Crafting Kit
Fabricate your Kit, Clothes, Props, & Related Items.
425 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
For those of you that may not know I am currently in the process of building a scabbard for my new sword from Privateer Armory. I have just acquired enough supplies to start the project and will be updating it here. I plan on a stretched leather scabbard with no wooden core. I also plan on adding a bronze tip and and lock. This is the sword I bought and a link to Privateer Armory.
Last reply by James Smythe, -
- 13 replies
I saw an interesting post in the Muzzleloader Forum about friction Knives. A friction knife is basically a pocketknife with the knife blade, riveted to the grooved wooden handle; the blade stays open because of the tight fit " or the friction". I have a bunch of high carbon steel kitchen knives that all have their tips busted off (I had a roommate that didn't know about can openers...) So I got out my grinder and started to make one. Before anyone tells me about getting the blade too hot and destroying the temper... I took my time, and when the blade started to get warm, I'd let it cool.... The kitchen knives that I have, all have stamped lines along the blade, so I …
Last reply by Shipwreck John, -
- 11 replies
Does anyone have any descriptions or pictures of what early 18th century ticking fabric would look like? It's mentioned that the breeches and waistcoats in the 1706 admiralty slops contract are made of "Striped Ticking" Would it have looked like this modern cotton ticking:
Last reply by Ivan Henry aka Moose, -
- 4 replies
What would be the right way to go about making a leather tankard? What leather? Would i need oils? Should i tan it? Do i need a wood insert for the handle? A sewing awl good for stitching it up?
Last reply by Littleneckhalfshell, -
- 6 replies
Working on a coat, linen liner with wool outer. Using a JP Ryan pattern which I no longer have. Can anybody advise a way to get the pleats right on the back? I have tried several different ways and cannot seem to get the pleats to lay right or the back of the skirts to look right.....getting a tad frustrated!! Thanks!! Wes
Last reply by Spitfire Stevens, -
- 18 replies
I have four wooden tumblers, two leak. How do I repair them when I can't even see the cracks where they leak?
Last reply by jendobyns, -
- 1 reply
Well, here are the first two of this design I've ever tried. The first one is a bit stretched out, narrower and longer than the original dimensions given in the example. The second one (top) is closer to the originals but my curl is a bit longer. They throw lots of sparks, I'll send a couple of shards along too. Let me know if these are OK and I'll send them out Monday. BTW, credit for the research and sample images came from the late Mike Amelling. I wish to give credit to the man out of respect and honor to the trade. Bo
Last reply by Slopmaker Cripps, -
- 23 replies
Lady Constance and I have been tossing around the idea of making me a "Non european" outfit. So we did some research and decided to take some ideas from the Ottoman Empire. Last night we made a pair of Salwars. Now here comes the kicker, they are HUGE. When I say huge I mean i could house a family of 4 in them. I was wondering if anyone knows if they tucked the extra in or rolled them in the waist, otherwise im going to be tripping on my pants. I will try and post some pictures later .
Last reply by onus-one-eye, -
- 6 replies
Here ya go William: ...nothin' fancy, just functional. I made then from a piece of 1/4" square stock that has been sround the shop for (?) years, an old sickle mower blade rivet, and filed where needed. I even drilled the hole with a hand-powered drill just for the exercise. Are these going to work for ya? Bo
Last reply by rusty spike, -
- 13 replies
I have a gray coat that is not finished yet. It started out as a old west style coat but Ive been looking at it and I'm thinking of changing the lapels and making it more into the style of coat Tim Curry wore in Muppet Treasure Island. Having a hard time finding pics or references to exactly what style they were going for or basing the design off of. Anybody have pics or links that would help?
Last reply by peglegstrick, -
- 0 replies
Hallie Larkin's 18C Stays blog has gone back in time. She has posted the process of making a reproduction of a set at Pilgrim Hall in Plymouth, Mass., for their exhibit. She goes into choices she had to make with substituting materials that are no longer available, and other necessary changes as a result, still sticking as much as possible to the original design and technique. Very cool!
Last reply by jendobyns, -
- 21 replies
I have these little kegs I've collected from the flea-markets, and have thought about converting them into small kegs for musket powder. have the willow growing in my pond to replace the bands with. What do the folks here think of this idea? Should I do all three or just the little one and leave the wine-casks as they are? They are very well made, tight. Maybe I'll replace the bands and leave them for rum and spirits? Suggestions? I cannot decide. Bo
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 2 replies
- 1.6k views ole roy has a nice sideboard table on his website now. he hasa lot o good how to's on here.
Last reply by Dutchman, -
- 11 replies
Can any o' you fine leatherworkers out there give me a hint or three on how ta soften up leather? I ask, on account o' the fact that the baldric I've had fer a year now is still as stiff as a dead Spanaird. I wanna soften it a wee bit, so won't be sittin' all weird like.
Last reply by Gumbatz, -
- 7 replies
Good day all! I am new here to the Pub and have a question I'd like to throw out. I am assembling a mid to late 17th century buccaneering kit and am trying to decide on what kind of bag I need for powder and shot. I have a flintlock firearm (1650's English lock musket) and now I'm trying to decide on what kind of bag to make to carry my charges in. Exquemelin mentions cartouches "They use cartridges, and have a cartouche containing thirty, which they carry with them always, so they are never unprepared." However my question is what would these cartouches look like? Would they be more like a traditional cartridge box? (Wooden block etc) or more resembling a possibles ba…
Last reply by Hawkyns, -
- 0 replies
Just finnished the paint job for Pylos's flag. Just needs the grometting and some weathering and it'll be good to go:
Last reply by Capn' Mac, -
- 24 replies
What cheer ladies and gents.........Now let us examine my first go at passemeterie buttons.........lets all just agree that the first two were not at all pretty....made quite a few mistakes with time, pulling too hard...too many "spines" etc. bbuuttttt...for some reason on number 3 my mind had a revolation and aaalllll became clear to quite happy with that last one other thing i learned is that doing these makes me feel ill afterward. It may be that im concentrating on one little circle for so long....but even now after finishing it 10 minutes ago i feel queasy..........(anyone else had this problem ?? sterling? mike??) this DID'NT happen whe…
Last reply by angelgal918, -
- 2 replies
todays project. a sailmakers bench. 5ft long x 8 inches wide. still need to set holes for fids & tools edit*- made from a scrap shelf and bits around the work shop.
Last reply by Bos'n Cross, -
- 55 replies
My attempt at purchasing stockings has been less than successful and fit is marginal. Who makes a better than average stockings that come above the knee? Ones that will be satisfactory with breeches as well as with longer slops, wool, silk or whatever. Jas. Hook
Last reply by angelgal918, -
- 53 replies
Okay, so I have begun making a bodiced gown for Kate (me loverlly wif)... There are a ton of good images out there (the many fashion plates that are posted and re-posted are likely the best source), but there are some great paintings and other sources as well. I've looked through the pub and not found a thread dedicated to this garment yet, so I thought I would start one. I'll post pictures as I get things done, so far I have only drafted a pattern, and cut out the interlining layers (still not 100% sure which fabric from the stash I will be using for the outer layer, although I am leaning towards a light "sea-foam" green. Anyways, hope this thread will flourish with i…
Last reply by angelgal918, -
- 4 replies
I've started working in gold an' silver, and gems an' pearls once again. Sadly, I've gotten stuck on design ideas. Any o' you fine buccaneer folk know where I can find pictures of GAoP era jewelry, or related era pieces. Any help would be appreciated. An' by the by, as soon as I finish me Pearl project, pictures shall be posted!
Last reply by Laura Coughlin, -
- 7 replies
I am looking for examples and replicas of the Burgundian Spanish Cross that i can make or use as a badge for example for on a cartridge pouch. Until now I have nothing that could be used for such. Is there anyone who can point me to such an artefact or maybe even a reproduction? Either brass brons or tin would be fine with me. I can also maybe have someone cast these for me but even then I do need an example... Thanks!
Last reply by PoD, -
- 0 replies
Made a couple pair of earrings over the weekend, thought I'd show them off. Red Jasper, Hand Carved Bone, and pewter Sparrows Black Lava, Hand Carved Bone, and Australian Jasper Total time spent: 45 mins I'm waiting on some more materials to come in, so I can continue making swag, an' perhaps start selling it.
Last reply by CaptainB, -
- 23 replies
Making up these Spatula Mundani for the good Dr. Mission: The first: The second, has tweezer end as best as I could tell from drawing: Tried to blow it up some: These little barnacles are actually quite fun to make!! A few more to come as I get workshop time....
Last reply by PoD, -
- 6 replies
I've been asked to post some photos of my scrimshaw. Here are a few. I hope you like them.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa,