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The Phone-a-Pirate Program

William Brand

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It's not fair... (sulks in a corner)... This programe is valid for US only... But I'd be happy if some of you added me to their Facebook! This is an easier overseas communication tool!

My name on Facebook is Marina Costa - one of my characters' names. http://www.facebook....=1352241117 Feel free to befriend me!

-A swashbuckling adventures RPG, set in 1720 in West Indies; winner of Distant Fantasies& RPG-D Member's Choice Award; RPG Conference's Originality Award; 2011 & 2012 Simming Prizes-

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  • 3 months later...
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Ha-ha! Mad Pete!

When he answers his phone he's quite lively and it was great talking to another, poor, land-locked slob like me. We talked about Estrella War, Pirate groups that just gather to argue with themselves, Fort de Chartres goodness, West Coast events, travel, week long camps, the Pub chat room and Post-PIP-Depression.



Red Cat Jenny

Dorian Lasseter

Black Syren

Red-Handed Jill


Jim Hawkins


Ol Man From the Sea


Captain P.E.W.

Callenish Gunner

Island Cutter

Haunting Lily

Edward O’ Keefe

Captain Callahan

Fayma Callahan

Captain Sterling

Jack Roberts

Stynky Tudor

Capt J

Michael Bagley

Mary Diamond






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  • 12 years later...

My list hasn't grown much over the years, but it includes a few new ones.




Red Cat Jenny

Dorian Lasseter

Black Syren

Red-Handed Jill


Jim Hawkins


Ol Man From the Sea


Captain P.E.W.

Callenish Gunner

Island Cutter

Haunting Lily

Edward O’ Keefe

Captain Callahan

Fayma Callahan

Captain Sterling

Jack Roberts

Stynky Tudor

Capt J

Michael Bagley

Mary Diamond



Brien McWilliams

Talderoy (via the shop answering machine)


More to come.






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On this 20th Anniversary of the Pub and its Reopening, I attempted to call Capt Jim, Capt John Sterling, and Iron Jon. But all I got was Voice mail. I left a message for each of them announcing the pub was back up. Obviously none of them recognize my number or they were otherwise "strung" up.




Aye... Plunder Awaits!

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I called "Kenneth" and he answered! I gave him the Pyracy pub opening Spiel and then we chatted briefly. He was excited about the pyracy pub. We talked about logging in to the pub and that he would have to get a login reset, but he can still read without logging in in the mean time. We also talked briefly about new events and getting ready for work.



Aye... Plunder Awaits!

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Just talked to "Aaron" of the Alliance of the DoubleCross. Not sure what his pub name was but he was excited and we talked about his upcoming retirement and the fact he would be able to do a lot more pyrate events. He also mentioned some possibility of a local gathering. He was prompting me to reopen SlopsByChaaps... all I can say is we'll see...


Aye... Plunder Awaits!

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Just called Tony Swatton, we chatted for a while and talked about his company, The Sword And The Stone. We also talked about a hand full of recent movies and shows he's been working on, as well as the Pirate vs Vikings vs Sparrow Warriors (Jack Sparrow Impersonators) vs Star Wars vs Star Trek dodge ball game events he organizes and puts on in Los Angeles. It was really good talking with him.

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Well, Stynky and I have been talking a fair bit recently. But the early morning wake up call from Mission certainly surprised me! We nattered on for over an hour about upcoming events, the Pub, Star Wars, pop tv, costuming, research… but as usual, he had me laughing most of the time. It was good…


Oooh, shiny!

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Well it's becoming apparent that folks didn't get the bulk email we sent out. I'm thinking it's the fault of an opt-out feature most of ticked when we registered.

I've started re-sending a personalized version of the bulk email to various users - mostly the old guard here on the Pub and others I've had the occasion to play pirates with.

So here's a list of folks I've contacted so far.

Dutchman & Grace
captweaver65 - bounced, dead email
Mad Woman Cheryl - reported for duty 🙂
Capt. Flint
blackjohn - got an email reply and  - reported for duty 🙂
Katey O'Tierney
Master Sully
Quicksilver - bounced, dead email
Gentleman of Fortune
Capt. "Mad Dog" Davies
Sealegs Constance
Dorian Lasseter
Cap'n Pete Straw
Iron Bess- got an email reply and  - reported for duty 🙂
Cap'n Slappy
Braze - for some reason he already knew 🙂
Scupper - got an email reply 🙂
"Broadside" Long
Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts
the Royalist - it's confirmed, Gary "the Royalist" has passed away.

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Here's a second wave list. . .

Captain Sage     
Capt Grey     
Perkeo - just got an email reply - should be reporting for duty🙂
El Pirata
Cracked Carrie     
Lady Seahawke     
Matty Bottles
Red Bess     
Fox - been made aware     
Tall Paul
Black Hearted Pearl     
crimson corsair
Gute Morgan     
kass - saw her logged in  - reported for duty 🙂
Diego Santana de la Vega     
Ol' Chumbucket - got an email reply, plans to visit over the week-end 🙂
Lady Alyx     
callenish gunner     
Iron Hand
Bilgemunky - contact Bilge thru LinkedIn and just got another email, should be reporting for duty soon🙂

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