Crafting Kit
Fabricate your Kit, Clothes, Props, & Related Items.
425 topics in this forum
- 72 replies
Last reply by jendobyns, -
Flag fabrics? 1 2 3
by Gwen S.- 69 replies
I wasn't entirely sure where to put this thread, so please relocate it if necessary. =) It's my captain's birthday soon, and I've been trying to figure out what to get/do/make for him for a while now. It occurred to me today that, while he has designed a flag for himself and has a few items with that design on them... he doesn't have an actual FLAG! This will not do! I looked around these boards and the internet in general, and found that the most common material for the body of the flag was wool bunting, right? Well, wool bunting is wicked expensive these days, which makes me sad. I'd really like to use SOME form of wool, but having never purchased or worked with that…
Last reply by Swashbuckler 1700, -
- 12 replies
HI friends! I’m from Argentina and I’m trying to recreate a corsair moorish woman who lived in Al- Andalus at the first half of 14th century. Her name was Malika Fadel ben Salvador, if you know she. I´m looking for cloth hints and hope maybe you could help me. Is there a file with details of this period? Thank you very much.
Last reply by Mission, -
- 7 replies
This may seem a stupid question but could anyone tell me how things were usually attached to a belt to allow them to still be used i.e. money purses etc?
Last reply by Mission, -
- 35 replies
I make strands o' traders beads & hair/bandana dangles (much like what Cap'n Sparrow wore). It started simply as a way ta add a touch o' color to me garb, but has thus become a hypnotic way ta spend the evening (with a glass o' rum o' course). I have a few examples to share (others have been traded off, or are locked in me garb trunk). Opinions greatly appreciated. This is the five I had on hand today (showin' a mate who wants a strand or three) Closer up on the best three: That be a Cowry shell at the end, Blue Agate, Hematite discs, and carved bone tubes, all on hemp cord. Another Cowry, Glass beads, Tigers Eye, and Hematite spheres, on hemp. Again with the…
Last reply by Captain Mauvebeard, -
- 11 replies
I have never knitted in my life and I am trying to learn how to read the instructions but after watching some videos and going through various beginer guides I am still a bit fuzzy as to how to interpret some of the instructions: **What does it mean when it says "Row xx to yy: Knit" verses "Row x: Knit 4" (and then Knit 3, Knit 2, etc?) - I believe it is reducing the size, but does that some how mean 'skipping" some? - also what does the "Repeat" at the end of some steps mean? are you 'repeating the K2tog step or the entire row? example: Rows 21-45: Knit Row 46: Knit 4, k2tog; repeat Rows 47-49: Knit Row 50: Knit 3, k2tog; repeat Rows 51-54: Knit Row 55: Knit 2…
Last reply by MadL, -
- 8 replies
As the economy's cold fingers slowly choke me purse, I have found rather quickly that the more I make of me kit the better. However, shoes be me problem... I have not the foggiest of ideas how to cobble, and less of an idea of where Ye might get ahold of a pattern for some period buckle shoes. I was intending to call Williamsburg's cobbler tomorrow but I thought I'd open the floor up to you lot first.
Last reply by Mitchell O'Sionnach, -
- 1 reply
We've all seen them... those old halloweeny hats with shapable brims filled with wire, they are certainly somethign to be dreaded, for someone trying to be historically accurate... yet as i talked to a friend about commsioning a hat made of suade, she used the words 'wire brim' and i became hesitant, but then i stoped to consider... metal wire was in supply back then was it not? (I mean around 1660-1680) could not a noble who wanted a fine hat made of suade have wire placed in the brim to shape it properly? this much i am unsure of though it makes sense as far as I can tell... so what do you think? yay or nay? are there any historical cases of wire in the brim of hats? l…
Last reply by Red John, -
- 43 replies
Inspired by a thread on this forum several years ago and a few close encounters with Maddogge at this year's Pike River, I thought I should try to capture the smell of a pirate, as close as possible. I did this for a few reasons: 1) I hate the smell of bug spray. Bug spray and campfire smoke together smell so chemically and nasty that it just takes me right out of period. Maybe I can make myself stink so much that the bugs will leave me alone! 2) I tend to stink after a few days in the sun and no shower anyway, so I might as well stink as historically accurate as possible. After Pike River, I balled up all my clothes and threw them into a tupperware container without w…
Last reply by Matty Bottles, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by madPete, -
- 26 replies
This may be the wrong place to put this but I am wondering what a GAOP courtly clothes would look like. Would they use silk? Is this picture early enough? I wanna be around 1720 .
Last reply by Captain Jim, -
- 12 replies
what do yall think?... this is what i'll be wearing around st. augustine for the gathering
Last reply by Oscar Henry, -
- 5 replies
This is still a work in progress, but I'm delighted to say that it was the most asked about object in my display at the last event, so I can't recommend making one enough. Almost everyone who came by asked what it was and enjoyed an explanation of it. It's also easy to tailor make one of these to the needs of one crew or another and paint it with a color scheme that suits your own tastes. This is the first of two traverse boards that I'm working on.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 4 replies
So, I don't really know where to start. I used to really really really like sea chests...or boxes on boats or whatever. I even built a few to haul all my dunnage around in for living history events etc. Then all of sudden I thought about the sporadiac and on again off again career of a merchant seaman of the late 17th century. I soon realized that lugging around a sea chest was just too damn cumbersome. Besides dragging this chest all around whatever town you happened to be in, New York, Charles Towne, Bridgetown you still had to get it to the orlop or foc'sle deck of the next ship you got a job with. So I experimented with taking what I kept in my sea chest and packing …
Last reply by Captain Jim, -
- 10 replies
hey gang. just a couple pictures of my finished rigging belt. I've had the belt and knife for a while but when Adam presented me with a knew marinspike i had to make a new sheath. Darn the luck!
Last reply by Dutchman, -
- 1 reply
the tricorn i started out with was the basic brown one from Jas Towsend&son i liked it and wore it for a long time but i just felt like something was missing [/img] started out as this and when i was done we have this [/img][/img] [/img] [/img]
Last reply by Oscar Henry, -
- 10 replies
the shirt is a blue checkered shirt from Jas Townsend&son, the slops i sewed myself with the pattern comming from Jas, the sash is from Tiger lee's shop, the neckerchief is some fabric i picked up from the fabric store and the tricorn is fromn Jas.[/img]
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 9 replies
I've this pair of leather boots for years. Over time they've gotten wet a few times getting on and off the ship and the boots have begun to sag pretty badly. Any ideas on how to keep me leather boots erect? I don't want to be walking around with saggy leather flopping around. Thank you for your help in advance Capn Antonio Malasses
Last reply by Capn Antonio Malasses, -
- 31 replies
After the insane weekend of the "Prickity Stitcher", I've taken to using some of the extras I have laying around, and therefore I'm wondering about the options for pocket shapes and how to make pockets on a jacket? Also I'm wondering about the different types of cuffs common for GAoP. Were they always huge? Rats
Last reply by Swashbuckler 1700, -
- 193 replies
I've been working on some Baldric Buckles (or can be used as a belt buckle too). They are still wax models and I'm going to have them cast in bronze and antiqued. They measure 5 1/8 X 3 5/8. Only problem is they can only be done in a minimum order of 12. I will have to sell the other 10 in order to pay for the casting. If enough people here are interested in buying the other ten off me , I'll go ahead and have them done as it is nearly $500 to have them cast. I have more buckle designs in the works and this will be the first of my line, if I can move them out the door. I will put my logo (gibbet and bones) on the bottom of these buckles. Does $45 + shipping sound like a f…
Last reply by Captain Adaro Jorus, -
- 71 replies
Ok everytime I look for sailors clothes I can find most stuff on what the captains wore. I would like to do a more common sailor look. After all there were more sailors than captains right? But to make the outfit I would need pictures. Pictures of yourselves or from books would be great.
Last reply by landlubbersanonymous, -
- 1 reply
Hey folks, The American Duchess has a new shoe style that would work for the GAoP called the Pompadour. She is currently taking pre-orders. I have heard mixed reviews of her other shoes, but the only person I know personally who has a pair loves them and spent all day at Ft. Frederick Market Fair shopping in them and was still a happy customer. While these are not a historically accurate reproduction, they offer yet another option. She's also posted a tutorial on how to measure your foot to get the correct size (well, it was on Facebook, not sure about the website). Jen
Last reply by michaelsbagley, -
- 17 replies
hey folks, ok- its time to reorganize the trailer. its a 6x12 box that we keep all our stuff in, and load up with others stuff and more stuff, then some more... so anyhow this weekend, we had to load in the back of a truck which if you have seen us travel know how fun that was. Anyhow it got me thinking. how does everyone move their gear and how do they have their vehicles set up to move it?
Last reply by sutlerjon, -
- 17 replies
and I'd like to give it a nice "cavalier flare". Any recommendations on how to make this look a little more authentic and piratey? Is there a way to make it seem a little more warn? Also, don't mind the tiki(s) in the photo...they're the only thing I could find to prop the hat...Oh yes and I got the blank for Townsend. Really stiff felt!
Last reply by Duchess, -
- 2 replies
Anyone make any cockades or rosettes they would like to share? I'm curious and would like to make my own but I'm not certain where to start...
Last reply by Mission,