magnification. to achieve a nice finish, lots of cleaning must be done before treating and even then often produces a low luster shine. Oddly enough, sanding was done aboard ship prior to the GAOP and fore quite some time after in the form of holystoning. a square soft stone, usually a san…
Last reply by Iron Hand, -
- 19 replies
Made some 10k gold teeth for Halloween from some old rings I had laying around. Of course not all these teeth are used at once, I just made extras to give me more options in my look. Looks too grill when I have them all in.
Last reply by Captain McCool, -
- 46 replies
I'm getting ready for the Texas Ren-faire here in a couple of weeks and this year I've decided to bring some period-ish camping gear including a canvas tent (probably a big diamond though this is still a work in progress), bed, and chest. The bed turned out well so I thought I'd post a quick how-to with pictures going up this evening. Note that I have no actual mattress listed but have found the bed to be very comfortable as is with a piece of folded canvas on top of the cording. Materials: Two Rough Cedar 8' 2x4's - $5.00 each One Rough Cedar 8' 4x4 - $15.00 Approx 150' 1x4" manilla (preferred) or sisal what I used and works fine - $10 One 48" 7/8" hardwood dowel …
Last reply by MarkG, -
- 5 replies
I was wandering if the pictures of this thread could be made visible again.... So I and others could learn from it to??
Last reply by Korisios, -
- 8 replies
I have been looking at period drawings and such trying to find any reverense for wearing a head wrap of any sort under a hat, but up to now couldn't find it. I am about to asumb that that's another Hollywood invention... Am im right?
Last reply by Korisios, -
- 7 replies
So I woke up this morning with my guts gripping so I took a sick day...and I just couldn’t sit on my ass watching the idiot box waiting to feel better. So with the on-going goal of improving my late 16th century kit I took on an easy project today and made some garters out of some spare suede and suede lacing. I know they are not exactly “period” but it passed the time and now when I get some period stockings next week, I’ll have something to keep them up with. Might even add them as a product to our stock if folks are interested in buying some...
Last reply by LadyBrower, -
- 4 replies
Found at Harbour Freight: 900 ft of Beeswax coated Flax twine. Don't have a micrometer handy, but by tape it looks to be just about 1/8" thick. Rated to a 39# work load. Looks good for marlinespike work.
Last reply by adam cyphers,