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FireFly: Inara or Kaylee

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The above photo that GoF posted, has suddenly very much changed my opinion of the appearance of the actress who plays River... In the above photo, she shines as the most striking one in the whole lot, with the actress that plays Zoe as a close second... The other two just don't seem to measure up in this particular picture... :lol:

What a strange (to me) way to measure who you'd want to spend time with. (No offense meant here.) Have you ever seen one photo of a person that makes them look ok and then seen another that makes them look fantastic? It may even be a picture of them taken on the same day at the same place, wearing the same kit. Photographs (and all appearances for that matter) can disguise an awful lot. I think it's a pretty poor tool for making such a decision.

This reminds me of a philosophy I like (and I'm not sure who came up with it) that people can go through four stages in their life. The first is the Athlete - where you show your talents off. The second is the Warrior - where you pit your talent against others. The third is the Statesman/Stateswoman - where you use your talents as a benefactor, working on others' behalf . The fourth is the Master - where you teach others what you have learned. Some people get stuck and never go beyond a particular level. Appearance is down there at level one. I'll take a higher order mate over a lower order one any day.

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Interesting philosophy Caraccioli. From observing others, I see those who do move from stages one to four hit certain levels at certain points in their lives. Some quicker than others. And some just stay in the same mode of operation for life, for better or worse.

I think I flew right on through Athlete and Warrior back in my late teens and early twenties. I'm curious...would the Statesperson and Warrior not nearly blend into one another? After all, there is a bit of giving in both levels (via providing and learning), is there not?

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I'm curious...would the Statesperson and Warrior not nearly blend into one another?  After all, there is a bit of giving in both levels (via providing and learning), is there not?

Well, it's not my philosophy, so all I can do is explain it as I understand it.

The Master realizes that charity is not actually helping people, it is simply prolonging the inevitable in most cases. So the master teaches others to become self-sufficient masters.

It's sort of a variation on the "Give a man a fish..." philosophy as I see it. But again, that's my conceptualization. This would be a good time to plug a very interesting book by Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame): God's Debris.

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Whoops! I shoulda said teaching instead of learning. Ah well..I think one thing, I type another.

So the master is passing along what they've learned in hopes that whomever they pass the knowledge to will keep it going...something along those lines? Kinda sounds like what many people have done to keep mankind going, from traditions to values, storytelling to languages. Sounds like that book would be an interesting read.

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

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The above photo that GoF posted, has suddenly very much changed my opinion of the appearance of the actress who plays River... In the above photo, she shines as the most striking one in the whole lot, with the actress that plays Zoe as a close second... The other two just don't seem to measure up in this particular picture... :lol:

What a strange (to me) way to measure who you'd want to spend time with. (No offense meant here.) Have you ever seen one photo of a person that makes them look ok and then seen another that makes them look fantastic? It may even be a picture of them taken on the same day at the same place, wearing the same kit. Photographs (and all appearances for that matter) can disguise an awful lot. I think it's a pretty poor tool for making such a decision.

This reminds me of a philosophy I like (and I'm not sure who came up with it) that people can go through four stages in their life. The first is the Athlete - where you show your talents off. The second is the Warrior - where you pit your talent against others. The third is the Statesman/Stateswoman - where you use your talents as a benefactor, working on others' behalf . The fourth is the Master - where you teach others what you have learned. Some people get stuck and never go beyond a particular level. Appearance is down there at level one. I'll take a higher order mate over a lower order one any day.

It's a thread that is based partly on superficial attraction, and partly on the likability of fictitious characters... :lol: Does that help explain why one picture makes someone more desirable than another?

I've found my perfect woman, and if I wanted to be completely serious, I wouldn't want to spend time with any of these women, as I'm perfectly happy with my current lot in life. :lol:

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I don't like the photo of what the actresses look like when they are not in character..... well I do.... they all look nice....

But the original question was not

...hey look at this picture of these women... who's cutest"


"which character do you prefer....."


River is cute.... (in Serenity she was of leagal age...).... but Dang... would I wanna be with someone that could go "apesh*t" at any moment.....and her brother is going to always be there........

Inara... dang... too much like the Playboy thing.... pretty to look at, but I could never afford her.....

Zoe is out... she's married.....

So my favorite..... is Kaylee... she knows what she's doing, and she's always bubbly happy, real cute also...... ( I kinda fell in lust with her the first time I saw her....)

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Kaylee is the kind that you could go camping with and wouldn't bring more than a small back pack.

Could you imagine Inara on a camping trip?

Black John should appreciate that.


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I think its an apples and oranges argument.  Sure, Kaylee "cracked" under pressure when the ship was being attacked, but then again, that is not what she is there for to begin with.

If I'm not mistaken, she either cracks or at least comes close to cracking at least once while attempting to do what she is there to do.

So if you want the warrior woman, it HAS to be Zoe, no questions asked.

Odd that you should say that, since I had just re-watched War Stories that evening. For most of this exercise, I put myself in Mal's shoes, since I identify with him. Zoe is my right hand man. My war buddy. I don't see Zoe as anything other than that. Besides, she's taken. Kinda goes against my odd sense of duty to my fellow guy.

Thats right... come crawling back to Kaylee, cauze not only does she have the hottie girl-next-door thing down pat, but hey... she keeps you in the sky too!

Hence, I need her to be keepin' her eye on the ship, and not gettin' all dreamy-eyed over me. Sure, I'd be flattered, but "gorramit Kaylee, don't go gettin' a crush on me when Serenity needs you more!"

I think she'd feel the same way.

Besides, Inara doesn't do crew members.  So its just eye candy.

But, as I said, putting myself in Mal's shoes... I ain't crew. I'm the captain. Love it how he just walks right into her shuttle.

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Could you imagine Inara on a camping trip?

Black John should appreciate that.

touche... however... while I don't have evidence, I'd like to think she could still have those perfectly red lips AND wear hiking boots, plaid shirt, etc.


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It's a thread that is based partly on superficial attraction, and partly on the likability of fictitious characters... :lol:   Does that help explain why one picture makes someone more desirable than another?

Good point. :lol:

I've found my perfect woman, and if I wanted to be completely serious, I wouldn't want to spend time with any of these women, as I'm perfectly happy with my current lot in life.  :lol:

Here's to reality (or what passes for it.) :lol:

"You're supposed to be dead!"

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I'm curious -- how many of you made choices (either consciously or subconsciously) based on characters who had traits similar to your own?

I find that when I consciously and theoretically choose the "ideal" mate, I tend the think about traits that I have and mentally search for people with similar traits. When I find people I actually like and am attracted to, however, this is not quite as strongly the case.

"You're supposed to be dead!"

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Well, thats why there is Vanilla AND Chocolate (and Strawberry!).

What is interesting though, is that on Mals "my space" he took one of those "which crew member are you" tests and it came out as Kaylee.

Kaylee took the test, and her results were "Wash".

Interesting, and while its no where near being a scientific test, it does go to show that the people who play the characters are probably nothing like the characters.

I ain't crew. I'm the captain.

Yes, but she said when she first came on board that she wouldn't sleep with You (Mal) nor would she sleep with anyone who worked for you (Mal).


Seems like you are gonna have to "pull" a Jayne and "If you want me, I'll be in my room"....


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My sister recently met Kaylee aka Jewel Staite a couple of weeks ago. Based on the experience, I would choose Inara because Jewel Staite doesn't want to embrace her time as Kaylee. Too bad. It took several other actors a long time to realize a gift of a character. (Leonard Nimoy). They missed some great opportunities.

William Shatner may not be the greatest theatrical actor ever, but he is a gentleman and a fan's actor. Jewel Staite could learn a few pointers about that.

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Well, with the characters, it would be Kaylee all the way. River is too whimsical in the brainpan, Zoe could kill me with her pinky, and Inara is just too darned refined for my rough tastes.

Now, actor-wise, that's a whole other question. I certainly wouldn't kick Jewel out of the hammock (and she apparently has some pyratical-fetish thing going, so groovy), would probably avoid Gina 'cuz her husband is Lawrence Fishburne, and you just can't do bad to Lawrence -- it would just be wrong.

Now, Morena... Yeah...


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What a bummer to hear that about Kaylee... (Jewel). Which just goes to show that they are really nothing like their characters.

I have only heard GREAT things about Adam Baldwin though.

But back to Saffron :P

She has the companion training AND she kicks butt!

So what if she's a little psycho :lol:


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Ok, how about this. In Jaynestown, when Simon is talking about Egyptian brewing processes, Kaylee just goes blank, and then sort of mocks him for being a learned history geek. I would think you, like me (and unlike either Mal or in all likelihood Nathan Fillian) would find that a major problem. My conversations tend toward rambling and wandering, very often meandering down some oddball historical path. Kaylee just couldn't keep the pace.

Saffron... Inara... curvy blonde versus raven-haired gypsy... talk about a dilemma!


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Adam Baldwin is, however, a Republican. Just putting things into perspective, and making a cheap political joke all at the same time.


My wife met him at a convention, and that revelation apparently left a lot of people cold. For maybe a minute...

Yeah..Adam's a good guy, no matter if his take on politics doesn't jive with some. I'm glad others see that...Alec's the one that leaves me scratching my head. ;)

Anywho, it looks like there's a good mix of folks who like the character qualities of each of the gals for whatever reason (and spouses too...good for you!). I find it refreshing that many of yah are concerned moreso for what the gals are like (inner beauty, sanity, etc) than what they look like. That's not a rarity in my little corner of the world, but it's something don't I hear as often as I used to in conversations. :P

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Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

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After not having read the thread but spending my life as MaryAnne (yes that is my given name) I have two cents to offer.

I have never had ANY man say that Ginger was his favorite but most of them do ask where she is.

I think that says allot. They want to spend time with Mary Ann but enjoy looking at Ginger.

BTW. I have finally met Ginger. She is married to Pat and has at least one daughter. I won't say where they live. :lol:

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Well, not to shoot myself in the foot, but if we're talking about people on TV or in the movies, they're all gonna be pretty, so someone saying they're more interested in personality than looks really ain't saying much.

Even though, I'm usually at least as interested in personality as looks.

No, really. It's true...


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In Jaynestown, when Simon is talking about Egyptian brewing processes, Kaylee just goes blank, and then sort of mocks him for being a learned history geek. I would think you, like me (and unlike either Mal or in all likelihood Nathan Fillian) would find that a major problem.

My take on that scene was a little different, maybe I should view it again to make sure, but I don't think Kaylee was mocking him at all.

She always has something nice to say, and is usually upbeat. I think she was trying to compliment Simon on his vast knowledge, but was left kind of speechless. The only thing she could come up to say (while dreamily looking at Simon) was "wow... thats so..... Historical".


I myself am an unabashed Ginger fan and will admit it to just about anybody.

I have never had ANY man say that Ginger was his favorite but most of them do ask where she is.

But you are right here, I have not run into many, (maybe 1 in 100) that pick Ginger over Mary Ann... so you are right there (except for me).

But good gravy I like tall women and lover redheads.... Which Ginger has PLENTY of....

mmmmmmmm Ginger......


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