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Yes, the standards are low, far lower than they should be, though it varies from kingdom to kingdom. Point is though, they will never get better if we don't take a stand somewhere. The Society has gone through various periods, both up and down. right now, the split is becoming more and more pronounced. Very very good on one side, and gods forsaken awful on the other.

Doesn't change the fact that the governing documents of the Society are specific about pre 17th C. Bare chested highlanders may be ugly, but they are period- ish. We may argue about the actual kit of belly dancers, but we know they existed. Pink hair- well bad taste is everywhere.

Somethings can be changed, some can't. But we have to start somewhere.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



It’s all very simple actually.

Join a group, obey the rules

Don’t like the rules? Get ‘em changed.

Can’t change ‘em? Start your own group.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

Can’t change ‘em? Start your own group.

I was in a Landsknecht group , that started in the SCA, but decided to start thier own group that was more Historicaly accurate.... There is a 14th Century Group in Southern California, that did the same thing... I wonder how many people the SCA has lost that did form thier own groups?

On one hand it is kind of a shame... all those people that the SCA lost, could have helped build more awaireness in Historical accuracy in the SCA...

<snide comment...sorry, but it happens so often in the SCA...> It couldn't have anything to do with the dreaded polly-ticks could it ?

The SCA does have some good stuff going on and was fun, if you know what to avoid....

Thoughts on Pyrate Groups....

I think one of the reasons that there are Pyrates in the SCA, is because

1. the SCA IS fun....

2. there arn't as many Pyrate groups as SCA groups,

3. the SCA is more well known....

If someone wants to find a Pyrate group to join, where do they go? The only listing of Pyrates groups that I know about are in No Quarter Given and our kinda sloppy list here in the Pub... (Maybe a sticky in PIRATE CREWS that is just a regional list, and links to groups... ) There are a lot of Pyrate Groups, but they are kinda hard to find.(well for someone new)

A list of Pyrate groups, would help new Pyrates find a group close to them. Scadain Pyrates could just quit the SCA and join an existing group, or form thier own Pyrate group, and not bother the pre-1600 people any more........

Pyrates don't need a Board of Directors, or a buncha rules, just a place to find other Pyrates.......

Pyrates don't need a Board of Directors, or a buncha rules, just a place to find other Pyrates.......

Right! That was one of the prime reason I left one group which I was a former member of....discussing everything in it´s smallest detail... form a registered association... and forgetting about what really is important: To have fun and meet new pirates on events.

Pyrates don't need a Board of Directors, or a buncha rules, just a place to find other Pyrates.......

Right! That was one of the prime reason I left one group which I was a former member of....discussing everything in it´s smallest detail... form a registered association... and forgetting about what really is important: To have fun and meet new pirates on events.

Aye, there's the rub. Fun for me and my crew is doing it right, living the period, facing the challenges our forefathers faced and overcoming with period technology. Living in a rainstorm with only a canvas leanto and no gortex or nylon. Cooking on a fire, making do with period rations. Operating at night without flashlights. learning how the period cut of clothes changes your body dynamics.

yes, singing period songs around a campfire and having a jar of rum is fun. If we all stopped drinking tomorrow, it would be no big deal. Wouldn't miss it that much and wouldn't change my attitude to what we do at all.

Fun is many different things to many different people. Living and surviving without modern convenience and comfort is what I call fun.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.


Yes, the standards are low, far lower than they should be,

Doesn't change the fact that the governing documents of the Society are specific about pre 17th C. Bare chested highlanders may be ugly, but they are period- ish.



The small kilt isn't period, though.

Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


Fun, I think is still number one to remember now! B)

If you join a group, guild or society, yes I think it is important to be as close as you can for re-encactment sake. I have never been part of any groups just a observer and faire goer, so I never tried to follow the rules strictly. I do thank all the folks that do follow the rules, because those folks get the ideas going for those who embrace these faires and want to strive to increase their knowledge and their garb. It takes a long time to gather stuff up along the way sometimes to make your personna's garb complete.

The bellydancers are tribal which is new. I am going to see what would be period and get back to you all. (And Cabaret is really not faire period for sure - no sequins then) :lol:

Okay I found this quicky timeline...it mentions Ghawazee over and over...and also the reason why if I wear any belly dance items it is Ghawazee oriented. Some of the tribal groups also envelop the Ghawazee I believe as well, so they are not too far off...

Belly Dance timeline

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx



Tribal is almost worse, it only look better. :)

Belly dance as most people know it has only existed since right around 1900-1920's It is hollywood and the tourist industry in Epypt, Turkey and Morroco feeding off eachother to develop a style of dance and costuming.

American Tribal Style dance didn't exist until (I think) the late 1970's, so thats what I mean about worse. It doesn't represent any timeline or culture, but is a fusion of all of them with a general over all "ethnic feeling."

If a person wanted to accurately and within the rules portray somthing similar, you would need to choose some culture, then some region and even in some cases a particular village or family. Then research the hell out of it and be very true to what was found. Unfortunately there is little to no documentation of regional folk and social dances in the middle east. One exception is Gahawaze which were a well documented tribe/family in Egpyt. Which is of course why you find lots of references to them, they are one of the few out there.

More info is available on request. :)

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